Hi! I'm a Russian Occupant


Feb 4, 2015
Hi everybody. I was born in Kharkiv (Ukraine, USSR), I'm ukrainian citizen and I still live in Kharkiv. And of course ethnically I'm Russian. My parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors were Russian. Frankly, here in Kharkiv about 80% of population is Russian. Yes, we speak Russian, think Russian, the majority of us has relatives and work in Russia and we are proud to be Russian. Today I’ve found this (of course propaganda) video about Russia and Russian ideology and you know I’m completely agree with it. I don’t want you to agree with me, no, but I want you to understand why they act the way they do.
In my childhood Kharkiv was one of the wealthiest cities in USSR. There were a lot of universities, factories and farms erected by (let’s be honest) Russian scientists and engineers. Now the unemployment rate in Kharkiv and in Ukraine is high as never and our plutocracy government don’t want to create new workplaces it wants us to die in Donetsk and Luhansk fighting against our brothers. This government don’t need peace in Ukraine.
And yes, me, my parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors are/were occupants. You can like it or not. We built this city and we will occupy it to the bitter end.
Thanks, your Russian occupant.

English Subtitles are available
and yes I'm sorry for my English, guys.
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Hi everybody. I was born in Kharkiv (Ukraine, USSR), I'm ukrainian citizen and I still live in Kharkiv. And of course ethnically I'm Russian. My parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors were Russian. Frankly, here in Kharkiv about 80% of population is Russian. Yes, we speak Russian, think Russian, the majority of us has relatives and work in Russia and we are proud to be Russian. Today I’ve found this (of course propaganda) video about Russia and Russian ideology and you know I’m completely agree with it. I don’t want you to agree with me, no, but I want you to understand why they act the way they do.
In my childhood Kharkiv was one of the wealthiest cities in USSR. There were a lot of universities, factories and farms erected by (let’s be honest) Russian scientists and engineers. Now the unemployment rate in Kharkiv and in Ukraine is high as never and our plutocracy government don’t want to create new workplaces it wants us to die in Donetsk and Luhansk fighting against our brothers. This government don’t need peace in Ukraine.
And yes, me, my parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors are/were occupants. You can like it or not. We built this city and we will occupy it to the bitter end.
Thanks, your Russian occupant.

English Subtitles are available
and yes I'm sorry for my English, guys.

Fuckin' NATO and the West need to mind their own business.
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ukraine is Russian.

Independent Ukraine a ploy of Reds to get more UN votes during the Cold War.

With Obama in the White House, Putin could move to the Vistula or Oder and not shit could be done about it short of a nuclear exchange.
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ten million Russian died in Ukraine fighting Nazis.

Their blood in the soil makes it Russian.
Not to worry when the IMF finishes with Kiev the Coupists will be lamp ornaments.and novi Russia will be part of the Russian Federation
I understand. I know Ukranians. There is one that posts here. Ukraine is Russia. I wish you well.
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ten million Russian died in Ukraine fighting Nazis.

Their blood in the soil makes it Russian.
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ten million Russian died in Ukraine fighting Nazis.

Their blood in the soil makes it Russian.

Actually the other name for the Western Ukraine is Polish Galatia, A Slavic-German frontier named after the Celts just like Spanish Galatia. East Ireland with a German-Polish twist.
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ukraine is Russian.

Independent Ukraine a ploy of Reds to get more UN votes during the Cold War.

With Obama in the White House, Putin could move to the Vistula or Oder and not shit could be done about it short of a nuclear exchange.

So all these people are dying over pretend borders, really?
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ukraine is Russian.

Independent Ukraine a ploy of Reds to get more UN votes during the Cold War.

With Obama in the White House, Putin could move to the Vistula or Oder and not shit could be done about it short of a nuclear exchange.

So all these people are dying over pretend borders, really?
The solution is simple, governments agreed to the international borders, you are Ukraine, if you want to be Russian, pick up and move your ass across the border. Problem solved.
Ukraine is Russian.

Independent Ukraine a ploy of Reds to get more UN votes during the Cold War.

With Obama in the White House, Putin could move to the Vistula or Oder and not shit could be done about it short of a nuclear exchange.

So all these people are dying over pretend borders, really?

What ever.
East Ireland exists because the Poles wouldn't take it back on a bet. These are the people who created the Polack joke inadvertently. Russia is an army in search of national borders but the West Ukrainians have a minimum wage slightly lower than that of Ghana. So, I warned Kwasi my friend from Chana not to mention that as he would be damning his home country with very faint praise.
Hi everybody. I was born in Kharkiv (Ukraine, USSR), I'm ukrainian citizen and I still live in Kharkiv. And of course ethnically I'm Russian. My parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors were Russian. Frankly, here in Kharkiv about 80% of population is Russian. Yes, we speak Russian, think Russian, the majority of us has relatives and work in Russia and we are proud to be Russian. Today I’ve found this (of course propaganda) video about Russia and Russian ideology and you know I’m completely agree with it. I don’t want you to agree with me, no, but I want you to understand why they act the way they do.
In my childhood Kharkiv was one of the wealthiest cities in USSR. There were a lot of universities, factories and farms erected by (let’s be honest) Russian scientists and engineers. Now the unemployment rate in Kharkiv and in Ukraine is high as never and our plutocracy government don’t want to create new workplaces it wants us to die in Donetsk and Luhansk fighting against our brothers. This government don’t need peace in Ukraine.
And yes, me, my parents, my grandparents and all my ancestors are/were occupants. You can like it or not. We built this city and we will occupy it to the bitter end.
Thanks, your Russian occupant.

English Subtitles are available
and yes I'm sorry for my English, guys.

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