Hillary Clinton and Foreign Money

There should be a twin to this thread called "American Media & Foreign Money".. [google Prince Awhleed Talal]
How does money=free speech cause an issue?

How does money=free speech cause an issue?

Foreign money...Try to keep up genius
Foreign money works as good as our stuff...
Do you think China, Saudi Arabia and other rich nations should be involved in U.S.elections?
Does it matter anymore? The Supreme Court answered the questions about political speech monies...

Foreign money is illegal..understand? you're not too bright are you? The Clintons launder money through their foundation

Mooglow is not a bad person, he's just generally clueless. So while he thinks he is being clever he is really making a fool of himself. At the point he starts to get that feeling of "oh.... oh shit I might not know what I'm talking about here" he takes off because he hates that feeling and avoids it.
The Clinton slush fund...

Clintons’ foundation has raised nearly $2 billion — and some key questions


Since its creation in 2001, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised close to $2 billion from a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests, according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data.

The total, representing cash and pledges reported in tax filings, includes $262 million that was raised in 2013 — the year Hillary Rodham Clinton stepped down as secretary of state and began to devote her energies to the foundation and to a likely second run for president.

The financial success of the foundation, which funds charitable work around the world, underscores the highly unusual nature of another Clinton candidacy. The organization has given contributors entree, outside the traditional political arena, to a possible president. Foreign donors and countries that are likely to have interests before a potential Clinton administration — and yet are ineligible to give to U.S. political campaigns — have affirmed their support for the family’s work through the charitable giving.

The Post review of foundation data, updated this month on the group’s Web site to reflect giving through 2014, found substantial overlap between the Clinton political machinery and the foundation.

Nearly half of the major donors who are backing Ready for Hillary, a group promoting her 2016 presidential bid, as well as nearly half of the bundlers from her 2008 campaign, have given at least $10,000 to the foundation, either on their own or through foundations or companies they run.

The Clintons have relied heavily on their close ties to Wall Street, with donations from the financial services sector representing the largest share of corporate donors

.Clintons foundation has raised nearly 2 billion and some key questions - The Washington Post
Nutters bitching about politicians taking money?

It's upside down backward land!
Foreign money is illegal. This slush fund employees lots of Clinton pals, and pays for first class flights all over the world. For 2 years it operated at a loss after taking in 10s of millions. Whoever heard of such a thing?:wtf:
How does money=free speech cause an issue?

When Romney went to Europe on a fund raiser, he refused to disclose the amount of $$ he collected, now that's free speech. Did the RW's piss and moan? Not a chance.
How does money=free speech cause an issue?

When Romney went to Europe on a fund raiser, he refused to disclose the amount of $$ he collected, now that's free speech. Did the RW's piss and moan? Not a chance.

Foreign donations are illegal.

you're an idiot.

Romney Holds Unprecedented Fundraiser in Israel Fox News

Are all liberals as dumb as you? There are 150,000 people in Israel with dual citizenship. They voted for Romney better than 70%:thup: Those are American citizens
How does money=free speech cause an issue?

When Romney went to Europe on a fund raiser, he refused to disclose the amount of $$ he collected, now that's free speech. Did the RW's piss and moan? Not a chance.

Foreign donations are illegal.

so how do you know Hillary received "foreign" money ?
The Clinton foundation receives it and it's unethical at best, corrupt at worst...More likely the latter
The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments


1 does foundation mean campaign? 2 is she campaigning?

3 or are RW just dumbass morons ?

I choose #3
The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from foreign governments


1 does foundation mean campaign? 2 is she campaigning?

3 or are RW just dumbass morons ?

I choose #3

You choose to be a moron then...The Clinton foundation is a corny found to employ Clinton cronys
Hillary is toast. Even some liberals are saying this is a huge mistake. Questions about this will dog her until election day.
Hillary is toast. Even some liberals are saying this is a huge mistake. Questions about this will dog her until election day.
I don't know liberals love all this big money when it is they that are receiving it.
The Clinton's and their crones living high on the hog off of the Clinton foundation....

The Bill, Hillary, Chelsea and His Royal Highness King Salman of Saudi Arabia Clinton Foundation


The Wall Street Journal reported this past week that the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has quietly dropped its ban on foreign contributions and is accepting donations from the governments of “the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany, and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline.” The Journal’s conclusion: Since 2001 “the foundation has raised at least $48 million from overseas governments.”

Needless to say, the gargantuan troll-like conflict of interest that arises as soon as the foundation of the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States begins accepting money from overseas is apparent to every sentient being on the planet except members of the Clinton family and the growing number of advisers, consultants, strategists, pollsters, groupies, allies, and hangers-on whose livelihood depends on that family’s political success. “These contributions,” the foundation said in a statement to the Journal, “are helping improve the lives of millions of people across the world, for which we are grateful.”

its flip shamelessness, the way in which its airy sentimental public relations gobbledygook is both a denial of what is obviously a corrupt practice and an implicit endorsement of it. I do not doubt for a moment that the Clinton flack who led the email chain that came up with this blistering retort to the Journal is indeed “grateful” for every single one of the donations that foreign governments are making to his organization, because life in Manhattan and North Caldwell, New Jersey, is very expensive and these kids are not going to be paying for college on their own you know. If a little charity on the part of his excellency Sultan Qaboos of Oman can help pay for the lake house in Connecticut and the monthly installment on that brand new Tesla you’ve been eyeing through the window of the store on 25th Street, well, what’s the harm? The programs you run—“transforming communities,” “creating partnerships of purpose,” devising other alliterative slogans—“improve the lives of millions of people across the world.” OK, maybe not “millions of people,” but certainly the lives of the oligarchs and monarchs and functionaries and foreign agents who sign checks to the Clintons

And to think that scenes like this have played out in conference rooms and private jets and luxury hotels around the world for over a decade, with promises exchanged and pledges made and deals negotiated and influence peddled, and no one really has the faintest idea of any of the details except members of Bill Clinton’s innermost circle. What beguiles and amazes is the scope of the self-dealing, the effrontery of the horse-trading, the utterly earnest way in which the Clintons are able to transform hobnobbing with and skimming off the global elite into a parody of “philanthropy.

The Bill Hillary Chelsea and His Royal Highness King Salman of Saudi Arabia Clinton Foundation Washington Free Beacon

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