Hilary: Muslims Have Nothing to Do With Terrorism

Republicans just took back the White House.
Hillary: Muslims 'Have Nothing to Do with Terrorism'
Let's hope that the American people aren't as stupid as you are. What she's saying is the same thing I've been saying, "don't start a backlash against all Muslims that will only serve to swell the ranks of the terrorists." It's what the extremists want. They are, in fact, a very small portion of the Islamic world and know that the best way to increase their numbers is to incite an over-reaction from the non-Muslim world. It's why they attacked a Russian airliner, Paris and are threatening D.C.
Republicans just took back the White House.
Hillary: Muslims 'Have Nothing to Do with Terrorism'
Let's hope that the American people aren't as stupid as you are. What she's saying is the same thing I've been saying, "don't start a backlash against all Muslims that will just swell the ranks of the terrorists." It's what the extremists want. They are, in fact, a very small portion of the Islamic world and know that the best way to swell their numbers is to incite an over-reaction from the non-Muslim world. It's why they attacked a Russian airliner, Paris and are threatening D.C.
Worldwide riots with 15 dead over a fake story of a Koran being flip used.
Not a peep about the daily atrocities being committed in the name of Islam every single day.
Out of a million Syrians we get 5 willing to fight Isis. If America was occupied how many Americans out of a million would fight? Probably 800,000.

Nuff said.
Republicans just took back the White House.
Hillary: Muslims 'Have Nothing to Do with Terrorism'
Let's hope that the American people aren't as stupid as you are. What she's saying is the same thing I've been saying, "don't start a backlash against all Muslims that will only serve to swell the ranks of the terrorists." It's what the extremists want. They are, in fact, a very small portion of the Islamic world and know that the best way to increase their numbers is to incite an over-reaction from the non-Muslim world. It's why they attacked a Russian airliner, Paris and are threatening D.C.

Oh sweet Lord! You can't truly believe that the motivation behind the Russian airliner disaster or the Paris attacks was just a cool way of recruiting new ISIS members? Because we'd say nasty things about them and their recruitment drive would be a success?

Come on.

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