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Welcome back.....I used to be Angelo.....
I could acknowledge who I was, but that would make the whole “fresh start” thing a whole lot less likely. Plus, it used to be a kind of game to guess who the returned former member was. (Note: I had not been banned. I quit. But if certain liberals here knew my secret identity, the reception would be a bit rude.) To me.

And I’m so sensitive.
Welcome back.... I used to be Alan Stallion. But now I go by Alan Stallion (looks the same, but it's pronounced "Throatwarbler Mangrove")
So many petty rejoinders jump to mind. But I think you might be worth a shot at redemption. Tell me if I’m wrong.
Hello BackAgain! Sometimes a refreshing break does exactly that, rejuvenation of all senses after experiencing many rounds of political combat! Did you ever make the mistake of subjecting yourself to political chat madness? Those wacked rooms make this board seem like the sanest place ever to dispute against all known and possible enemies of the state! lol Funny thing about relativity;)

Anyway, glad you are the flexible type of poster just by giving the board a second chance. Inflexible posters never change their minds about anything, even when new info confirms they’re wrong. These few posters attempt to drag everyone else down to their fixed mindset level. Not happening, as there are more flexible-minded posters than not on USMB. May healthy mindsets override all chromium-like mindsets.
Howdy. I’m currently trapped in a deep blue state. But with recent retirement comes the prospect of freedom. Will be heading south soon I hope. My conservative voting pattern wasted in BlueLand may help down South.
(“Howdy” sounds kinda country or maybe mid western.)

:hello77:and welcome BackAgain!

My dreams are the same as yours. Back to RED! Now, if my s/o would just agree. He feels the same way as you and me but wants to "wait a while" before relocating to a red state. I guess he wants to see if Antifa is coming to the coast next to burn it down and loot it when they are finished, if ever, with Portland! We are each native to red states.
That would be telling. Lol. Nah. I wish to be a bit more incognito for a while at least.

okey dokey. i get that. can you at least confess whether if it was b4 or after i found this little corner of the interwebs? (aug 15, 2015 )
Well you seem pretty friendly whoever you are so far. :)
I have a history of getting caustic. Perhaps too quickly. I can’t promise I won’t wear my asshat again from time to time. But I can try.

being older doesn’t necessarily mean wiser much less more mature.
okey dokey. i get that. can you at least confess whether if it was b4 or after i found this little corner of the interwebs? (aug 15, 2015 )
I am a long ago member. I was here before 2015. For several years. It may have been thereabouts or a bit later that I quit.
I used to post here. I eventually quit. Too contentious. I mean me. I rose to the bait too often. Got too snarky and petty. I would prefer to start fresh. I am a conservative. I’m no spring chicken either. Hi to one and all. Looking for threads that I am interested in. Politics. Government. Political philosophy. Law. Justice.
Welcome back, Back Again. ♡♡♡
I used to post here. I eventually quit. Too contentious. I mean me. I rose to the bait too often. Got too snarky and petty. I would prefer to start fresh. I am a conservative. I’m no spring chicken either. Hi to one and all. Looking for threads that I am interested in. Politics. Government. Political philosophy. Law. Justice.
Is that you, Jake?
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