Hillary Clinton and Foreign Money


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Foreign governments buying influence with the Clintons Bill loves that foreign money and so does Hillary.

The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments and is winning contributions at an accelerating rate, raising ethical questions as Hillary Clinton ramps up her expected bid for the presidency.

Recent donors include the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline. . . .

United Arab Emirates, a first-time donor, gave between $1 million and $5 million in 2014, and the German government—which also hadn’t previously given—contributed between $100,000 and $250,000.

A previous donor, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has given between $10 million and $25 million since the foundation was created in 1999. Part of that came in 2014, although the database doesn’t specify how much.

Hillary Clinton extended her office not only to make calls but also to approve policy and financial arrangements worth billions back to these countries? How will the American people ever be satisfied we are getting her undivided loyalty? No matter how much she protests, her judgment would be questioned as influenced by gratitude toward the foundation’s wealthy patrons. And, of course, a president cannot recuse himself or herself from dealings, so there is no practical way to avoid the conflict.

Foreign donations to foundation raise major ethical questions for Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post
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The Clinton foundation has created big money jobs for all the Clinton Friends and cronys. it ran mutili -million dollar deficits while taking in tens of millions of dollars:wtf:

For all of its successes, the Clinton Foundation had become a sprawling concern, supervised by a rotating board of old Clinton hands, vulnerable to distraction and threatened by conflicts of interest. It ran multimillion-dollar deficits for several years, despite vast amounts of money flowing in.

And concern was rising inside and outside the organization about Douglas J. Band, a onetime personal assistant to Mr. Clinton who had started a lucrative corporate consulting firm — which Mr. Clinton joined as a paid adviser — while overseeing the Clinton Global Initiative, the foundation’s glitzy annual gathering of chief executives, heads of state, and celebrities.

The review set off more than a year of internal debate, and spurred an evolution in the organization that included Mr. Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, taking on a dominant new role as the family grappled with the question of whether the foundation — and its globe-spanning efforts to combat AIDS, obesity and poverty — would survive its founder.

Now those efforts are taking on new urgency. In the coming weeks, the foundation, long Mr. Clinton’s domain since its formation in 2001, will become the nerve center ofHillary Rodham Clinton’s increasingly busy public life.

Change the title of your thread to something like, "Evil Republitards Deny Gay Rights To........."

And you'll get a thousand hits in 5 minutes.

But a dishonest, lying, thieving, traitorous piece of shit dimocrap scumbag?

That ain't news, buddy. That's how they roll, it's how they operate....... and their rank and file?

Just as scummy, dishonest and thieving as their masters.

Live with that fact and you'll rest easier at night.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Change the title of your thread to something like, "Evil Republitards Deny Gay Rights To........."

And you'll get a thousand hits in 5 minutes.

But a dishonest, lying, thieving, traitorous piece of shit dimocrap scumbag?

That ain't news, buddy. That's how they roll, it's how they operate....... and their rank and file?

Just as scummy, dishonest and thieving as their masters.

Live with that fact and you'll rest easier at night.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Post of the day! You win a seegar! Billary used to rail against foreign donations.
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The Clintons love that foreign money Bill Clinton and Chinese money....Leads to new arms race

Chinese General Shen Rongjun led the penetration of U.S. missile and space
technology during the Clinton administration. The 2002 State Department letter
makes it clear that they believe Gen. Shen led the successful penetration of the
Clinton administration and Hughes.

In 1994, Gen. Shen was second in command of a Chinese army unit known as
COSTIND, or the Commission On Science, Technology and Industry for National
Defense. Shen, and his COSTIND operatives in front companies, secured a wide
range of advanced missile and space technology from Hughes after a 1994 meeting
with Commerce Secretary Ron Brown.

Commerce documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act show that Brown
met with Gen. Shen in 1994 during a trade trip to Beijing. President Clinton
personally authorized the meeting between the Chinese general and Brown.

Before moving to Commerce, Brown headed the Democratic National Committee. The
Federal Election Commission fined the DNC in 2002 for "knowingly and willingly"
accepting donations from Chinese army sources.

Clinton Overrules Secretary of State

The alleged improper export by Hughes of satellite technology was cited as a key
reason when Clinton's secretary of state, Warren Christopher, rejected a plan to
give the Commerce Department full authority to control satellite exports.

According to a Sept. 22, 1995, memorandum, Christopher rejected plans to give
Commerce the authority to approve satellite exports after an interagency study
noted that "significant" military and intelligence capabilities could be lost.

The memorandum stated the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies strongly
opposed the policy change because Hughes exported two satellites with sensitive
cryptographic technology without first getting a State Department munitions
license. Cryptographic technology is used to scramble communications sent to
satellites to prevent unauthorized access.

President Clinton, who transferred the power to regulate sensitive satellites to
Commerce, under Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, ultimately overruled Christopher.

Clinton's transfer allowed the Chinese army to acquire advanced U.S. technology
for military purposes. Hughes satellites currently provide the Chinese army with
secure communications that are invulnerable to earth combat and highly accurate
all-weather navigation for strike bombers and missiles.

Clinton Legacy - A New Arms Race

The satellite and missile technology obtained from Hughes by the Chinese army is
critical for the design and manufacture of missile nose cones and electronic
missile control systems. The technology clearly helped the Chinese army field a
new generation of ICBMS, including the Dong Feng 31 missile, which can drop
three nuclear warheads on any city in the U.S

The success of Shen is a story of missiles, politics and greed. Gen. Shen
succeeded in using Hughes and President Clinton as valuable tools to obtain
weapons that are now pointed at the United States.

China won and the U.S. lost what may very well be the first round of World War
III. Gen. Shen led that victory and he did it with a checkbook. The Clinton
legacy for the 21st century is a new arms race

Clinton and Chinese Missiles
On a related note....Results of the Clintons love of foreign money....

China conducts JL-2 sub missile test

China carried out a flight test of its new JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missile last month, highlighting Beijing’s nuclear buildup of missile submarines. The JL-2 flight test took place Jan. 23, according to defense officials familiar with details of the test.

No details of the test were available. China in the past has conducted JL-2 flight tests from the Bohai Sea.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeff Pool declined to comment on the test. But Lt. Col. Pool said the JL-2 was discussed in the Pentagon’s most recent annual report on the Chinese military as one part of the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s “first credible long-range sea-based nuclear deterrent

Read more: Inside the Ring China tests nuclear missile for submarine launch - Washington Times
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Clinton foundation friends include muslim brotherhood operatives....

Clinton Muslim Brotherhood Operative Arrested in Egypt


A mere month after Haddad quit his Clinton Foundation job for full-time employment with the Brotherhood a year ago, now-deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi received an invitation to deliver a major address at the Clinton Global Initiative, a high-profile project of the foundation. Morsi calls Jews “bloodsuckers” and “the descendants of apes and pigs.”

“It was only a matter of time before Gehad el-Haddad was arrested,” said Eric Trager who was characterized by the Washington Free Beacon as an Egypt expert.

It is unclear if Clinton Foundation donors are aware that their donations have been used to train Islamic terrorists determined to snuff out individual rights and civil society.

Those who support the Global War on Terror should bear in mind that Haddad’s experience at the Clinton Foundation gave him the know-how to help build the terror apparatus, police state, and other oppressive institutions that would be required to turn Egypt into a totalitarian theocracy, which is the Brotherhood’s goal.

The Clinton Foundation’s Climate Initiative, which he worked on in Egypt, “taught Haddad about managing [a nongovernmental organization] and the role that civil society takes between the state and private sector, lessons he is applying to the Renaissance Project,” according to the Egypt Independent.

Clinton Muslim Brotherhood Operative Arrested in Egypt FrontPage Magazine
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dimocraps are the scum of the earth, they'll do anything for a vote.... INCLUDING sell out their Country.....

Here's why dimocrap scum love their goat-fucking pals, mooslums


Muslims from more than 10 states, including Florida and Pennsylvania, and it revealed that 89 percent of respondents voted for Obama, while only 2 percent voted for McCain

CAIR Poll More Than 85 of American Muslims Picked Obama CNS News

Poll findings:

  • 95.5 percent of the Muslim voters said they went to the polls on Nov. 6.
  • 85.7 percent cast their ballots to re-elect President Obama.
  • 4.4 percent of respondents said they voted for Mitt Romney.

In a battleground State like Florida, where we lost last election by 1% IIRC, mooslum goat-fuckers make up about 2% of the electorate.

Do the math.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
How does money=free speech cause an issue?

How does money=free speech cause an issue?

Foreign money...Try to keep up genius
Foreign money works as good as our stuff...
Do you think China, Saudi Arabia and other rich nations should be involved in U.S.elections?
Does it matter anymore? The Supreme Court answered the questions about political speech monies...
Change the title of your thread to something like, "Evil Republitards Deny Gay Rights To........."

And you'll get a thousand hits in 5 minutes.

But a dishonest, lying, thieving, traitorous piece of shit dimocrap scumbag?

That ain't news, buddy. That's how they roll, it's how they operate....... and their rank and file?

Just as scummy, dishonest and thieving as their masters.

Live with that fact and you'll rest easier at night.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


Who does hypocrisy better than the Clintons' ?
Hillary like Obama seems to have great affection for the muslim brotherhood..

Hillary Clinton Facing Criminal Charges Over Muslim Brotherhood Connection, Incitement of Violence


As Hillary Rodham Clinton faces a pivotal year; weighing a 2016 presidential run whilst continuing her attempts to prevent national exposure of her role in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, she could now be facing criminal charges in Egypt, over her known Muslim Brotherhood connections and her collusion with the wife of ousted Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi to incite violent revolution in the north African nation.

A complaint filed with Egypt’s Attorney General alleges that Naglaa Mahmoud, Morsi’s wife, was working – with Clinton’s help – to incite armed rebellion aimed at toppling Egyptian top General and Defense Minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Read more at Hillary Clinton Facing Criminal Charges Over Muslim Brotherhood Connection Incitement of Violence
How does money=free speech cause an issue?

How does money=free speech cause an issue?

Foreign money...Try to keep up genius
Foreign money works as good as our stuff...
Do you think China, Saudi Arabia and other rich nations should be involved in U.S.elections?
Does it matter anymore? The Supreme Court answered the questions about political speech monies...

Foreign money is illegal..understand? you're not too bright are you? The Clintons launder money through their foundation
Money laundering and cronyism through the Clinton foundation...

A scandal primer on Bill Clinton's foundation, and Hillary Clinton's temporary home

Alec MacGillis' epic 9,000-word investigation into the inner workings of the Clinton Global Foundation (now the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation) posted Sunday in the New Republic is only the latest probe into the more questionable associations of the multi-billion-dollar international charity.

Now that the foundation has become former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's perch as she prepares for what appears to be a likely 2016 presidential run, some corners of the mainstream media are shining a harsher spotlight on it. Here's a brief primer on what is likely to be a continuing issue in the days ahead.

MacGillis' piece examines how a once-lowly professional "body man" (i.e., valet/gofer) for President Clinton -- Doug Band -- was able to parlay that association into becoming a top official at the foundation and creating an extremely lucrative private business as a political consultant. Basically, Band sold access to Clinton for a hefty fee, including to some pretty sketchy characters.

One of those, an Italian swindler named Raffaello Follieri, was able to worm his way into the foundation's inner circle by cozying up to Band. Follieri then scammed other Clinton foundation donors into investing in his real estate projects — one gave $100 million — money that was used to finance his high-rolling lifestyle.

Follieri later pleaded guilty to fraud, conspiracy and money-laundering charges and served time in a federal prison. More detailed versions of this particular story can be found in the Wall Street Journal and Vanity Fair.

There were other, similar cases of people using the foundation to connect with wealthy individuals as part of financial schemes. MacGillis' piece relates how London businessman and foundation donor Victor Dahdaleh was charged by British authorities with bribery involving a Bahraini company to the tune of $9.5 million. (The case is still pending.

Other stories have noted that many of the foundation's officials live awfully well. The New York Post reported in August that the foundation has spent $50 million on travel expenses since 2003, including $12.1 million in 2011 alone

A scandal primer on Bill Clinton s foundation and Hillary Clinton s temporary home WashingtonExaminer.com
Money laundering and cronyism through the Clinton foundation...

A scandal primer on Bill Clinton's foundation, and Hillary Clinton's temporary home

Alec MacGillis' epic 9,000-word investigation into the inner workings of the Clinton Global Foundation (now the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation) posted Sunday in the New Republic is only the latest probe into the more questionable associations of the multi-billion-dollar international charity.

Now that the foundation has become former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's perch as she prepares for what appears to be a likely 2016 presidential run, some corners of the mainstream media are shining a harsher spotlight on it. Here's a brief primer on what is likely to be a continuing issue in the days ahead.

MacGillis' piece examines how a once-lowly professional "body man" (i.e., valet/gofer) for President Clinton -- Doug Band -- was able to parlay that association into becoming a top official at the foundation and creating an extremely lucrative private business as a political consultant. Basically, Band sold access to Clinton for a hefty fee, including to some pretty sketchy characters.

One of those, an Italian swindler named Raffaello Follieri, was able to worm his way into the foundation's inner circle by cozying up to Band. Follieri then scammed other Clinton foundation donors into investing in his real estate projects — one gave $100 million — money that was used to finance his high-rolling lifestyle.

Follieri later pleaded guilty to fraud, conspiracy and money-laundering charges and served time in a federal prison. More detailed versions of this particular story can be found in the Wall Street Journal and Vanity Fair.

There were other, similar cases of people using the foundation to connect with wealthy individuals as part of financial schemes. MacGillis' piece relates how London businessman and foundation donor Victor Dahdaleh was charged by British authorities with bribery involving a Bahraini company to the tune of $9.5 million. (The case is still pending.

Other stories have noted that many of the foundation's officials live awfully well. The New York Post reported in August that the foundation has spent $50 million on travel expenses since 2003, including $12.1 million in 2011 alone

A scandal primer on Bill Clinton s foundation and Hillary Clinton s temporary home WashingtonExaminer.com
Nobody will ever be able to pin anything on Mr. and Mrs. Teflon. They've gotten away with everything up to and including murder. The only consolation is knowing they will rot in hell for eternity.

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