Hi from TN.


Apr 21, 2011

The name is Wolfsvain, I dont really label myself. My family is democrat, but really I just go with what seems to make sense for me.

I joined mostly because I want to see what other people think and discuss, etc. I have my own views, but still learning most of the basics of politics. Figured Id get some good stuff from people who have different views, same views, etc.
what part of the great state of tn? your family are democrats? you are more advanced than the average Tennessean...i am in western nc...near boone...

what part of the great state of tn? your family are democrats? you are more advanced than the average Tennessean...i am in western nc...near boone...


Well, if I told you, you probably wouldnt know, unless you live near here. So Ill give you the city closest that most people know: Chattanooga.

I have family in NC, nice state, weird people. But a beautiful State. :) (Weird people as in, some of the extremes they go to be heard makes me pray to the Gods that my family is okay there. LOL.)

As a random side note: Not Christian either. Pagan, actually, and my family would have my head if they knew. :p Been one for 9 to 10 years.

o we do tend to be a rowdy bunch that is true....i was in Chattanooga in feb for a vacay...we had a blast ....never could find the nuclear towers we could see
I like this view.........

Chattanooga is awesome, I live in a city like 30 min. away. So I dont get to go there often. The nuclear towers are actually along the river. When I go boating with my uncle every year and the cousin, I get to see them. What sense it makes to have huge death towers so close to water, Ill never know. I just know, Im crazy and paranoid enough to have hazmat suits and such after the Japanese disaster. (Rest their souls.) Even if we dont get earthquakes, Im prepared!
Welcome. You sound reasonable and sincere. You haven't been co-opted by the dark side yet. Good.
TROLL SPRAY: Designed to Remove Trolls from Unwanted Threads.

Yes, I know you were trolling as soon as you asked about my name, really need a better way to do shit. Figured Id feed you, now Im done. *sprays.* :)
Welcome. You sound reasonable and sincere. You haven't been co-opted by the dark side yet. Good.

LOL. I figure by the time Im done with this message board, all my faith in Bill Hicks will have been ripped from me.

And really, on my name: I was like 10 when I made it. So. *shrugs* Its my email, been using it for a long ass time, so I sign up with it, its easy to remember. :)
Welcome. I'm currently in Little Rock. You might be able to see me from your porch if you've got binoculars.
Welcome. I'm currently in Little Rock. You might be able to see me from your porch if you've got binoculars.

I live in the right corner of the state. And Im surrounded by the Cherokee Forrest, doubt it. Though if I get at the top of the mountain, I can actually see NC, GA, AL. :p

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