Hilarious Hillary


Active Member
Jan 5, 2014
After a shoe was thrown at her during a speech, our prospective frontrunner had the grace to joke about it while maintaining lighthearted composure ...referencing "Cirque de Soliel" and her own strong softball arm...
Good to know our future prez does not take herself TOO seriously...

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If a highway had that many wrinkles in the roadway, they'd repave it!
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Too funny.
She is a ****, in the WORST sense of the word....and you will vote for her.
After a shoe was thrown at her during a speech, our prospective frontrunner had the grace to joke about it while maintaining lighthearted composure ...referencing "Cirque de Soliel" and her own strong softball arm...
Good to know our future prez does not take herself TOO seriously...

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Really? The shoe was bright red and her initial reaction was; "Was that a bat?"

She's a moron.
After a shoe was thrown at her during a speech, our prospective frontrunner had the grace to joke about it while maintaining lighthearted composure ...referencing "Cirque de Soliel" and her own strong softball arm...
Good to know our future prez does not take herself TOO seriously...

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Smart, experienced, witty - the most qualified of either party.
If people were stupid enough to vote for Obama they will be stupid enough to vote for Hillary.
She even advertises that she's a ****!


That's awesome.

Actually, its just the same hate and fear of women we've all come to expect from certain rw's.

Your mommies would be so proud.

Man I was waiting for one of you idiots to chime in about this. You all are a bunch of hypocritical assholes. This is nothing compared to waht Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin have had to endure. Slither back to your shitholes lefties.
Yeah ... she doesn't take herself too seriously. Here she is ranting like a lunatic:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPX3JaS1XOI]Hillary Clinton's scream updated - YouTube[/ame]

Here ... Hillary admits that the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) runs the nation:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfpgl6NqF0I]Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow. - YouTube[/ame]

Note that she basically states that our "old way" no longer applies to today's world. In other words, the Constitution is passe and we need to move towards a New World Order with the CFR at the helm. Please note, also, that the CFR is made up of members of both major parties. It's a "good ol' boy" club with an agenda. It plans to use America's "power" to bend the entire world to its will. America's power is military might and the almighty DOLLAR. JFK, Hussein, Gaddafi, and others have lost their lives as a result of standing up the the Federal Reserve or attempting to dump the dollar.
After a shoe was thrown at her during a speech, our prospective frontrunner had the grace to joke about it while maintaining lighthearted composure ...referencing "Cirque de Soliel" and her own strong softball arm...
Good to know our future prez does not take herself TOO seriously...

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Smart, experienced, witty - the most qualified of either party.

Luddy....admit it....you pleasure yourself to Hillary on a nightly basis. There is no extreme of personal self abuse you will not engage in. You're like a sex-crazed Chimp on crack over Hillary. Dude....it's creepy.


Luddy's Hillary Japanese Sex Pillow....(machine washable).


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After a shoe was thrown at her during a speech, our prospective frontrunner had the grace to joke about it while maintaining lighthearted composure ...referencing "Cirque de Soliel" and her own strong softball arm...
Good to know our future prez does not take herself TOO seriously...

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Her reaction time was horrible. Unlike W who dodged nicely.

With a reaction time like that, we now know why she was so bad in the Benghazi disaster.

God forbid that sow ever ends up actually being responsible for the 3:00 a.m. phone call.
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After a shoe was thrown at her during a speech, our prospective frontrunner had the grace to joke about it while maintaining lighthearted composure ...referencing "Cirque de Soliel" and her own strong softball arm...
Good to know our future prez does not take herself TOO seriously...

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Smart, experienced, witty - the most qualified of either party.

Luddy....admit it....you pleasure yourself to Hillary on a nightly basis. There is no extreme of personal self abuse you will not engage in. You're like a sex-crazed Chimp on crack over Hillary. Dude....it's creepy.


Luddy's Hillary Japanese Sex Pillow....(machine washable).



Thanks, I just lost my appetite.

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