Zone1 Greetings from Moscow

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It's conventional warfare by two standing armies, also known as...a war.
We both know, that Armies do not fight wars.
The States do.
And neither Russian Federation, nor Ukraine declared the war.
You don't sound well in the head.
It's just a linguistic barrier. Sorry, my English is not that good, and, looks like, your Russian is already degraded. Do you keep connections with Rodina? What was the last Russian book you'd read and what was the last Russian movie you'd watched?
Is the OP ever going to start posting .....or

is he going to stay here in the introduction forever?
Sorry. I'm not sure that there is really much left to discuss, and I very doubt that it is a proper way to make friends.

Right now I read "To kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, I'm watching Fallout series, and I think I'll post something about my impressions here:

Feel free to join further discussion.
We both know, that Armies do not fight wars.


All I can say is that I hope you don't operate heavy machinery.
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And neither Russian Federation, nor Ukraine declared the war.
Tanks shooting, rockets flying, armies fighting, people dying, buildings exploding, bombs and mortars droping...but wait! it's not a war because Putin told Zavulon here it's not what it obivously is.

a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.

Anything about declarations? No.

Is there Armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Yes there is.

Is there there a war? Yes of course there is.

Are you brainwashed to the hilt? Yes sir.
Are you brainwashed to the hilt? Yes sir.
You were born with an anti-Russian chip in your Bandera-made head so every conventionally raised decent Russian is your enemy by default. If you don't like someone one may be sure he's a good man.
It mostly depends on your definition of the term "nation". In very narrow, political meaning - may be. In any other, wider, meaning - no. The difference without difference is not a difference. As well as Texans and Californians are Americans and Canada is America in any sense but very narrow political. While Canadian Government is not trying to discriminate English speakers and/or join Shanghai Pact - it can be independent. If they try to do so - there will be a war. And Canada-American war, as well as the war between Russia and Ukraine will be, in any practical meaning, a civil war. It's not like to send your Army into a really foreign land.
Yeah, the very concept of a nation is quite vague. What should main features of a nation be? Common language, ethnicity, religion, territory, statehood, historical background? There is not a common conception. Some nations don't have a state; some nations are comprised of different ethnicities, religions etc. Besides, how many is enough to become a 'nation'? 1000 or 10000 or 10 people? No one knows.
You were born with an anti-Russian chip in your Bandera-made head so every conventionally raised decent Russian is your enemy by default. If you don't like someone one may be sure he's a good man.

It's mindboggling how little you understand and how petty and primitive your thinking is.

I was born in Russia. I don't have anything anti-Russian.

What I have is a brain and an anti-fascist, anti-totalitarian, pro-democratic views that are directly contrary to where corrupt, repressive, imperialistic, and ultimately ruinous Putin's regime has taken Russia.

Conclusively losing this agressive war of choice will go a very long way to ending Putinist regime and getting Russia back on track to be a free, prosperous, growing, stable and peaceful nation, as it did for Germany.

People who want a bright future for Russia root for Ukrane's success in this conflict, success in it's strive towards democracy and EU integration.
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I was born in Russia.
So? You can excuse ESay and Uks in general for not loving Russia, for they were told that Russia was the only reason they didn't have €10000 a month pensions and couldn't afford hot chocolate in Vienna State Opera. You on the other hand could drink coffee whenever the hell you wanted but hated Russia anyway cause you're a Hohol in its nastiest form with Bandera roots in your family tree. You didn't need to be brainwashed, your brain was wired to hate Russians while still in your mother's womb.
So? You can excuse ESay and Uks in general for not loving Russia, for they were told that Russia was the only reason they didn't have €10000 a month pensions and couldn't afford hot chocolate in Vienna State Opera. You on the other hand could drink coffee whenever the hell you wanted but hated Russia anyway cause you're a Hohol in its nastiest form with Bandera roots in your family tree. You didn't need to be brainwashed, your brain was wired to hate Russians while still in your mother's womb.
This peace of nonsense clearly shows how hollow and dumb you Russians are.
So? You can excuse ESay and Uks in general for not loving Russia, for they were told that Russia was the only reason they didn't have €10000 a month pensions and couldn't afford hot chocolate in Vienna State Opera. You on the other hand could drink coffee whenever the hell you wanted but hated Russia anyway cause you're a Hohol in its nastiest form with Bandera roots in your family tree. You didn't need to be brainwashed, your brain was wired to hate Russians while still in your mother's womb.

How about you stop posting bullshit and ACTUALLY READ AND RESPOND to what I'm trying to get through to you?

I told you, I am myself a Russian and want a bright future for Russia, where the hell do you get that I hate Russians?

Is your mind so weak that you can't even imagine that someone could hate Russian autocratic regime that is destroying Russia, without hating Russians? Can't even imagine that Russia is not Putin's ass?
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How about you stop posting bullshit and ACTUALLY READ AND RESPOND to what I'm trying to get through to you?

I told you, that I'm myself Russian and want a bright future for Russia, where the hell do you get that I hate Russians? Is your mind so weak that you can't even imagine that someone could hate Russian autocratic regime without hating Russians?
Who did you vote for? I forgot. Biden, was it?
So, where are you going to tell your mother to send letters to when ТЦК fellas finally catch you too? Prison camp as usual?
What I said? Dumb and hollow? Right. Shurik, I already have a 'voennik' and VUS written in it.
What I said? Dumb and hollow? Right. Shurik, I already have a 'voennik' and VUS written in it.
Okay, my bad. Buttt, I saw a guy with the down syndrome there on the front line, do you believe they'll spare you when push comes to shove?
What I have is a brain and an anti-fascist, anti-totalitarian, pro-democratic views that are directly contrary to where corrupt, repressive, imperialistic, and ultimately ruinous Putin's regime has taken Russia.
These words have been so hollowed out that when a democrat utters any one of them they excite nothing but desire to spit him in his face. When you bastards are preaching of lives lost in this "unprovoked" war and never mentioning the lost lives, which lead to this war, how can I take seriously your claims that you like peace, nothing but the peace and wish every living creature happiness ever after? When you're badmouthing Putin for horrors he allegedly inflicted by his "totalitarian" rule on Russia where I live and see nothing of the kind but see democratic America turned to shit by woke assholes aka Democrats, again, how can I take you seriously? You are the bullshitters to me, not the other way around.
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