Hillary Campaign Issues CHILLING Threat to Conservative Websites… This Is SICK

Hillary shut down Breitbart? I'd just like to see her try! Which means I'll have to vote for her.
No copy of the email here or at the link, so please post it.

From the link: "“Breitbart is something different. They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether — not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country,” the email states."

If the sites are being threatened with libel suits, well, tough.

I don't like it, BAN IT!

Much like Trump and the media
Hillary Clinton is pandering to their ignorant supporters. They can't do anything about Brietbart and they won't.
You got it backwards dupe. The Daily Caller is the one doing the pandering.

Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that, then she's pandering, moron.
Who made it public dipshit.
And she didn't say that.

Desperation of Hillary, straight from the tap! Sell our your country, get a free sticker! • /r/The_Donald

Donald Trump just hired Breitbart's executive director to be his new campaign CEO.

[NAME] --

Whenever you hear about a right-wing conspiracy theory somehow making its way into the mainstream of political dialogue, there's a good chance that Breitbart News had something to do with it.

Never heard of Breitbart News? It's a fringe website where there's no opinion too ugly, too divisive, or too outright crazy to be worth breathless promotion.

The one about President Obama being a secret Muslim born in Kenya? Breitbart was all over that "story."

Or maybe you heard about the time they attacked an opponent -- a conservative Republican, no less -- by calling him a "renegade Jew."

Why does this matter?

Donald Trump just hired Breitbart's executive director to be his new campaign CEO.

Now, we've had a conservative media in this country for a while. I don't always like what they have to say, but I respect their role and their right to exist.

Breitbart is something different. They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They're a different breed altogether -- not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country.

But Donald Trump just gave them a broad new mandate to shape his campaign, his message, the future of the Republican Party, and quite possibly the country.

It goes without saying that we have to beat these people. But I want to beat them so decisively that their kind never rises again.

Doing that is going to take hard work, moral clarity, unshakeable determination, and enough resources to make sure that every last voter in America hears from us every single day about the choice in this election.

We'll never face a challenge more important than this. Please, chip in to stand on the right side of history and help us send Donald Trump and Steve Bannon back to the fringes where they belong. When you do, we’ll send you a free sticker as a thank you for your support:
Hillary Clinton is pandering to their ignorant supporters. They can't do anything about Brietbart and they won't.
You got it backwards dupe. The Daily Caller is the one doing the pandering.

Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that, then she's pandering, moron.
Who made it public dipshit.

Irrelevant. Did they say it or not?
No. See post #26.
Hillary Clinton is pandering to their ignorant supporters. They can't do anything about Brietbart and they won't.
You got it backwards dupe. The Daily Caller is the one doing the pandering.

Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that, then she's pandering, moron.
Who made it public dipshit.

Irrelevant. Did they say it or not?
No. See post #26.

Already saw it. It merely attacks Brietbart, it never denied that it was said. If either Hillary or her campaign staff didn't say that then prove it. We have the proof that she did, if it's a lie then prove it.
You got it backwards dupe. The Daily Caller is the one doing the pandering.

Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that, then she's pandering, moron.
Who made it public dipshit.

Irrelevant. Did they say it or not?
No. See post #26.

Already saw it. It merely attacks Brietbart, it never denied that it was said. If either Hillary or her campaign staff didn't say that then prove it. We have the proof that she did, if it's a lie then prove it.
We have the proof that she did

What am I missing, where is your proof?
You got it backwards dupe. The Daily Caller is the one doing the pandering.

Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that, then she's pandering, moron.
Who made it public dipshit.

Irrelevant. Did they say it or not?
No. See post #26.

Already saw it. It merely attacks Brietbart, it never denied that it was said. If either Hillary or her campaign staff didn't say that then prove it. We have the proof that she did, if it's a lie then prove it.
Reread post #26.
Breitbart has a right to exist, just like a KKK site or NAMBLA
It can and should be charged under libel laws when it intentionally lies about a candidate.
How about CNN NBC ABC or CBS? They have admitted they are in the tank for Hillary should they be sued if they lie too?
Every media organization can be sued and should be sued for deliberate, intentional media libel. "Entertainment" as a definition of what is obviously a political media operation should not be a shield.
NotTooBrietBart is a site like the KKK site, or the White Supremacist sites, the neo-nazi sites, and the Flat Earth society.

Rejecting reality has never been a reason to bar people from speaking their insanity into the atmosphere. If you go to almost any downtown you'll find people with mental issues giving speeches on the steps of City Hall.

Considering the MOUNTAIN of nazi-like proclamations trump has issued in the past year speaking as if he were soon to be king, this seems poorly worded but baby-squat compared to trumps daily diatribes against freedom of speech.
Breitbart has a right to exist, just like a KKK site or NAMBLA
It can and should be charged under libel laws when it intentionally lies about a candidate.

So you also think the lies about Zimmerman and Trump put out by CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and almost every MSM outlet, are actionable for instance ?How about your lies here on USMB? Should we sue you as well?

No one is lying about Zimmerman or Trump. Their own words, in Trump's case, with video, convict them.
No copy of the email here or at the link, so please post it.

From the link: "“Breitbart is something different. They make Fox News look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether — not just conservative but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power in this country,” the email states."

If the sites are being threatened with libel suits, well, tough.

I don't like it, BAN IT!
Norman, that is what you would do with anything you don't like.

You have to show fact and intent with libel law.

Other words, Breitbart would be punished for deliberately lying.
The New York times should be punished for deliberately lying.
Hillary Clinton is pandering to their ignorant supporters. They can't do anything about Brietbart and they won't.
You got it backwards dupe. The Daily Caller is the one doing the pandering.

Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that, then she's pandering, moron.

Here is the problem in a nutshell (pun intended), someone here posts a rumour with a link to Breibart. You just said "Unless you are going to show me that Hillary, or her campaign didn't say that". You start a rumour and it's up to Hillary to prove the rumour untrue. It's it up to you to prove she DID say that before you believe it?
Breitbart has a right to exist, just like a KKK site or NAMBLA
It can and should be charged under libel laws when it intentionally lies about a candidate.

So you also think the lies about Zimmerman and Trump put out by CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and almost every MSM outlet, are actionable for instance ?How about your lies here on USMB? Should we sue you as well?

No one is lying about Zimmerman or Trump. Their own words, in Trump's case, with video, convict them.

lol now this is delusional spin ... IS the DNC giving away free LSD to posters on message boards for every lunatic lie they post now?
Breitbart has a right to exist, just like a KKK site or NAMBLA
It can and should be charged under libel laws when it intentionally lies about a candidate.
How about CNN NBC ABC or CBS? They have admitted they are in the tank for Hillary should they be sued if they lie too?

Not by their 'standards'. All they have left is making up stupid crap about Trump, but there are too many sites out there that actually post the entire speeches and lines he says and providing context, which ruins it for the hacks and gimps and perverts, especially those at CNN and the rest. they can't run on issues, after all, and certainly not on love for America or its people.

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