Hilary is lurking.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
They have so much dirt on others, lots of cash, and an army of street thugs for hire, and since they're criminal sociopaths they can't resist using that power.
It's like she hides in dark corners and jumps out at you, screaming like a banshee!

The Democrats have very weak Presidential candidates. Biden is frail, old, and failing mentally and physically. It is obvious he can not serve as President. Hillary sees this, and realizes she only has to beat Warren and Bernie which she believes is doable. I don't. The DNC GAVE her the nomination last time. She's used up all her political capital to get the nomination. There's not enough left for her to pull it off.

Also, I think the DNC knows even Democrats are sick of Hillary and won't go out of their way to vote for her.
Hillary's not going to run again. It will be interesting to see if she backs Warren when the field thins out.
I am glad Trump was elected. But it is true Prog candidates have been weak. In the first 20 years or so of this century I believe Cruz was a strong candidate and Romney even with flaws could have been a half decent President if kept under control as left leaning Repub. There were some Repub candidates in the 2016 race with potential but the truth is they never stand a chance like most of the Prog ones will not. So in 2016 would Ted Cruz have gotten the blue dog Dem vote like Trump received? And that is if he was the Repub rep for President.
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
Your link:

"But Joe’s just one gaffe and/or false memory away from imploding, and the establishment will need a replacement. That pretty much only leaves Hillary. She’s a perfect substitute: old, white, rich, privileged as hell, and corrupt to the gills. She’s just like Joe with only half the dementia."

If Joe falls, corporate Democrats will resort to anything to prevent Bernie or Liz from running. I suspect Clinton will make herself available at the convention in case "her party" needs her.
I am glad Trump was elected. But it is true Prog candidates have been weak. In the first 20 years or so of this century I believe Cruz was a strong candidate and Romney even with flaws could have been a half decent President if kept under control as left leaning Repub. There were some Repub candidates in the 2016 race with potential but the truth is they never stand a chance like most of the Prog ones will not. So in 2016 would Ted Cruz have gotten the blue dog Dem vote like Trump received? And that is if he was the Repub rep for President.
Any of you idiots ever consider issues like the fact that Hillary is not corrupt except in the eyes of brainwashed functional morons like you? And mainly taxing the rich their fair share for a change and invested in America and Americans instead of giving all the wealth away to the greedy idiot GOP rich? You people are so stupid, the dumbest voters in the world at this point.
GOP propaganda machine using ignorance as a weapon again. They all turned in their tax returns and it's no secret how they got their money. Hillary Bill Obama and Sanders write books and give speeches for money. End of story dumbass conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional moron.
If you believe that, then you are more stupid than we thought.
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
Your link:

"But Joe’s just one gaffe and/or false memory away from imploding, and the establishment will need a replacement. That pretty much only leaves Hillary. She’s a perfect substitute: old, white, rich, privileged as hell, and corrupt to the gills. She’s just like Joe with only half the dementia."

If Joe falls, corporate Democrats will resort to anything to prevent Bernie or Liz from running. I suspect Clinton will make herself available at the convention in case "her party" needs her.

Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
Your link:

"But Joe’s just one gaffe and/or false memory away from imploding, and the establishment will need a replacement. That pretty much only leaves Hillary. She’s a perfect substitute: old, white, rich, privileged as hell, and corrupt to the gills. She’s just like Joe with only half the dementia."

If Joe falls, corporate Democrats will resort to anything to prevent Bernie or Liz from running. I suspect Clinton will make herself available at the convention in case "her party" needs her.
/——/ Or they drag Manchella in kicking and screaming with the promise of Obozo’s third term.
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It is my opinion that it was William Clinton and his "lesbian" wife that have greatly damaged the Democratic party with their continual unethical behavior that fosters a level of criminal behavior that goes one and on. Before he ran for the Presidency the party was more moderate, less reactionary, much less criminal and even tolerable.

Now it devolved into a cesspool of crap, with terrible candidates who exude ZERO statesmanship and pragmatism skills. They are full of party propaganda, with little connection to representation intent, they are all about ideology and solutions, not interested in letting America with their diverse viewpoints be the driving force in governance. They are too busy trying to tell you what to do and how to live, according to their narrow communistic visions.

Democrats have become the party of the elites, who are looking down on you, expecting obedience and sacrifice at the altar of Nationalized Socialism. They have no respect for the Republic.
Hillary would certainly embrace the central themes of the current Democrat candidates.
  • Free healthcare for illegal aliens
  • Free college for illegal aliens
  • College loan forgiveness
  • Reparations for LGBT
  • Reparations for Blacks
  • More gun control laws including bans and confiscations
  • Carbon taxes and further penalties (fees, surcharges) for fossil fuel use
  • Higher Fed Income Tax RATES for all
  • More overly zealous EPA Regulations
  • Open Borders through AMNESTY
  • Importing more Muslim Refugees
  • Abolish the Electoral College
  • Adding justices to the Supreme Court
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
She's just hoping to pick up an Epstein victim.

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