
will scandals take out any candidates before the primaries ??

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    Votes: 2 100.0%
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Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this is from the benedict arnold gazette: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/15/u...l-to-hillary-clinton-at-state-department.html

just so we are clear, when the email chain of custody belonged to hillary, the top secret nature of those emails became top secret after the fact. they were never top secret until retroactively. is that a fair assumption/explanation ??

how many emails has this whitehouse burned (including all cabinet elements), is that number even known, or available for foia??

if not, then don't we have a shadow government ? can we trust our doj (fbi) after holder ??

what's next ? taxation without representation, or do we have that now ??
Santorum survived the sex/money laundering scandal and his fellow crooks are still in office. RWs loved Gingrich for his philandering and lies. The Huckster is in a class all his own with his pedo buddies, his fake diabetes and cancer cures and his ridiculous survival meals. And look how the nutters love Drumpf for his lying, bankruptcies, embarrassing posturing and name calling, and not even one policy on his web site. Repubs are filthy but they're held to a MUCH lower standard than Dems.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories.

Otherwise, the ridiculous right, having failed to make anything of the 'birth certificate' lie, are now contriving ignorant, inane lies about 'emails' and 'servers.'
Look two libtards eating hildabeast shit right out of her big ass...
Those who buy into this idiocy weren't going to vote for Clinton anyway should she become the nominee.

Meanwhile, this idiocy serves only to unite and energize democrats and rally around Clinton.

Conservatives' lack of political acumen is considerable.

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