Hillary Clinton: Blocking Refugees Will Make Muslims Angry at Police Officers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

LINK: Hillary Clinton: Blocking Refugees Will Make Muslims Angry at Police Officers - Breitbart

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that blocking Syrian refugees from entering the United States would impair the ability of police officers to connect with the Muslim community.



Forget the fact that thousands of improperly, inadequately-screened Syrian 'refugees', whom ISIS vowed to infiltrate and use to attack the US as it successfully did in Paris...forget worrying about ensuring our national security and protecting American Lives....

We can't piss off the Muslims and potential terrorists because it might make it harder for our police officers to be accepted by them!

We already have ignorant, racist, hostile yet 'fragile' (easily offended) blacks calling for the deaths of all whites and police officers....what's a couple more hundred thousand pissed off, offended, hostiles, right?!

How did we get from being so irate on 9/11/12 to being such pusses who are worried about offending Muslims today?

Let them be angry.

Fucking zealots of slavery and death. Who gives a fuck?


LINK: Hillary Clinton: Blocking Refugees Will Make Muslims Angry at Police Officers - Breitbart

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that blocking Syrian refugees from entering the United States would impair the ability of police officers to connect with the Muslim community.



Forget the fact that thousands of improperly, inadequately-screened Syrian 'refugees', whom ISIS vowed to infiltrate and use to attack the US as it successfully did in Paris...forget worrying about ensuring our national security and protecting American Lives....

We can't piss off the Muslims and potential terrorists because it might make it harder for our police officers to be accepted by them!

We already have ignorant, racist, hostile yet 'fragile' (easily offended) blacks calling for the deaths of all whites and police officers....what's a couple more hundred thousand pissed off, offended, hostiles, right?!

How did we get from being so irate on 9/11/12 to being such pusses who are worried about offending Muslims today?
Police don't use their billy clubs nearly enough. It's sad.
According to Clinton & Obama, everything pisses Muslims off and everything increases their Death Squad Recruiting; and, according to John Kerry, if I get blown up for saying so on a message board, the Muslims will be justified, er rather...at least it will be rational for them to do so.

We should never let another Muslim into this country. It not just because of their religion. Buddhists and Hindus don't give us any trouble at all. They are welcome as far as I am concerned.

The problem is that Islam is not just a religion, it is a political ideology as well--a very harsh one. Muslims are so far away from recognizing a Wall of Separation between Church and State...that you cannot even be a Muslim if you believe in the Separation between Church and State....one of the great blessings given to Americans by Thomas Jefferson.

The Church {read Mosque} IS the State.

Islam is several hundred years, minimum, from recognizing a separation between Church and State...they are the antithesis of the traditional American and of American values in general; and they will never assimilate....we should learn that from the liberal very foolish Europeans who now endure No-Go Zones everywhere.....where only welfare goes in and only fanaticism comes out.

We should never Let Another Muslim into this Country.
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LINK: Hillary Clinton: Blocking Refugees Will Make Muslims Angry at Police Officers - Breitbart

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that blocking Syrian refugees from entering the United States would impair the ability of police officers to connect with the Muslim community.



Forget the fact that thousands of improperly, inadequately-screened Syrian 'refugees', whom ISIS vowed to infiltrate and use to attack the US as it successfully did in Paris...forget worrying about ensuring our national security and protecting American Lives....

We can't piss off the Muslims and potential terrorists because it might make it harder for our police officers to be accepted by them!

We already have ignorant, racist, hostile yet 'fragile' (easily offended) blacks calling for the deaths of all whites and police officers....what's a couple more hundred thousand pissed off, offended, hostiles, right?!

How did we get from being so irate on 9/11/12 to being such pusses who are worried about offending Muslims today?

Blocking Refugees Will Make Muslims Angry at Police Officers

Muslims sound unstable.
Maybe we should keep them out?
Mrs. Bill Clinton is as disgusting a character as is her degenerate husband. What worries me is a choice between her or Trump. That will be like choosing between lung cancer and colon cancer.

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