Hilarious GOP comics Rand, Ryan and Rubio now "compassionate conservatives".



Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan should support minimum-wage hike, but don't count on it | TheHill

Rand Paul's bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he's wrong about poor women and marriage

Rubio turns to war on poverty | TheHill

Republicans pretending to care about the middle class. I respected them more when Romney said he wouldn't represent the 47 % and Santorum said he was FOR income inequality. At least they were being honest.

Republicans see corporations as people. What does that tell you? Corporations even have a "religion". If Americans keep voting these people into office to finish the job started under Bush, they get what they deserve.

Republican states are 150 years of failed conservative policies. They are environmentally dirty, bankrupt, and their education is so bad, they have to lure workers from California and New York. And America keeps putting them into office. I don't get it.

You gotta admit, Republicans pretending to help the middle class really is hilarious. I'm surprised they are able to keep a straight face.
Obama's War on the Poor: $8 Billion in cuts to the SNAP Program.

Why does Obama hate Poor People? They can't all be White Male Republicans.
Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan should support minimum-wage hike, but don't count on it | TheHill

Rand Paul's bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he's wrong about poor women and marriage

Rubio turns to war on poverty | TheHill

Republicans pretending to care about the middle class. I respected them more when Romney said he wouldn't represent the 47 % and Santorum said he was FOR income inequality. At least they were being honest.

Republicans see corporations as people. What does that tell you? Corporations even have a "religion". If Americans keep voting these people into office to finish the job started under Bush, they get what they deserve.

Republican states are 150 years of failed conservative policies. They are environmentally dirty, bankrupt, and their education is so bad, they have to lure workers from California and New York. And America keeps putting them into office. I don't get it.

You gotta admit, Republicans pretending to help the middle class really is hilarious. I'm surprised they are able to keep a straight face.

You just can't seem to make a post without lying. Romney said he wasn't going to expend resources trying to court the 47% who would never vote for him anyway. When are you commies ever going to learn you will get called on your lies pretty much every time?
Compassionate conservative is an unnecessary repetition. Conservatism is inherently compassion because it teaches people the principles of government and opposes efforts to outsource individual responsibility and power to a heartless bureaucracy. Individuals can provide charity. Governments cannot.

The government acts with violence and coercion to burden the people. Conservatives seek to limit the governments ability to burden people. It encourages the rule of law which provides security for people.

What is compassionate about empowering a government to take the money and labor of the people and putting it in the hands of politicians to pay off campaign donors?
Maybe these folks should stop LYING.

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Rand Paul stands a good chance to be President, he is beating Hillary in polling and he is still widely an unknown by name compared to Queen Clinton.

I understand your fear for a Candidate that might actually help the people by letting the populous grow up and help them selves VS buying votes with invented money as so many Presidents Dem and Rep alike have done for so many years.
Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan should support minimum-wage hike, but don't count on it | TheHill

Rand Paul's bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he's wrong about poor women and marriage

Rubio turns to war on poverty | TheHill

Republicans pretending to care about the middle class. I respected them more when Romney said he wouldn't represent the 47 % and Santorum said he was FOR income inequality. At least they were being honest.

Republicans see corporations as people. What does that tell you? Corporations even have a "religion". If Americans keep voting these people into office to finish the job started under Bush, they get what they deserve.

Republican states are 150 years of failed conservative policies. They are environmentally dirty, bankrupt, and their education is so bad, they have to lure workers from California and New York. And America keeps putting them into office. I don't get it.

You gotta admit, Republicans pretending to help the middle class really is hilarious. I'm surprised they are able to keep a straight face.

Here you go Deany, let me help you:


  • $image.jpg
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LOL, you just posted a video of a talking head on par with Beck, Rush, Hannity... but with about 1 tenth the viewer base.

That doesn't change what Rand Paul actually said.

It was a threshold moment for him too.

He could have said:

"You know at one time, I did believe that private business should not be affected by Federal law. But in this case? I was wrong. And I know firmly believe that all people should have access to goods and services regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity."

He didn't.
Rand Paul stands a good chance to be President, he is beating Hillary in polling and he is still widely an unknown by name compared to Queen Clinton.

I understand your fear for a Candidate that might actually help the people by letting the populous grow up and help them selves VS buying votes with invented money as so many Presidents Dem and Rep alike have done for so many years.

Actually..at this point?

I don't think he has a good chance of being President. I don't even think it's a fair chance.

I do think he's improved as a politician. But to get people to vote for him that aren't in the GOP base, which by the way, he's going to need?

He's got a loooong way to go.
Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan should support minimum-wage hike, but don't count on it | TheHill

Rand Paul's bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he's wrong about poor women and marriage

Rubio turns to war on poverty | TheHill

Republicans pretending to care about the middle class. I respected them more when Romney said he wouldn't represent the 47 % and Santorum said he was FOR income inequality. At least they were being honest.

Republicans see corporations as people. What does that tell you? Corporations even have a "religion". If Americans keep voting these people into office to finish the job started under Bush, they get what they deserve.

Republican states are 150 years of failed conservative policies. They are environmentally dirty, bankrupt, and their education is so bad, they have to lure workers from California and New York. And America keeps putting them into office. I don't get it.

You gotta admit, Republicans pretending to help the middle class really is hilarious. I'm surprised they are able to keep a straight face.

speaking of failed poicies.....just look at the mostly Democrat states going bankrupt.....like CA, NY, NJ, IL, PA, MI, MA....Republican states are doing much better...

you Dimwits have also mucked up the federal state of affairs....so i suggest you shut your yap and let the grownups at least try to fix the mess....
Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan should support minimum-wage hike, but don't count on it | TheHill

Rand Paul's bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he's wrong about poor women and marriage

Rubio turns to war on poverty | TheHill

Republicans pretending to care about the middle class. I respected them more when Romney said he wouldn't represent the 47 % and Santorum said he was FOR income inequality. At least they were being honest.

Republicans see corporations as people. What does that tell you? Corporations even have a "religion". If Americans keep voting these people into office to finish the job started under Bush, they get what they deserve.

Republican states are 150 years of failed conservative policies. They are environmentally dirty, bankrupt, and their education is so bad, they have to lure workers from California and New York. And America keeps putting them into office. I don't get it.

You gotta admit, Republicans pretending to help the middle class really is hilarious. I'm surprised they are able to keep a straight face.

speaking of failed poicies.....just look at the mostly Democrat states going bankrupt.....like CA, NY, NJ, IL, PA, MI, MA....Republican states are doing much better...

you Dimwits have also mucked up the federal state of affairs....so i suggest you shut your yap and let the grownups at least try to fix the mess....

CA and NY aren't going bankrupt. Quite the opposite. They have being enjoying surpluses.

New Jersey has a Republican Governor.
Michigan has a Republican Governor.
Pennsylvania has a Republican Governor.

Not sure about the rest of the states as I don't know off the top of my head.

And Republican states?

Most are in the crapper.

By every metric most Republican states are just a cut above third world nations.
Paul Ryan's anti-poverty plan should support minimum-wage hike, but don't count on it | TheHill

Rand Paul's bizarre poverty fantasy: Why he's wrong about poor women and marriage

Rubio turns to war on poverty | TheHill

Republicans pretending to care about the middle class. I respected them more when Romney said he wouldn't represent the 47 % and Santorum said he was FOR income inequality. At least they were being honest.

Republicans see corporations as people. What does that tell you? Corporations even have a "religion". If Americans keep voting these people into office to finish the job started under Bush, they get what they deserve.

Republican states are 150 years of failed conservative policies. They are environmentally dirty, bankrupt, and their education is so bad, they have to lure workers from California and New York. And America keeps putting them into office. I don't get it.

You gotta admit, Republicans pretending to help the middle class really is hilarious. I'm surprised they are able to keep a straight face.

speaking of failed poicies.....just look at the mostly Democrat states going bankrupt.....like CA, NY, NJ, IL, PA, MI, MA....Republican states are doing much better...

you Dimwits have also mucked up the federal state of affairs....so i suggest you shut your yap and let the grownups at least try to fix the mess....

CA and NY aren't going bankrupt. Quite the opposite. They have being enjoying surpluses.

New Jersey has a Republican Governor.
Michigan has a Republican Governor.
Pennsylvania has a Republican Governor.

Not sure about the rest of the states as I don't know off the top of my head.

And Republican states?

Most are in the crapper.

By every metric most Republican states are just a cut above third world nations.

Republican states do have lower taxes. Which is why they need to be subsidized by the Federal Government. And where does the money come from? That's right, "Blue" states. It's been linked here at least two dozen times. In spite of being bitch slapped with facts, they still have the nerve to make up their own.

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