Hilary is lurking.

Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
She's just hoping to pick up an Epstein victim.

Wouldn't that be Bill that's doing the hoping?
REALLY Hillary again? her last government job was 2013, how about ragging on some one who IS in the government.
REALLY Hillary again? her last government job was 2013, how about ragging on some one who IS in the government.

She ran for President in 2016. She's made a habit of criticizing Trump in the media continuously since she lost. She also has said she could possibly run, then backtracked, then she said it was a possibility again.

She brings the attention on herself because she cant live without it. Some Democrats think she's a better candidate than any currently running.
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
Your link:

"But Joe’s just one gaffe and/or false memory away from imploding, and the establishment will need a replacement. That pretty much only leaves Hillary. She’s a perfect substitute: old, white, rich, privileged as hell, and corrupt to the gills. She’s just like Joe with only half the dementia."

If Joe falls, corporate Democrats will resort to anything to prevent Bernie or Liz from running. I suspect Clinton will make herself available at the convention in case "her party" needs her.

Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Do you think Sleepy Joe might find a spot for Hillary in his administration?

Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
Your link:

"But Joe’s just one gaffe and/or false memory away from imploding, and the establishment will need a replacement. That pretty much only leaves Hillary. She’s a perfect substitute: old, white, rich, privileged as hell, and corrupt to the gills. She’s just like Joe with only half the dementia."

If Joe falls, corporate Democrats will resort to anything to prevent Bernie or Liz from running. I suspect Clinton will make herself available at the convention in case "her party" needs her.

Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Do you think Sleepy Joe might find a spot for Hillary in his administration?

Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

Wouldn't be surprised at all if she pops up as VP.
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
Your link:

"But Joe’s just one gaffe and/or false memory away from imploding, and the establishment will need a replacement. That pretty much only leaves Hillary. She’s a perfect substitute: old, white, rich, privileged as hell, and corrupt to the gills. She’s just like Joe with only half the dementia."

If Joe falls, corporate Democrats will resort to anything to prevent Bernie or Liz from running. I suspect Clinton will make herself available at the convention in case "her party" needs her.

Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Yep, they need her, they need her to fricken go away.
Do you think Sleepy Joe might find a spot for Hillary in his administration?

Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says

Wouldn't be surprised at all if she pops up as VP.

Wouldn't be surprised at all if she pops up as VP.
I've had the same thought.

Warren: I would've accepted a VP offer from Clinton
No, no, please God NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOO.

There are a lot of horrible slimy politicians running, but I seriously would take ANYONE above her. Let's hope and pray she's too old to run again, and that she finally goes away. Like I always say, she's like the monster in a bad horror movie that keeps coming back, just when you think it's completely gone.
They have so much dirt on others, lots of cash, and an army of street thugs for hire, and since they're criminal sociopaths they can't resist using that power.
This is true.

But, if you think that shit is limited to the fucking Clintons, I have a bridge to sell you.

Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
She beat both Bernie and Trump, dems would be fools not to run with her
Mommy will run again. The DNC will insist on it.

Biden is a good man. But, he is not mentally sharp anymore. I am actually surprised how much he has slipped. Then again, we all have family members that slip a bit in there late 70's. I remember seeing one of my old teachers who was pushing 80. I took a course at college with him 10 year prior. The difference was startling. I don't think he could have taught the class again.

The rest are so far too the left and have put themselves in such a corner with their policies.

Mommy is coming. And, she may win.

Also, Warren may well be the most unelectable candidate in US History. They wont go with her.
Last edited:
Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, truth is a fungible commodity to a Clinton.

Oh do I love that opening!

Of course she is. There’s no way she could ever just turn away from what she sees as her right – the presidency of the United States.

The signs don’t look good. She just announced a fundraiser for the DNC at her Washington D.C. mansion with tickets as high as $50,000 (scraps for the homeless in the dumpster out back).

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out just whas Shrillary is up to.

More @ https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/08/hillary_is_lurking.html
I heard Hillary will be auctioning off Epstein's painting of Bill posing in the Blue Dress at the fund-raiser...

Complete with all that Russian help?

Newsflash. Comey is gone and the Russians have been exposed...oh yea...and Hillary is not running

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