Hi, everyone!

Sorry, Mr. H, I'm not able to see the video you provided here, so I don't know what to do, to thank or to ignore or to blame, about your video.
you seeJudy I'm here to welcome you :) Always great to see new people here at USMB

Enjoy the forums and thanks for stopping in!!
Hello! An American lady told me this forum site. I'm from Chinese mainland. I'm not a lesbian or belonging to any religious communities or a commy. I don't eat dog meat. Actually my creophagism only includes pork, beef, fish, chicken and duck ... My hobbies include reading, painting and running. I run 12000 meters every early morning, surely except when it rains. My political views are right of centre (my American friend said so). Thanks.


Do you like red capes with hoods?

They think you had a wonderful life living in a Communist dictatorship, better than anything they've experienced here in the USA.
There're always some people in each country aren't content with their own lives.

Correct. In the USA they're known as "Progressives"

Hi CrusaderFrank and seeJudy:
RE: progressives

What I learned from working with "grassroots progressives" is there is a split
and suppression in the liberal/Democrat Party -- where the politicians and agenda we see in the media are "commercialized" for political profit. the people within the party have long complained of being "sold out" for votes, where the candidates claim to solve problems but do not really do the work it takes. So the Democrat/liberal politicians have continuously bought out and abused the Black Vote, Green Vote (environmental issues), Pink Vote (anti-war and pro-women) and now the health care vote.

As long as the public blames the entire liberal/Democrat/progressives as a group, because of the corruption of the politicians claiming to represent them, these people stay poor and not represented. The sustainable effective reforms we wanted are not pushed, but replaced with campaigns that the politicians can use to fight and collect more money to beat the other side.

Recently I learned that the Republicans are also going through a split in their party; where some members want to focus on solving the problems, while others want to push media propaganda and rhetoric to get elected and pour all the money and resources into that.

So in both cases, with both parties, the people are not being represented, but demonized in the media to keep the parties divided and fighting each other, blamed as the cause.

In the end, the American public is losing and wasting resources fighting by party instead of investing in solutions. The saddest irony is that the most effective sustainable solutions would satisfy the goals of both parties, but they are too busy blaming the other and spreading negative propaganda, instead of investing in and advertising workable solutions.

The message I hope the public gets
is that we are not each other's enemies, but the fear dividing us is what is destroying our relations and ability to work together and invest in sustainable economic development.

We have such open access to "freedom of speech and of the press,"
I hope we use that to share and organize solutions instead of wasting resources fighting.
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Hello seeJudy...


Welcome to the USMB...:)
you seeJudy I'm here to welcome you :) Always great to see new people here at USMB

Enjoy the forums and thanks for stopping in!!

From now on, I think that new people should be forced to tell a FUNNEH joke -

What say ye, oh great slayer of cocoa puffs?
If you're really from China I'm the Wizard of Oz. You could never get on-line to a website like this if you were really in China.
Hello seeJudy. Interesting introduction and how good to have you join with USMB.

Thank you. Whenever I said I was from Chinese mainland, American always asked, "Are you a commy?" "Do you eat dogs?" "You're not a lesbian, are you?" "Are you a member of the Amish community?" etc. Therefore, I think it's better to answer all of your questions ab initio.

Some Americans can be quite crass....and you might run into a few of them here, too.... in fact, they call some of us commies....that's how crass they are...just ignore and enjoy the many things this Forum has to offer.

So, Welcome and:

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Hi CrusaderFrank and seeJudy:
RE: progressives

What I learned from working with "grassroots progressives" is there is a split
and suppression in the liberal/Democrat Party -- where the politicians and agenda we see in the media are "commercialized" for political profit. the people within the party have long complained of being "sold out" for votes, where the candidates claim to solve problems but do not really do the work it takes. So the Democrat/liberal politicians have continuously bought out and abused the Black Vote, Green Vote (environmental issues), Pink Vote (anti-war and pro-women) and now the health care vote.

As long as the public blames the entire liberal/Democrat/progressives as a group, because of the corruption of the politicians claiming to represent them, these people stay poor and not represented. The sustainable effective reforms we wanted are not pushed, but replaced with campaigns that the politicians can use to fight and collect more money to beat the other side.

Recently I learned that the Republicans are also going through a split in their party; where some members want to focus on solving the problems, while others want to push media propaganda and rhetoric to get elected and pour all the money and resources into that.

So in both cases, with both parties, the people are not being represented, but demonized in the media to keep the parties divided and fighting each other, blamed as the cause.

In the end, the American public is losing and wasting resources fighting by party instead of investing in solutions. The saddest irony is that the most effective sustainable solutions would satisfy the goals of both parties, but they are too busy blaming the other and spreading negative propaganda, instead of investing in and advertising workable solutions.

The message I hope the public gets
is that we are not each other's enemies, but the fear dividing us is what is destroying our relations and ability to work together and invest in sustainable economic development.

We have such open access to "freedom of speech and of the press,"
I hope we use that to share and organize solutions instead of wasting resources fighting.
Your opinion has some points.

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