Hillary Calls For War AND Boots On the Ground


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Folks this IS what makes democrats not only ignorant but a danger to our future.

6:25 p.m.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she would "take more of a leadership position" and stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin over Syria."

What person of SOUND mind even thinks Putin is going to give up that air space? Obama was punked and ran and NOW it's CLEARLY Putin's air space. AND he has China's backing. Your are NOT taking that air space for nothing. Someones or MANY have die for that to happen.

And then this little kernel to the viewers.

"Asked during the Democratic debate about Russia's increasing involvement in the Syrian civil war, Clinton says she would take a harder line against Putin. She says, "we have to stand up to his bullying" and "make clear" that Russia has to be part of the solution."

Putin is killings MUSLIMS and we DON'T have to do a damn thing. He has killed MORE terrorists in a week then Obama in a year. They are DEAD MUSLIMS for crying out loud. Does it really matter who kills them? Why is Hillary INSISTING/DEMANDING your sons or grandsons do it? Why?

Then she gets down right ignorant with this little jewel.

"Clinton also says she would create "safe zones" to try to ease the massive refugee crisis destabilizing the region."

That's boots on the ground folks. You CAN'T make a safe zone from the air. Ask ANY vet here from EITHER party. Ground control means ground troops. Its like that idiot Hillary wants to argue with Putin over a pile of dog sh8t.

The SMART thing to do IF Hillary was NOT a war loving IDIOT would to be NOT to claim that pile of dog sh8t. Its NOT hers or ours anyway. We get into wars because stupid people do stupid things. And to be willing to fight over who wants a pile of dog sh8t is stupid.

If you want your sons or grand sons dead VOTE HILLARY. She will put them in a box right next to the dog sh8t they were fighting for.

The Latest: O'Malley raps Clinton's no-fly zone in Syria

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Of course she's full of shit. But that doesn't matter. She's a female and a Democrat. That's plenty enough to garner 47% of the vote. :lol:
Despite the far left stance on this, the next president will be forced to put boots on the ground.

A no fly zone would have to be enforced and no far left drone has the (soft) balls do that.
Despite the far left stance on this, the next president will be forced to put boots on the ground.

A no fly zone would have to be enforced and no far left drone has the (soft) balls do that.
^ This is why we must not elect a republican to the Presidency in 2016.
That's not boots on the ground. Stop lying.
You think the fairy godmother is going to set them up? Do you idiot? If you set up a refugee center you kinda HAVE to be there moron.

They believe that Obama would end all the wars, which he hasn't, he got America involved a lot of illegal wars that they support..
Nice analysis Mr. 214. Except she said nothing about boots on the ground or war.
Of course she said nothing fool. That is the part you hear after the idiots vote for her. How do you protect these "safe zones" idiot?
Despite the far left stance on this, the next president will be forced to put boots on the ground.

A no fly zone would have to be enforced and no far left drone has the (soft) balls do that.
At this point just taking the air space BACK could put us in direct conflict with Russia.
Nice analysis Mr. 214. Except she said nothing about boots on the ground or war.
Of course she said nothing fool. That is the part you hear after the idiots vote for her. How do you protect these "safe zones" idiot?
Let's hear her proposal. She'll find a way, or she won't do it. It's the republican base that wants our soldiers dying over there. She knows her base is against it. And if she fucks up, luckily Democrats will have taken back the Senate and be able to convince her not to. :thup:
Despite the far left stance on this, the next president will be forced to put boots on the ground.

A no fly zone would have to be enforced and no far left drone has the (soft) balls do that.
At this point just taking the air space BACK could put us in direct conflict with Russia.
We'd have mass defections from U.S. conservatives who daydream about hanging out with Putin. So... maybe that would end up being a good thing! :dunno:
Clearly Hillary and Jeb are running on the same ticket folks, isn't it obvious? We just don't have a choice here, war is coming. Probably with the whole damn world over a piece of dirt that is in no way of interest to America but of interest to the banks.

As Russian Bombs Fall in Syria, Jeb Bush Vows to Take Aggressive Approach Against "Bully" Putin

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