Hi Y'all


Feb 11, 2012
Used to be on here but I forget my user name, never mind my password. Good to see all of you. I love political debate and I love learning new things and hearing other points of view. I too am an AOL refugee. I hope to meet you all and get to know you.
I'm conservative in many things but I am also a social liberal. In most things I am Independent and that isn't just a political stance, it's a way of life.:clap2:
Let the games begin.
Good to be here
It was CandySlice but I can't remember my password. Would much rather use my old name than this new one. I had a few neat points on the other one.
Used to be on here but I forget my user name, never mind my password. Good to see all of you. I love political debate and I love learning new things and hearing other points of view. I too am an AOL refugee. I hope to meet you all and get to know you.
I'm conservative in many things but I am also a social liberal. In most things I am Independent and that isn't just a political stance, it's a way of life.:clap2:
Let the games begin.
Good to be here

Hello dgirl,

Hi dear,

Welcome and good to see ya and stay awile this time. All is well here and debating away and of course arguing politics. Its all good.


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