High School

What were you in high school?

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Hey, take it easy. Y-you're not going to kill me, are you? ..............
I was definitely considered a bad boy although the hype was far more than the reality. :lol: I got good grades, played middle linebacker for a couple years until my schedule became so busy I had to stop playing (and I was simply too small to play the position in my junior and senior years), I rarely got into trouble, but the thing was I was a singer in a rock band and I was acutely aware of our image and the need to craft it through a stage persona and a pretty elaborate stage show for a band at that level of development. So I certainly portrayed myself as something one would expect a "rock star" to be....and frankly it worked. :lol: In Idaho, western Montana, and eastern Oregon and Washington we were probably as close to "rock star" status as you could get without actually being a "rock star" :lol: And we took full advantage of it, let me tell you. Spent a shit ton of money on light shows and flash pods (stage explosions), drank rivers of booze, and took many liberties with the female portion of our fan base. It's a minor miracle I never got the clap. :lmao:

But anyhow, behind the scenes I studied various subjects of academic interest intently and was a far different person than my image suggested. Sure was fun though. ;)

I wonder if I should have found a way to include band/choir/orchestra - OR was that part of Nerd/Geek?
I was in choir, and I voted brainiac/nerd/geek. Works for me.

Choir, Madrigal Choir, Beta Club, Science Club. Pulled a C in Chemistry, but only because I was interested in the Biology of the girl I sat in front of. Sorry, Mr. Smith -- she was far more interesting. :tongue:

Some time later, I married her. We hit the 21-year mark next Friday. :)
I was definitely considered a bad boy although the hype was far more than the reality. :lol: I got good grades, played middle linebacker for a couple years until my schedule became so busy I had to stop playing (and I was simply too small to play the position in my junior and senior years), I rarely got into trouble, but the thing was I was a singer in a rock band and I was acutely aware of our image and the need to craft it through a stage persona and a pretty elaborate stage show for a band at that level of development. So I certainly portrayed myself as something one would expect a "rock star" to be....and frankly it worked. :lol: In Idaho, western Montana, and eastern Oregon and Washington we were probably as close to "rock star" status as you could get without actually being a "rock star" :lol: And we took full advantage of it, let me tell you. Spent a shit ton of money on light shows and flash pods (stage explosions), drank rivers of booze, and took many liberties with the female portion of our fan base. It's a minor miracle I never got the clap. :lmao:

But anyhow, behind the scenes I studied various subjects of academic interest intently and was a far different person than my image suggested. Sure was fun though. ;)

I wonder if I should have found a way to include band/choir/orchestra - OR was that part of Nerd/Geek?
I was in choir, and I voted brainiac/nerd/geek. Works for me.

Choir, Madrigal Choir, Beta Club, Science Club. Pulled a C in Chemistry, but only because I was interested in the Biology of the girl I sat in front of. Sorry, Mr. Smith -- she was far more interesting. :tongue:

Some time later, I married her. We hit the 21-year mark next Friday. :)


And what voice range are/were you? Any solos?
Imagine Klebold and/or Harris in a skirt.

I was a loner who was nasty to students and teachers alike. I adored getting into fights and kicking ass all over the school. Even the bigger boys stayed away from me. Once I smashed a girl in the face with a text book because I didn't like the way she said hello. I told a teacher that it was the law that I had to go to school, but there was no law that I had to listen to her.

I was the nightmare. But I did pass all the tests give at the end of the year to pass onto the next grade.
I was cool with every group... I cant say I liked the jocks much (although I wanted to play on the hockey team) but there were a few cool jocks I got along with..

I just didn't like the kids that were mean to other kids for no reason.

I suppose I gained a fast reputation for not taking any shit.

I moved to a new town (a town over) my freshman year, and everyone at my old school knew that I would fight regardless of the outcome if someone fucked with me I'd fight them - I had that reputation. Well, first period on my first day at my new school a couple kids decided to fuck with the "new kid" well I beat the ever loving shit out of this kid. Then this kid decided he wanted a rematch with me a few days later - I was like "fine" we did it again after school, I kicked his as and his buddies asses and anyone else who wanted to challenge me....

After that no one really fucked with me, and I really didn't fuck with anyone else - unless they had it coming to them.....

I just tried to be cool with everyone.... So I was kinda a "floater." Every group excepted me... One day I may have been hanging out with the goths or stoners skateboarding and the next I may have been hanging out with a preppy chick at the public library reading....

I didn't even have a specific lunch table..... I would eat lunch with whomever I was talking with before lunch....

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