Hilarious. Dems once again pwned by Trump. The latest kerfuffle comes to naught...

"...the author of "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," included a note at the start that casts significant doubt on the reliability of the specifics contained in the rest of its pages.

"Several of his sources, he says, were definitely lying to him, while some offered accounts that flatly contradicted those of others.

"But some were nonetheless included in the vivid account of the West Wing's workings, in a process Wolff describes as "allowing the reader to judge" whether the sources' claims are true."

Tomorrow (or maybe today) there will be a press statement from Bannon saying he's been misquoted or lied about, that he and Trump are best buddies, that he would never in a million years say those shitty things about the Trumps..

And Trump will magnaminously say "Eh the press, wadda bunch of lying scumbags...Bannon says it didn't happen, I'm good with that..."

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
Well surprise surprise. :laugh:

So we can expect to find discounted copies of his book in the Fiction section at Walmart?
To any intelligent human being, researching the author is all it took, to discover that tidbit.
Is there nothing the idiots on the left won't fall for?

Apparently not.

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
You delusional nuts can spin shit all day long, deny until the GOP-igs actually come up with a real plan, but reality is coming quick to Trump and all those people he threw under the bus, all of them will eventually come clean and confess the obvious....Donald Trump is nothing but a useless lump of dog shit, who wouldn't know the truth if it came gift wrapped. Why on God's green earth you fools can't see the damage this man is doing to our democracy and this country, only God knows....but someday, you idiots are gonna wake up from this Hitler obsessed dream and see a country completely isolated from reality and the real world. Its a gotdamn shame it will have to come to that, in order for you fools to face facts...The man is fuckin moron!!....like most white good ol boys and gals are....you people make me sick!!
To any intelligent human being, researching the author is all it took, to discover that tidbit.
You idiots do know the man have tapes, yes? Listen, you have all got to stop living in this Trump world, its gonna take us all down eventually. The world is laughing at you white idiots.
MEANWHILE you shitstains as you like to call us are backing a known liar a person that ADMITS that most of his book is lies and yet you buy it hook line and sinker, talk about delusional and mentally ill. You have been trying for a year to get rid of Trump and NOTHING has worked, when will you grow up and accept you LOST an election.
Rest assured the DNC will purchase the book in bulk and hand them out for propaganda.
Rest assured the DNC will purchase the book in bulk and hand them out for propaganda.

It's already been discredited.
Is there nothing the idiots on the left won't fall for?

Apparently not.

The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
You delusional nuts can spin shit all day long, deny until the GOP-igs actually come up with a real plan, but reality is coming quick to Trump and all those people he threw under the bus, all of them will eventually come clean and confess the obvious....Donald Trump is nothing but a useless lump of dog shit, who wouldn't know the truth if it came gift wrapped. Why on God's green earth you fools can't see the damage this man is doing to our democracy and this country, only God knows....but someday, you idiots are gonna wake up from this Hitler obsessed dream and see a country completely isolated from reality and the real world. Its a gotdamn shame it will have to come to that, in order for you fools to face facts...The man is fuckin moron!!....like most white good ol boys and gals are....you people make me sick!!

To any intelligent human being, researching the author is all it took, to discover that tidbit.
You idiots do know the man have tapes, yes? Listen, you have all got to stop living in this Trump world, its gonna take us all down eventually. The world is laughing at you white idiots.

the man HAS tapes.

This isn't middle school in da hood.

You were saying about laughter? I missed it...
MEANWHILE you shitstains as you like to call us are backing a known liar a person that ADMITS that most of his book is lies and yet you buy it hook line and sinker, talk about delusional and mentally ill. You have been trying for a year to get rid of Trump and NOTHING has worked, when will you grow up and accept you LOST an election.
If it were anybody but Trump you were defending with this guy, I'd give it a thought.....But Trump? This moron, this american nightmare, this clown, this idiot, every fuckin time he opens his gotdamned mouth, he lies......Michael is no the president of this country, he's just a fuckin author, now either you adjust to reality, you stupid white fuck or get off the fuck planet. As for this election shit, I could give a rats fuck between Hillary and Clown of who's in the white house, what I care about and what we all should care about, dumb ass, is that this particular white whore, ie Trump isn't the guy. Someday you idiots will come to find this out and it will be too late.
To any intelligent human being, researching the author is all it took, to discover that tidbit.
You idiots do know the man have tapes, yes? Listen, you have all got to stop living in this Trump world, its gonna take us all down eventually. The world is laughing at you white idiots.

the man HAS tapes.

This isn't middle school in da hood.

You were saying about laughter? I missed it...
Trump wanted to make a global joint statement about the brave men and women of Iran standing up to their government....AND NOT ONE SINGLE ALLIE AGREED TO JOIN HIM, NOT ONE. The damage this man is doing to the integrity of this nation, and dumb white mf's like you, continue to support this nightmare, may God someday find mercy on us, cause this is not going to end good at all. You stupid white mf's want isolation, want us first.....the laughter is there amidst tears of sheer pity. Now fuck off
Trump keeps fuckin around with all these people he threw under the bus......one day soon, they all will gather together and write a tell all, as will Bananon will soon......they all can't be liars!!
Trump keeps fuckin around with all these people he threw under the bus......one day soon, they all will gather together and write a tell all, as will Bananon will soon......they all can't be liars!!
Interesting that you're so looking forward to a book by a White Nationalist racist sexist.
Played again. Democrats are definitely inferior to the mighty Republicans.
LOLOLOL...so true, cause nobody but nobody is smarter than a gerrymandered white trashed elected GOP official, not even the garbage they spew all the time.

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