High Noon: Governors and Mayors vs Sheriffs and We the People

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
High Noon: Governors and Mayors vs Sheriffs and We the People

Money shot!

Most of the country has already heard the story of Shelly Luther who owns a beauty salon in Dallas, TX. She reopened her business because her employees were going without food just to feed their children. Another Hussein Obama appointed Democrat judge jailed her. The Texas Supreme Court ordered her released. Our governor then modified his earlier order…

Most field hospitals in $660 million project treated ZERO coronavirus patients: “But most are being dismantled without seeing a single patient.One at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver provided 2,000 beds at a cost of more than $34 million. It saw zero patients.” The spin: We quarantined! No, it was those COMPLETELY WRONG models that were used.

Fauci’s Follies: US Coronavirus Field Hospitals Shut Down — Most Without Treating a Single Patient — Because Garbage Models Used by US ‘Experts’

Tony Fauci and the Trojan horse of tyranny — W. Scott Magill, M.D., sees a ‘brilliantly engineered coordinated campaign’ against U.S. — He really nails it.

“Is there any reason America, the last great hope for humanity, should fall to a virus with a 99.6% survival rate, even if it’s being manipulated by a well-orchestrated and executed malevolent plan by those with nefarious intentions? America will only fall if Americans continue to nurture their fear and refuse to stand against this stealthy malignancy eating away at the very core of freedom and liberty.”

Title is link ... ...long... lots of good stuff lots o links at source
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