High School votes to have communist themed prom

Why shut it down, it is not dead serious.
Communism is/was worse than Nazism in the number of people it killed and lives it ruined. Its not something funny...its disgusting and should be taken seriously.
Them thar Stormfront hillbillies sure do hate kids with a sense of humor, don't they?
Sounds like they are doing it as a joke, kids are like that. Their teachers will probably be offended though.
I think this would be a great way to teach them about communism...if they were interested in teaching real communism to these kids...

Think about it....

There would be little to no food served...since communism can't produce food effectively...

Their dresses would all be drab, colorless crap.....the girls would love that....

No beauty products......communism can't produce toilet paper....

No toilet paper in the bathrooms...see how they like that....

Turn off the plumbing....

Force them all to walk to the prom......since communism can't produce cars for mass consumption...

It would be a great lesson...if they really did it....
I know....lets have a KKK prom....I mean its not serious or anything........
Or a Nazi one! Or a Slavery themed one! Man the ideas we could come up with! How the hell does communism fit in with a Prom? Hm lets see...anyone?
Them thar Stormfront hillbillies sure do hate kids with a sense of humor, don't they?
Only a fucking retard would find humor in a communist themed prom..take the anti white bullshit somewhere else asshole.
Sounds like they are doing it as a joke, kids are like that. Their teachers will probably be offended though.
More than one student is offended already.
I think this would be a great way to teach them about communism...if they were interested in teaching real communism to these kids...

Think about it....

There would be little to no food served...since communism can't produce food effectively...

Their dresses would all be drab, colorless crap.....the girls would love that....

No beauty products......communism can't produce toilet paper....

No toilet paper in the bathrooms...see how they like that....

Turn off the plumbing....

Force them all to walk to the prom......since communism can't produce cars for mass consumption...

It would be a great lesson...if they really did it....
I think this would be a great way to teach them about communism...if they were interested in teaching real communism to these kids...

Think about it....

There would be little to no food served...since communism can't produce food effectively...

Their dresses would all be drab, colorless crap.....the girls would love that....

No beauty products......communism can't produce toilet paper....

No toilet paper in the bathrooms...see how they like that....

Turn off the plumbing....

Force them all to walk to the prom......since communism can't produce cars for mass consumption...

It would be a great lesson...if they really did it....
The heating was shoddy too in most soviet era apartments, so no heating either.
I think this would be a great way to teach them about communism...if they were interested in teaching real communism to these kids...

Think about it....

There would be little to no food served...since communism can't produce food effectively...

Their dresses would all be drab, colorless crap.....the girls would love that....

No beauty products......communism can't produce toilet paper....

No toilet paper in the bathrooms...see how they like that....

Turn off the plumbing....

Force them all to walk to the prom......since communism can't produce cars for mass consumption...

It would be a great lesson...if they really did it....

I proposed a social studies project once.

The class would do two gardens.

One group would deliberately let it go to weed and ruin, while the other group worked it hard.

At harvest time, the ones with weeds would just steal the vegetables from the group that worked.

That would have taught the kid about socialism, but, being in a free lunch school, the principals shit all over herself and said I could not do it.
I think this would be a great way to teach them about communism...if they were interested in teaching real communism to these kids...

Think about it....

There would be little to no food served...since communism can't produce food effectively...

Their dresses would all be drab, colorless crap.....the girls would love that....

No beauty products......communism can't produce toilet paper....

No toilet paper in the bathrooms...see how they like that....

Turn off the plumbing....

Force them all to walk to the prom......since communism can't produce cars for mass consumption...

It would be a great lesson...if they really did it....

I proposed a social studies project once.

The class would do two gardens.

One group would deliberately let it go to weed and ruin, while the other group worked it hard.

At harvest time, the ones with weeds would just steal the vegetables from the group that worked.

That would have taught the kid about socialism, but, being in a free lunch school, the principals shit all over herself and said I could not do it.
Bullshit. Socialism is everyone working together to make the garden a good source of food for everyone and everyone sharing in the food equally.. Capitalism would be 1 boss getting his share of the garden and leaving the scraps for the workers who tended the garden. Communism isn't much different except everyone would tend the garden and in the end a group of the workers would say well we deserve more than you. Socialism is the BEST WAY!
The OP is an example of how ridiculous the authoritarianism common to most on the right actually is.
I think this would be a great way to teach them about communism...if they were interested in teaching real communism to these kids...

Think about it....

There would be little to no food served...since communism can't produce food effectively...

Their dresses would all be drab, colorless crap.....the girls would love that....

No beauty products......communism can't produce toilet paper....

No toilet paper in the bathrooms...see how they like that....

Turn off the plumbing....

Force them all to walk to the prom......since communism can't produce cars for mass consumption...

It would be a great lesson...if they really did it....

I proposed a social studies project once.

The class would do two gardens.

One group would deliberately let it go to weed and ruin, while the other group worked it hard.

At harvest time, the ones with weeds would just steal the vegetables from the group that worked.

That would have taught the kid about socialism, but, being in a free lunch school, the principals shit all over herself and said I could not do it.
Bullshit. Socialism is everyone working together to make the garden a good source of food for everyone and everyone sharing in the food equally.. Capitalism would be 1 boss getting his share of the garden and leaving the scraps for the workers who tended the garden. Communism isn't much different except everyone would tend the garden and in the end a group of the workers would say well we deserve more than you. Socialism is the BEST WAY!

Sorry...socialism doesn't work that way and Capitalism definitely doesn't work that way......that is why in less than 250 years, free market America out paced the entire world in everything.......

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