Hillary butchers Jeb, only one of two Republicans that dared to show up at the NUL




“People can’t rise if they can’t afford health care,” Mrs. Clinton said to applause from conventiongoers, a dig at Mr. Bush’s opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

“They can’t rise if the minimum wage is too low to live on,” she said, a jab at his opposition to raising the federal minimum wage.

“They can’t rise if their governor makes it harder for them to get a college education,” she said, a critique of Mr. Bush’s decision as governor to eliminate affirmative action in college admissions.

When Mr. Bush reached the lectern, declaring, “I believe in the right to rise in this country,” the scent of political gunpowder was still in the air.

Norma Richards, who traveled to the conference from Ohio, said she was struck by Mr. Bush’s decision to talk about race so indirectly. “He wasn’t really strong about social injustice,” she said.

But her real objection to Mr. Bush, she said, stemmed from the presidential contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000, in which Florida played a decisive role. “They stole the election,” she said. “I can’t get that out of my head.”

Ben Carson, a Republican who was the sole black candidate to speak here, took a tough-love approach that seemed to inspire little enthusiasm from the crowd. Mr. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, never mentioned the high-profile deaths of unarmed black men and women in police custody and held himself up as a model of how ambition and education could rescue poor African-Americans from poverty.

“Carson,” he said, “talked about himself.”

For decades, Republicans have attacked the Clinton family. Again and again. And now, the GOP candidates were too scared to show up at the National Urban League. What will those defenders of the Confederacy actually say to black people?

Republicans call Hillary "Hildabeast". I suspect they will find out what kind of "beast" she is. She has a grievance with the GOP. They have her "server" to work with. And her husband getting a BJ.
But she has 30 years of terrible and damaging GOP policies to work with and clearly, she isn't afraid to bring them up. Obama was worried about being seen as an angry black man. Hillary has no problem with being the "Hildabeast". Ten minutes on stage and she tore apart Jeb Bush. She didn't even make things up the way Republicans do. Merely stated the truth.

And something special is about to happen. The GOP debates are coming up. And Trump will hand brand new GOP talking points to Hillary and the Democrats on a 24 carot solid gold platter.

Can't wait.
Seems like Bernie Sanders is running against Wall Street and rich people.

Hillary is running against the Republican Party. She's not a Change candidate. I saw some snippets from that speech. You're easily impressed. I can wrap my mind around someone who would hold their nose and vote for her due to a particular set of political views, but I can't understand how anyone can be truly excited about the prospect of a president Hillary. If she wins it'll be more from an anti-Republican vote than pro-Hillary. She's like a Dem. Romney. She's non-inspiring, a lackluster orator and she didn't perform well in the 2008 debates.

Anyway, Jeb Bush gave a speech shortly after Hill's and didn't even acknowledge her.
You people on the left/democrat party are so nasty, vicious and will crawl to any low for: your PARTY.

she butchered him. man oh man that's sick

“People can’t rise if they can’t afford health care,” Mrs. Clinton said to applause from conventiongoers, a dig at Mr. Bush’s opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

“They can’t rise if the minimum wage is too low to live on,” she said, a jab at his opposition to raising the federal minimum wage.

“They can’t rise if their governor makes it harder for them to get a college education,” she said, a critique of Mr. Bush’s decision as governor to eliminate affirmative action in college admissions.

When Mr. Bush reached the lectern, declaring, “I believe in the right to rise in this country,” the scent of political gunpowder was still in the air.

Norma Richards, who traveled to the conference from Ohio, said she was struck by Mr. Bush’s decision to talk about race so indirectly. “He wasn’t really strong about social injustice,” she said.

But her real objection to Mr. Bush, she said, stemmed from the presidential contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000, in which Florida played a decisive role. “They stole the election,” she said. “I can’t get that out of my head.”

Ben Carson, a Republican who was the sole black candidate to speak here, took a tough-love approach that seemed to inspire little enthusiasm from the crowd. Mr. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, never mentioned the high-profile deaths of unarmed black men and women in police custody and held himself up as a model of how ambition and education could rescue poor African-Americans from poverty.

“Carson,” he said, “talked about himself.”

For decades, Republicans have attacked the Clinton family. Again and again. And now, the GOP candidates were too scared to show up at the National Urban League. What will those defenders of the Confederacy actually say to black people?

Republicans call Hillary "Hildabeast". I suspect they will find out what kind of "beast" she is. She has a grievance with the GOP. They have her "server" to work with. And her husband getting a BJ.
But she has 30 years of terrible and damaging GOP policies to work with and clearly, she isn't afraid to bring them up. Obama was worried about being seen as an angry black man. Hillary has no problem with being the "Hildabeast". Ten minutes on stage and she tore apart Jeb Bush. She didn't even make things up the way Republicans do. Merely stated the truth.

And something special is about to happen. The GOP debates are coming up. And Trump will hand brand new GOP talking points to Hillary and the Democrats on a 24 carot solid gold platter.

Can't wait.

But her real objection to Mr. Bush, she said, stemmed from the presidential contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000, in which Florida played a decisive role. “They stole the election,” she said. “I can’t get that out of my head.”

Parrots have to be retrained to get phrases out of their heads.

She obviously hasn't been retrained
The hildabeast hasn't butchered anything since her hard drive and she paid someone to do that.
the only one she butchered was her hound dog, Billy boys balls when he cheated on her in front of the whole country
You really need to come to terms with the fact that Hillary will not be President, people just don't like or trust her... She will keep steering hard left, trying to buy as many votes as she can but the issue is a huge amount of the left (middle class and wealthy) understand her policies hurt them quite badly. All you have to be a liberal who owns a business to know min wage is a gimmick sold to ignorant people.
You really need to come to terms with the fact that Hillary will not be President, people just don't like or trust her... She will keep steering hard left, trying to buy as many votes as she can but the issue is a huge amount of the left (middle class and wealthy) understand her policies hurt them quite badly. All you have to be a liberal who owns a business to know min wage is a gimmick sold to ignorant people.
Her popularity is falling but she still polls better among independents than any other candidate.
You people on the left/democrat party are so nasty, vicious and will crawl to any low for: your PARTY.

she butchered him. man oh man that's sick
Stephanie, it never ceases to amaze me the crap you regurgitate on this forum.
People will never rise on minimum wage no matter how high you jack it.

We need to stop the widing of the gap between the rich and poor. It is destroying our middle class.

We should make it illegal for the upper management to pocket more then a few percent of the profit. This makes more sense then a minimum wage...A fair workers wage is what I'll call it.

Tired of seeing the rich big taking 20, 30 or 50 million bucks as the poor worker gets fucked. Wake the fuck up!
You really need to come to terms with the fact that Hillary will not be President, people just don't like or trust her... She will keep steering hard left, trying to buy as many votes as she can but the issue is a huge amount of the left (middle class and wealthy) understand her policies hurt them quite badly. All you have to be a liberal who owns a business to know min wage is a gimmick sold to ignorant people.
Her popularity is falling but she still polls better among independents than any other candidate.

She is stronger simply because she supports common sense policies like funding infrastructure, science, r&d and supports education. People want this...No mater how much they may not trust her.
the only one she butchered was her hound dog, Billy boys balls when he cheated on her in front of the whole country

Yep, a impeached presidents wife is better then cut, slash and burn. Pretty fucking sad I'd say but reality really sucks for tiny bath tub government morons!

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