Hillary Calls For War AND Boots On the Ground

Folks this IS what makes democrats not only ignorant but a danger to our future.

6:25 p.m.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she would "take more of a leadership position" and stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin over Syria."

What person of SOUND mind even thinks Putin is going to give up that air space? Obama was punked and ran and NOW it's CLEARLY Putin's air space. AND he has China's backing. Your are NOT taking that air space for nothing. Someones or MANY have die for that to happen.

And then this little kernel to the viewers.

"Asked during the Democratic debate about Russia's increasing involvement in the Syrian civil war, Clinton says she would take a harder line against Putin. She says, "we have to stand up to his bullying" and "make clear" that Russia has to be part of the solution."

Putin is killings MUSLIMS and we DON'T have to do a damn thing. He has killed MORE terrorists in a week then Obama in a year. They are DEAD MUSLIMS for crying out loud. Does it really matter who kills them? Why is Hillary INSISTING/DEMANDING your sons or grandsons do it? Why?

Then she gets down right ignorant with this little jewel.

"Clinton also says she would create "safe zones" to try to ease the massive refugee crisis destabilizing the region."

That's boots on the ground folks. You CAN'T make a safe zone from the air. Ask ANY vet here from EITHER party. Ground control means ground troops. Its like that idiot Hillary wants to argue with Putin over a pile of dog sh8t.

The SMART thing to do IF Hillary was NOT a war loving IDIOT would to be NOT to claim that pile of dog sh8t. Its NOT hers or ours anyway. We get into wars because stupid people do stupid things. And to be willing to fight over who wants a pile of dog sh8t is stupid.

If you want your sons or grand sons dead VOTE HILLARY. She will put them in a box right next to the dog sh8t they were fighting for.

The Latest: O'Malley raps Clinton's no-fly zone in Syria

The refugee camp she is referring to is probably the US.

If so, your detractors are correct, there need not be boots on the ground.
Why do you start so many threads with outright lies? How did you become such an expert about how to create no fly zones and safe zones?
Your distorted and warped interpretation. Your OP is factually incorrect. That means it is a lie. There are multiple ways to accomplish what Clinton proposed without putting "boots on the ground". You just don't have the wisdom or knowledge to be aware of those options.
Oh so you mean those well run safe zones like say Detroit? It's been working for years right? How are you or Hillary planning on TAKING the current air space AWAY from Putin? You think he is just going to give it to you?

And why do you want it? To many terrorists may die? You see dead terrorists as a problem? Speak up stupid, board needs a laugh.
The board gets plenty of laughs from you. Explaining options to you would be a waste of time. Your thread is based on a lie and your OP is full of stupidity.
Why do you start so many threads with outright lies? How did you become such an expert about how to create no fly zones and safe zones?
Your distorted and warped interpretation. Your OP is factually incorrect. That means it is a lie. There are multiple ways to accomplish what Clinton proposed without putting "boots on the ground". You just don't have the wisdom or knowledge to be aware of those options.
Oh so you mean those well run safe zones like say Detroit? It's been working for years right? How are you or Hillary planning on TAKING the current air space AWAY from Putin? You think he is just going to give it to you?

And why do you want it? To many terrorists may die? You see dead terrorists as a problem? Speak up stupid, board needs a laugh.
The board gets plenty of laughs from you. Explaining options to you would be a waste of time. Your thread is based on a lie and your OP is full of stupidity.
So in other words YOU don't have ANY. Why not just be honest with the members and admit you can no more reply to the problem or the question then the average nitwit democrat.

They are USED to low life mental midgets such as yourself with ego but NO balls and NO brains.
Russia has backed away from Ukraine due to international pressure and sanctions. Didn't even have to use SWIFT.
Turkey has been calling for the no fly zone along it's border. They might be the main one to enforce it. That might get them in trouble with Russia and cause a breakdown in Russian and Turkish relations. Now go look at a map. See if you can find a way for Russia to get to Syria and the port at Tartus without good relations with Turkey.
Russia has already rebuilt and up graded that port. It will have no problem moving equipment in as there is nobody to stop them.
Why Russia Is Expanding Its Naval Base in Syria | Business
I told you to look at a map you fool. See if you can figure out how Russian ships get from Russian waters in the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. It should be easy for a guy with a 214 IQ like you claim to have.

If Hillary is elected and starts the draft up, to create her safe zones, I know who should be first pick in that draft.



You just can't have "safe zones" without boots on the ground. And if she makes "safe zones" that means WE DIE protecting THEM.

Why do you start so many threads with outright lies? How did you become such an expert about how to create no fly zones and safe zones?
And of course the OP is RW fantasy...
Her words idiot. If you want to leave your head up your ass your choice.
Your distorted and warped interpretation. Your OP is factually incorrect. That means it is a lie. There are multiple ways to accomplish what Clinton proposed without putting "boots on the ground". You just don't have the wisdom or knowledge to be aware of those options.

Oh so you mean those well run safe zones like say Detroit? It's been working for years right? How are you or Hillary planning on TAKING the current air space AWAY from Putin? You think he is just going to give it to you?

And why do you want it? To many terrorists may die? You see dead terrorists as a problem? Speak up stupid, board needs a laugh.

The board gets plenty of laughs from you. Explaining options to you would be a waste of time. Your thread is based on a lie and your OP is full of stupidity.


If Hillary is elected and starts the draft up, to create her safe zones, I know who should be first pick in that draft.



You just can't have "safe zones" without boots on the ground. And if she makes "safe zones" that means WE DIE protecting THEM.

Why do you start so many threads with outright lies? How did you become such an expert about how to create no fly zones and safe zones?
And of course the OP is RW fantasy...
Her words idiot. If you want to leave your head up your ass your choice.
Your distorted and warped interpretation. Your OP is factually incorrect. That means it is a lie. There are multiple ways to accomplish what Clinton proposed without putting "boots on the ground". You just don't have the wisdom or knowledge to be aware of those options.

Oh so you mean those well run safe zones like say Detroit? It's been working for years right? How are you or Hillary planning on TAKING the current air space AWAY from Putin? You think he is just going to give it to you?

And why do you want it? To many terrorists may die? You see dead terrorists as a problem? Speak up stupid, board needs a laugh.

The board gets plenty of laughs from you. Explaining options to you would be a waste of time. Your thread is based on a lie and your OP is full of stupidity.

So in other words YOU don't have ANY. Why not just be honest with the members and admit you can no more reply to the problem or the question then the average nitwit democrat.

They are USED to low life mental midgets such as yourself with ego but NO balls and NO brains.

Clinton NEVER called for war OR boots on the ground, LIAR/hater dupe.
Yeah and Obama was born in Kenya. :rolleyes:
Y'know... that is yet to be definitively resolved.

You corn-hole hillbilly Liberal.
Change the channel, hater dupe. lol. Oh sexist AND brainwashed...Watergate and Hill is a total lie, for hater dupes only.
The Disease runs deep in this one.
Only Rushbots know the truth! Or whatever. All the same crap...Argument? or just phony crises...

Rush must really worry you if you bring him up in a completely non related topic to insult him.
Rush is a lying divisive bought off a-hole and disgrace. It's all the same BS propaganda, paid for by the same 5 or so a-hole Pub billionaires, dingbat dupe.
You guys do know that there is an UN option.

Unfortunately, If you bring the UN in, Russia can consolidate its interests by winning the leadership roll in organizing the forces of the UN.

Our recent history in the region can be used against. Despite how much the world may like us, I doubt they will openly trust us with ME problems. Stability in the region is more important to the World than "spreading democracy" or "American interests"
Folks this IS what makes democrats not only ignorant but a danger to our future.

6:25 p.m.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she would "take more of a leadership position" and stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin over Syria."

What person of SOUND mind even thinks Putin is going to give up that air space? Obama was punked and ran and NOW it's CLEARLY Putin's air space. AND he has China's backing. Your are NOT taking that air space for nothing. Someones or MANY have die for that to happen.

And then this little kernel to the viewers.

"Asked during the Democratic debate about Russia's increasing involvement in the Syrian civil war, Clinton says she would take a harder line against Putin. She says, "we have to stand up to his bullying" and "make clear" that Russia has to be part of the solution."

Putin is killings MUSLIMS and we DON'T have to do a damn thing. He has killed MORE terrorists in a week then Obama in a year. They are DEAD MUSLIMS for crying out loud. Does it really matter who kills them? Why is Hillary INSISTING/DEMANDING your sons or grandsons do it? Why?

Then she gets down right ignorant with this little jewel.

"Clinton also says she would create "safe zones" to try to ease the massive refugee crisis destabilizing the region."

That's boots on the ground folks. You CAN'T make a safe zone from the air. Ask ANY vet here from EITHER party. Ground control means ground troops. Its like that idiot Hillary wants to argue with Putin over a pile of dog sh8t.

The SMART thing to do IF Hillary was NOT a war loving IDIOT would to be NOT to claim that pile of dog sh8t. Its NOT hers or ours anyway. We get into wars because stupid people do stupid things. And to be willing to fight over who wants a pile of dog sh8t is stupid.

If you want your sons or grand sons dead VOTE HILLARY. She will put them in a box right next to the dog sh8t they were fighting for.

The Latest: O'Malley raps Clinton's no-fly zone in Syria

We have to recognize the fight when we see it. I think we should have put 100,000 troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria two years ago. Now I think we should drop 300,000. Either the west is going to deal with this radical militaristic groups in the Mideast and in Europe and here in America head on and in bloody fashion, as that is what wars are, or it will continue to get worse as they spread this cancer around the globe.

Its a mute point, at some point the west is going to have to say 'that's enough, you want war we are going to show you why you don't'.

And yes American soldiers will die, that is what happens in military conflicts. Same as it was 5 years ago and same as it will be 50 years from now.

You have to recognize the fight where it is and then get to it.

Don't want any US soldiers in harms way? Then hide under your blanky and pray the world to go away. Reality is what it is.
I wonder why there isn't already a no-fly like we established for the kurds in Iraq, and I wonder why the Saudis and Jordanians aren't flying to support it. As for Putin, you tell him, this is the no-fly, don't fly there becuase we don't want you boming there, and we will not be responsible for your planes if you do so.
Folks this IS what makes democrats not only ignorant but a danger to our future.

6:25 p.m.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she would "take more of a leadership position" and stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin over Syria."

What person of SOUND mind even thinks Putin is going to give up that air space? Obama was punked and ran and NOW it's CLEARLY Putin's air space. AND he has China's backing. Your are NOT taking that air space for nothing. Someones or MANY have die for that to happen.

And then this little kernel to the viewers.

"Asked during the Democratic debate about Russia's increasing involvement in the Syrian civil war, Clinton says she would take a harder line against Putin. She says, "we have to stand up to his bullying" and "make clear" that Russia has to be part of the solution."

Putin is killings MUSLIMS and we DON'T have to do a damn thing. He has killed MORE terrorists in a week then Obama in a year. They are DEAD MUSLIMS for crying out loud. Does it really matter who kills them? Why is Hillary INSISTING/DEMANDING your sons or grandsons do it? Why?

Then she gets down right ignorant with this little jewel.

"Clinton also says she would create "safe zones" to try to ease the massive refugee crisis destabilizing the region."

That's boots on the ground folks. You CAN'T make a safe zone from the air. Ask ANY vet here from EITHER party. Ground control means ground troops. Its like that idiot Hillary wants to argue with Putin over a pile of dog sh8t.

The SMART thing to do IF Hillary was NOT a war loving IDIOT would to be NOT to claim that pile of dog sh8t. Its NOT hers or ours anyway. We get into wars because stupid people do stupid things. And to be willing to fight over who wants a pile of dog sh8t is stupid.

If you want your sons or grand sons dead VOTE HILLARY. She will put them in a box right next to the dog sh8t they were fighting for.

The Latest: O'Malley raps Clinton's no-fly zone in Syria

We have to recognize the fight when we see it. I think we should have put 100,000 troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria two years ago. Now I think we should drop 300,000. Either the west is going to deal with this radical militaristic groups in the Mideast and in Europe and here in America head on and in bloody fashion, as that is what wars are, or it will continue to get worse as they spread this cancer around the globe.

Its a mute point, at some point the west is going to have to say 'that's enough, you want war we are going to show you why you don't'.

And yes American soldiers will die, that is what happens in military conflicts. Same as it was 5 years ago and same as it will be 50 years from now.

You have to recognize the fight where it is and then get to it.

Don't want any US soldiers in harms way? Then hide under your blanky and pray the world to go away. Reality is what it is.


WOW!!!!! Just..... WOW!

Does this mean you and all your little progressive friends are going to rush to your nearest recruiter station and volunteer for this grand war you want us involved in?

Is Chelsea going to lead you in the battle charge?

You all have fun with that.

My family and I will pass on your little war.




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tell me again why we don't want Assad?

"Oh yes, he is a brutal dictator. The Syrians should have a Democracy, that is what the rebels are fighting for!"

The rebels are not fighting for a democracy, per se. They are fighting to dispose Assad for a myriad of reasons, but not so they can have a democracy.

Now the reason for ISIS existence is becoming clear. We should not go back. I am starting to believe we, the American public, is being tricked into returning to the ME.

Let the Russians have it. In fact, lend them support if they ask for it. But do not return.
Russia is NOT going to give that up to Hillary because she has a vagina.

That is only a rumor at this point.
Bill has told many of his bimbos that Hillary's vajay-jay dried up and grew shut years ago.

Only Hillary's "personal aide" Huma Abedin has access to what is inside the big pants suit and she isn't talking.
Russia is NOT going to give that up to Hillary because she has a vagina.

That is only a rumor at this point.
Bill has told many of his bimbos that Hillary's vajay-jay dried up and grew shut years ago.

Only Hillary's "personal aide" Huma Abedin has access to what is inside the big pants suit and she isn't talking.
My guess would be a pair of very wet Depends.

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