Hillary About To Speak Of Her Foreign Policy Failures.Is She Gonna Blame George Bush?

Hildakunt trying to steal some of bernouts platform
Hildakunt trying to steal some of bernouts platform
>>> Beginning to wonder if some of the applause/cheering is just some audio track they play in case the crowd forgets to make noise on cue
Dumb bitch is making Trump sound like a worse enemy than Iran. She is so fucking scared of the Donald. :badgrin:
Dumb bitch is making Trump sound like a worse enemy than Iran. She is so fucking scared of the Donald. :badgrin:
she talks about the nations who are building nukes, yet it all started when she became SOS and just sat there and did nothing to stop it.
Hildabeast said she went toe to toe with Russia...yea right

hildakunt says putin will eat trumps lunch...like bernout is eating hers.
Dumb bitch is making Trump sound like a worse enemy than Iran. She is so fucking scared of the Donald. :badgrin:

maybe, but she is doing exactly what she needs to do to undo Trump. She points out his ignorance in foreign policy. I'm no Hillery supporter, but I figure tonight trump will appear on his prag Hannity's show to respond. If he can't come up with more then crooked Hillery he is done.
Dumb bitch is making Trump sound like a worse enemy than Iran. She is so fucking scared of the Donald. :badgrin:

maybe, but she is doing exactly what she needs to do to undo Trump. She points out his ignorance in foreign policy. I'm no Hillery supporter, but I figure tonight trump will appear on his prag Hannity's show to respond. If he can't come up with more then crooked Hillery he is done.
she cant undo bernout and she cant undo trump. Wait until they debate...he will have her screeching and wailing
:boobies: :boohoo: :oops-28: This should be interesting to watch. What is she going to say? That she ended two wars? Brought peace to the middle east? Stopped Iran and N.Korea from building nuclear bombs? Will she blame a video on what happened in Benghazi? Let's see how long if/when she brings in Bush and the GOP for all of her foreign matter screw ups. :poop:
I was duly impressed when she said she was in the room advising the president when the shit was going down. The overthrow of ghadaffi, the debacle at the Libyan embassy, the precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, the bogus nuke deal with Iran, the installation of the muzzie brotherhood in Egypt, the overthrow of Assad in Syria, the Russian reset initiative, the failure in Ukraine, the spineless reaction to China's moves in the Far East. Her biggest applause line was when she said she fought for lgbtq rights....fat fucking lesbo.
Dumb bitch is making Trump sound like a worse enemy than Iran. She is so fucking scared of the Donald. :badgrin:

maybe, but she is doing exactly what she needs to do to undo Trump. She points out his ignorance in foreign policy. I'm no Hillery supporter, but I figure tonight trump will appear on his prag Hannity's show to respond. If he can't come up with more then crooked Hillery he is done.
she cant undo bernout and she cant undo trump. Wait until they debate...he will have her screeching and wailing
hey,,,,is that a pee stain i see on her pants?
:boobies: :boohoo: :oops-28: This should be interesting to watch. What is she going to say? That she ended two wars? Brought peace to the middle east? Stopped Iran and N.Korea from building nuclear bombs? Will she blame a video on what happened in Benghazi? Let's see how long if/when she brings in Bush and the GOP for all of her foreign matter screw ups. :poop:
I was duly impressed when she said she was in the room advising the president when the shit was going down. The overthrow of ghadaffi, the debacle at the Libyan embassy, the precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, the bogus nuke deal with Iran, the installation of the muzzie brotherhood in Egypt, the overthrow of Assad in Syria, the Russian reset initiative, the failure in Ukraine, the spineless reaction to China's moves in the Far East. Her biggest applause line was when she said she fought for lgbtq right...fat fucking lesbo.
when is she gonna say that she fought for those four men in Benghazi?
God,,,even a turnip has better charisma than Hillary, she is sounding more like a Burger King drive thru teen ager
Dumb bitch is making Trump sound like a worse enemy than Iran. She is so fucking scared of the Donald. :badgrin:

maybe, but she is doing exactly what she needs to do to undo Trump. She points out his ignorance in foreign policy. I'm no Hillery supporter, but I figure tonight trump will appear on his prag Hannity's show to respond. If he can't come up with more then crooked Hillery he is done.
she cant undo bernout and she cant undo trump. Wait until they debate...he will have her screeching and wailing

I do hope so. But so far he has been lacking. Gotta turn this twat off. can't listen anymore.
i really feel sorry for the cockroaches that are trapped there and cant find an exit to race to.

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