Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya

THIS ENTIRE thread is filled with NUMEROUS LIBERAL LIARS blaming the video.. LOL-- Quoting their messiah

I am not a Liberal, but I don't understand why people continue to post things that are simply not true, Liberal or Conservative? Why continue to divide the country by conflagration of fact with fiction? And, why continue to divide the country predicated on a false presupposition about the word Terrorist?

Whether the word "terrorist" was used or not is entirely moot. It was a red herring game that President Obama, should never have allowed himself to get wrapped up into from the word go. He made the mistake of allowing himself to get wrapped up into "terror games" while his political adversaries make the mistake of harping on that which has no real meaning in the large scheme of things.

This entire nation has been gripped in fear 911, and certain people are selling you fear like it was a commodity on the CME, or desperately needed electric utility running to your house. This false and extremely not well thought out notion that somehow the President (Left or Right) has to immediately vomit the words "Terrorist" at every single turn, even before anyone knows the facts, is embarrassingly foolish. We've become like Pavlov's Dogs and we interpret anything and everything through the lens of fear.

That is no way to lead a great nation like ours and it is no way to live a great life.

I support this President, but I am very upset at his inability to see through that ploy, when it was time to see through it.

If I were President, I would have stood in front of the camera and let the American People know that putting a label on the aggressors merely for the sake of doing so, is not how I lead. My responsibility is to get to the bottom of what happened, find out who killed Americans, bring them to justice using whatever means necessary to do so, and report back to you (The American People) that justice has either been done, or will be done. Right now, we have an internal investigation underway at the State Department and in Benghazi. I will most assuredly keep you up to date on our progress. When we learn anything we don't already know right now, the American People will here it directly from me. Good Night and God Bless America.

That would have been the end of it - point blank. Everybody else could wander into speculation-ville all they want.

The ONLY thing that matters is that Americans died. Terrorist, or not - that's really not important. What's important is that we bring Benghazi investigation being conducted by the Department of State at this moment to a final close and that the People simply be informed as to what happened and what the next steps will be to bring closure.

There is nothing else worth discussion involving Benghazi, especially not completely unfounded "Exclusive Breaking News" from Fox, or any of the million of wandering and dangerous rumors being circulated at present.
THIS ENTIRE thread is filled with NUMEROUS LIBERAL LIARS blaming the video.. LOL-- Quoting their messiah

I am not a Liberal, but I don't understand why people continue to post things that are This lens of fear.

That is no way to lead a great nation like ours and it is no way to live a great life.

I support this President, but I am very upset at his inability to see through that ploy, when it was time to see through it.

If I
That would have been the end of it - point blank. Everybody else could wander into speculation-ville all they want.

The .

There is nothing else worth discussion involving Benghazi, especially not completely unfounded "Exclusive Breaking News" from Fox, or any of the million of wandering and dangerous rumors being circulated at present.

You weren't even here NOOB when most of us spent day in and day out arguing about freedom of speech in regard to this filmmaker and every liberal not only didn't give a damn about his rights but demanded his arrest and some, even his death.. Worry about something you have some idea about.. I don['t give a shit that you think the investigation should be over.. LIBERAL.

I've got one of your threads bookmarked where you personally blamed the video and demanded the filmmaker be thrown in prison for LIFE.

You have ZERO credibility.

THIS ENTIRE thread is filled with NUMEROUS LIBERAL LIARS blaming the video.. LOL-- Quoting their messiah

I am not a Liberal, but I don't understand why people continue to post things that are simply not true, Liberal or Conservative? Why continue to divide the country by conflagration of fact with fiction? And, why continue to divide the country predicated on a false presupposition about the word Terrorist?

Whether the word "terrorist" was used or not is entirely moot. It was a red herring game that President Obama, should never have allowed himself to get wrapped up into from the word go. He made the mistake of allowing himself to get wrapped up into "terror games" while his political adversaries make the mistake of harping on that which has no real meaning in the large scheme of things.

This entire nation has been gripped in fear 911, and certain people are selling you fear like it was a commodity on the CME, or desperately needed electric utility running to your house. This false and extremely not well thought out notion that somehow the President (Left or Right) has to immediately vomit the words "Terrorist" at every single turn, even before anyone knows the facts, is embarrassingly foolish. We've become like Pavlov's Dogs and we interpret anything and everything through the lens of fear.

That is no way to lead a great nation like ours and it is no way to live a great life.

I support this President, but I am very upset at his inability to see through that ploy, when it was time to see through it.

If I were President, I would have stood in front of the camera and let the American People know that putting a label on the aggressors merely for the sake of doing so, is not how I lead. My responsibility is to get to the bottom of what happened, find out who killed Americans, bring them to justice using whatever means necessary to do so, and report back to you (The American People) that justice has either been done, or will be done. Right now, we have an internal investigation underway at the State Department and in Benghazi. I will most assuredly keep you up to date on our progress. When we learn anything we don't already know right now, the American People will here it directly from me. Good Night and God Bless America.

That would have been the end of it - point blank. Everybody else could wander into speculation-ville all they want.

The ONLY thing that matters is that Americans died. Terrorist, or not - that's really not important. What's important is that we bring Benghazi investigation being conducted by the Department of State at this moment to a final close and that the People simply be informed as to what happened and what the next steps will be to bring closure.

There is nothing else worth discussion involving Benghazi, especially not completely unfounded "Exclusive Breaking News" from Fox, or any of the million of wandering and dangerous rumors being circulated at present.

I am not so sure that this is not slightly backfiring on the right wingers. I listened to 2 1/2 hours of right wing radio today and the only thing the guy could talk about is how the polls are skewed and Benghazi. The right have latched on to this issue and it is going to be the albatross around their neck as they go down.
So Romney did not bring up the 'facts' because he was afraid of being attacked from the left? You realize that makes absolutely no sense. If the President was in such negligence would that be something Romney could use to show he would be a better president? Yet he took a pass. Sorry, just not buying it.
Buy it or don't being portrayed as someone trying to exploit a tragedy for political gain in a close election can cost you the election that was a risk Romney decided not to take in my view.

It is not that he would be seen inaccurately as trying to exploit tragedy for political gain. It is that it is exactly what it is. It is exactly what you are doing.
It is exactly what I am doing just what is it you think I'm doing other than answering a question you asked?
Buy it or don't being portrayed as someone trying to exploit a tragedy for political gain in a close election can cost you the election that was a risk Romney decided not to take in my view.

It is not that he would be seen inaccurately as trying to exploit tragedy for political gain. It is that it is exactly what it is. It is exactly what you are doing.
It is exactly what I am doing just what is it you think I'm doing other than answering a question you asked?

Oh good, I thought you were another one of those crazies that believe Benghazi is some sort of cover up/conspiracy.
By Hayes Brown

In the closing days of the election, Republicans are throwing everything they can think of at President Obama to rattle his position on national security. Though a CBS poll taken immediately after the final Presidential debate had 64 percent of undecided voters believing Obama would be better on national security than Mitt Romney, the right remains convinced that Libya will be Obama’s undoing.

Despite former Bush administration Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice imploring that attacks be held off until an investigation is complete, more partisan Republicans refuse to heed her advice.

As varying and disparate as they are, these right-wing claims all focus more on attacking the Obama administration than any desire to seek the truth on Benghazi. For the last month and a half, after Ambassador Susan Rice’s Sept. 16 appearance on several news shows, the right has taken every opportunity to try to politicize the attacks. So far all of their attempts and claims have gone down in flames.

In comparison, the State Department’s investigation is set to be completed in the coming weeks, which will lay out in full any security failures. Likewise, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will be convening hearings after the election to determine what intelligence failures actually happened on Sept. 11.

More: Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya | ThinkProgress
What's funny and what these radicals of the Right don't realize is, that the more of a stink they make of it, the more everyone sees it for what it is, a partisan witch-hunt to destroy a man whose guts they hate from the liver to the bliver.
It is not that he would be seen inaccurately as trying to exploit tragedy for political gain. It is that it is exactly what it is. It is exactly what you are doing.
It is exactly what I am doing just what is it you think I'm doing other than answering a question you asked?

Oh good, I thought you were another one of those crazies that believe Benghazi is some sort of cover up/conspiracy.

Do I think the Obama administration dropped the ball in regards to the level of security needed in Benghazi and the threat there yes do I think they want to avoid talking about or dealing with this till after the election yes. Do I consider this a cover up or conspiracy no I consider it election year politics.
GOOD!!!! About time Obama got pay back. Small comfort to the families of those who died in Libya.
No one cares but NaziCons. Normal folks are waiting for the facts and final investigative reports.
If Obama supporters are tired of the accusations towards Obama about Benghazi, there is a fast way to stop them. He can come out and tell people what happened. Was he in the situation room or did he delegate the disaster?

Yeah, because that will quiet the whackos...

Just like releasing his long form birth certificate made the Birthers go away...

Um...no, wait.
Facts and truth mean nothing to NaziCons. They just want the tan man out of the White House.
It is exactly what I am doing just what is it you think I'm doing other than answering a question you asked?

Oh good, I thought you were another one of those crazies that believe Benghazi is some sort of cover up/conspiracy.

Do I think the Obama administration dropped the ball in regards to the level of security needed in Benghazi and the threat there yes do I think they want to avoid talking about or dealing with this till after the election yes. Do I consider this a cover up or conspiracy no I consider it election year politics.

Why should we wait until after the election. Wouldn't Allred have used the information she was seeking to bludgeon Romney. All is far in Love, War and especially Politics. The simple fact that the death of these four men was Directly attributal to Obama's cold indifference and incompetence, or at most an admission that Obama was involved with weapons to the terrorists.
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You weren't even here NOOB when most of us spent day in and day out arguing about freedom of speech in regard to this filmmaker and every liberal not only didn't give a damn about his rights but demanded his arrest and some, even his death.. Worry about something you have some idea about.. I don['t give a shit that you think the investigation should be over.. LIBERAL.

Ms. LadyGunSlinger,

If you are going to ever address me again, you will do it appropriately by addressing me using the designated UID that you see above, or you are not going to do it at all while expecting a civilized response from me in the future at the same time. I hope you can appreciate that point.

Point number #2: Whether I was here yesterday, or last year, the fact that some people want to force the word "terror" down everyone's throat, merely because they've been duped into believing that there is a terrorist lurking around each and every corner, has absolutely nothing rational to do with Benghazi, whatsoever. Nor, does it make the United States of America any more safe or sound a place to live. In fact, the blow-back you just might receive in running around labeling everything a "terrorist attack," just might be the kind of blow-back that you are hopelessly ill-prepared to deal with and on a level that I guarantee you have not yet begun to think about.

Point number #3: The Administration told you what it knew, when it knew it and to the degree that it knew it and at the time that it knew it. Common sense, should tell anyone, even those that have never worked in mission critical levels of government before, that an entire Administration is not composed of a singular individual and that many people comprise an Administration, who work in different parts of the Administration and who often times are physically located in different parts of the world.

Point number #4: Common sense, should tell anyone that neither SecState Rice, PS Carney, SecDef Panetta, CJSC Dempsey or CINC Obama, are robots and will not step in front of a camera with precisely the exact same words and/or phrases that describe what they knew and when they knew it, about Benghazi.

Point number #5: Common sense, should tell most anyone that given the logistical differentials between each higher ranking member of the Administration, tasked with the responsibility of handling the public communications side of any crisis, and given all the inbound information coming into the Administration simultaneously about an extremely fluid tactical situation almost halfway around the world, that each individual might be receiving information from different sources in different places simultaneously, that would provide the one receiving said information with slightly more or less information than anyone else in the loop, just before their Press Conference is expected to be delivered to the American People. By definition that means that the absolute granular detail of statements made by any one individual within the Administration as such close proximity to the actual events, could very easily be anything from being absolutely congruent, to flat out perpendicular to what somebody else in the Administration might have said just a few minutes, or a couple of hours prior (or, subsequent - depending on the arrival time of new information).

Now, this is how the real world work, Ms. LadyGunSlinger. The reports have always been that the CIA was even providing Administration Officials with conflicting information after the attacks. The local Media (not the U.S. media near your hometown) in Benghazi, was reporting conflicting information. Eye witnesses were reporting conflicting information. Such information had to be filtered as best as humanly possible before being delivered to your ears and your eyes through your flat screen television.

CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBC nor NBC, had neither a Studio, nor an Affiliate anywhere near the action when things broke out. So, who can you get reliable information from in a country nearly halfway around the world in a situation like that. You get it from the people on the ground, closest to the action.

Point number #6: There were eye witnesses who said that 150 armed men wearing beards and sporting Radical Islamic "colors," came in an cowed-up nearly 20 younger people and caused them to chant about the Video. So, any other eyewitnesses on the ground, could have easily interpreted that to be similar to the attack on the Egyptian Embassy, where the Video was part of the causation.

Point number #7: During the time of the actual attacks, personnel from the Benghazi compound had previously been reporting to the Administration that in fact the Video had been the causation for local and regional fallout. So, when everything starts to hit the fan at 2130 hrs local time in Benghazi, just outside the compound, it makes perfectly good sense that the initial belief would be that the Video and the fallout therein, had something to do with it. If I were stationed in that compound providing Security as a DSS Special Agent, after witnessing everything that happened in Egypt, Tripoli and throughout the entire region after the Egyptian Government decided to hype a video that had already been out there for two (2) weeks prior, I would have also been under the impression that the initial attack on my position was predicated at least in part, on the Video.

So, sitting here and pretending as if there was no justification for considering the "Video" as the initial probable cause for the attacks in Benghazi, simply flirts with irrational thought and a total lack of logical deduction.

As time progressed and they learned more than they knew previously, the causation became clearer for them and they began to coalesce around a more stable theory of events. Even so, the matter is still under investigation (like it or not) and the causation is subject to change. Not because Fox News got it right - but because Fox News, has single handily confused half the entire country and flooded their absolute hate for this President, with more fuel than was dumped inside the Benghazi Compound by the attackers.

When we stop playing games with this issue - the facts start to get a bit clearer.
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Wehrwolfen, your extreme wingnuttery leaves you with zero credibility.

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