Hillary Clinton Calls Education A ‘Non-Family Enterprise,’ Praises Common Core

Generalissimo Hillary to the rescue.

- Enjoy our sub standard teaching, as all the best teachers flee what is left of the public school system for the private school or other countries.

- Kids, please enjoy your school text books, unless you're blind, intellectually disabled or can't learn as fast. If you can't, then gulag for you.

- Don't worry, our testing measures will be so perfect that nothing will go wrong, even though every state has different obstacles and funding issues.

- If we shut down your school, for not meeting expectations, you will just have to find one overcrowded and 200 miles from home.

- If you have any questions, you may only answer in the way we decree, or we will fail you and close down your school.
Generalissimo Hillary to the rescue.

- Enjoy our sub standard teaching, as all the best teachers flee what is left of the public school system for the private school or other countries.

- Kids, please enjoy your school text books, unless you're blind, intellectually disabled or can't learn as fast. If you can't, then gulag for you.

- Don't worry, our testing measures will be so perfect that nothing will go wrong, even though every state has different obstacles and funding issues.

- If we shut down your school, for not meeting expectations, you will just have to find one overcrowded and 200 miles from home.

- If you have any questions, you may only answer in the way we decree, or we will fail you and close down your school.

Special education is a gulag?

Is today First-World-Problems Day?
Parents are now mortgaging their future to send their children to liberal cesspools for a college education with tuition rates that continue to skyrocket so that their children can go out into a dead economy to work at McDonalds.

And for what again?
I don't like Common core as I think we can do a whole lot better but she does have a point. Education is something society should handle as everyone deserves a education.

really, that must be why she and all the Elitists like her send there children to PRIVATE schools. isn't that a FAMILY enterprise ?

Sure, send your children to a private school if you have 40k/year to spend. People should have the choice, but for the rest of the country(70%),,,,That isn't a choice.
It isn't that expensive. My 7 and 11 year olds are in private school. $550 per semester and well worth it. Schools usually try to work with you to make it affordable.
Hillary has always been an advocate of the communal raising of children. That's what the basis of her book It Takes A Village was about.
I remember when that book came out. I remember afterwards seeing minivans with bumper stickers saying "I've seen the village and I don't want it raising my child."
Dear gawd save us


April 16, 2015 By Sean Davis
During her first official campaign event in Iowa earlier this week, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised Common Core and referred to children’s education as a “non-family enterprise.” Clinton’s controversial statements about education, which were captured by C-SPAN, came in response to a question from a participant about how to offer a quality education throughout the U.S.

Clinton initially responded to the question about how to fix the U.S. educational system by praising Common Core. She then said that families today are too “negative” about the current system, a system Clinton described as “the most important non-family enterprise” in the country. After noting what she described as “unfortunate” opposition to Common Core, Hillary Clinton also blithely dismissed the concerns of Common Core opponents by saying they just “do not understand the value” of the controversial top-down curriculum:

Although Clinton said there shouldn’t be “two tiers of education” in the U.S., she opposes school choice, which would help parents in failing school districts send their children to better schools. Her comment that children’s education is a “non-family enterprise” is also likely to enrage families who believe that parents should be key players in the education of their own children.

Here’s a transcript of Clinton’s remarks from the video:

ALL of it here:
Hillary Calls Education A Non-Family Enterprise Praises Common Core
Hildebeast loves Commie Core? Shocking!
Parent's should have a say in their children's educations. It is not the feds that should dictate it. Do you not see the danger in removing parental input from the equation?
Hillary has always been an advocate of the communal raising of children. That's what the basis of her book It Takes A Village was about.

China back 2000 years, Greece, Roman empire, all of Europe during the middle ages into today...It should be the responsibility of society to educate our children. Why should it fall on parents?? Not saying they shouldn't have the choice to send their kids to a private school or to home school, but for you to say that we shouldn't attempt to educate our population is a idiotic thing to say.

No country on earth would be dumb enough.

I agree. ;) But, the vast majority in this country do send their kids to our public schools. We should focus on reforming this so we can better educate our children for the next generation.

Parents should be a important part of the equation.
The majority send their kids to public schools because there is no other choice available to them. If we had a voucher system public schools wouldn't have this monopoly.
Generalissimo Hillary to the rescue.

- Enjoy our sub standard teaching, as all the best teachers flee what is left of the public school system for the private school or other countries.

- Kids, please enjoy your school text books, unless you're blind, intellectually disabled or can't learn as fast. If you can't, then gulag for you.

- Don't worry, our testing measures will be so perfect that nothing will go wrong, even though every state has different obstacles and funding issues.

- If we shut down your school, for not meeting expectations, you will just have to find one overcrowded and 200 miles from home.

- If you have any questions, you may only answer in the way we decree, or we will fail you and close down your school.

Special education is a gulag?

Is today First-World-Problems Day?
You don't get quality 'special education' as Common Core/National Standards kills off the ability of a school to create their own curriculum and testing standards.
I don't like Common core as I think we can do a whole lot better but she does have a point. Education is something society should handle as everyone deserves a education.

really, that must be why she and all the Elitists like her send there children to PRIVATE schools. isn't that a FAMILY enterprise ?

Actually, it isn't

Home schooling is a family enterprise.....public and private schools are not
Generalissimo Hillary to the rescue.

- Enjoy our sub standard teaching, as all the best teachers flee what is left of the public school system for the private school or other countries.

- Kids, please enjoy your school text books, unless you're blind, intellectually disabled or can't learn as fast. If you can't, then gulag for you.

- Don't worry, our testing measures will be so perfect that nothing will go wrong, even though every state has different obstacles and funding issues.

- If we shut down your school, for not meeting expectations, you will just have to find one overcrowded and 200 miles from home.

- If you have any questions, you may only answer in the way we decree, or we will fail you and close down your school.

Special education is a gulag?

Is today First-World-Problems Day?
You don't get quality 'special education' as Common Core/National Standards kills off the ability of a school to create their own curriculum and testing standards.

And why would that be necessary in order to deliver quality special ed?
I don't like Common core as I think we can do a whole lot better but she does have a point. Education is something society should handle as everyone deserves a education.

really, that must be why she and all the Elitists like her send there children to PRIVATE schools. isn't that a FAMILY enterprise ?

Actually, it isn't

Home schooling is a family enterprise.....public and private schools are not
Of course you missed the hippocrisy of the Left elite talking about how much they support public education and Commie Core while sending their own kids to private schools.
Common Core Exec: 'Damn the Second Amendment'

Says conservatives are "idiots."

Trey Sanchez

Project Veritas has released its third undercover video of another Common Core executive revealing the political ideology behind the national educational standards. And this time the anti-American agenda is made clear.

The featured Common Core salesperson in this video is Kim Koerber of National Geographic Education (funded by the Gates Foundation, by the way) and a former Pearson Education publishing executive. Her expressions of hatred for America's founding documents coupled with her undying love for Common Core brings the problem to an entirely new level. Plus, she brings a new meaning to the word disgust when talking about those pesky Texas conservatives:

Common Core is really important because it needs to have some cohesion between the states, and Texas keeps screwing it up over and over again.

Texas got upset about it and they wanted to have their founders, they wanted to pound the founders in it. And it's like come on!
The dead white guys did not create this country. It was a whole bunch of different kinds of people. And yes there were women, and yes there were people of color, and yes… you need to talk about them, too. But they want to talk about those dead white guys.

People who say that they want to teach the Constitution, only want to teach the part of the Constitution that they like.
When told that Texans are upset that the Constitution isn't being covered, Koerber pushed back hard saying, " It is being covered, but not the way they -- cause they’re idiots and they don’t know what’s in it."

"You should know a little bit about it, you shouldn’t have to memorize the thing," she added.

When a Project Veritas undercover journalist spoke about the Second Amendment, Koerber interjected:

That damn Second Amendment. I don’t think personal handguns need to be on anyone except the government, the police. What is the purpose of having a gun?
But Koerber wasn't done insulting conservatives, or Christians -- what she kept referring to as "those" people in Texas who keep resisting Common Core:

They don't agree with Islam, so they don't want their kids to know about it. They don't agree with birth control, so they don't want their kids to talk about it. They don't agree with math because they don't understand it. It's not the same math that they did in high school, so they don't want their kids to know about it.
Here is a little back and forth with a PV journalist and Kroeber, continuing this line of thought (via Breitbart):

PV: I am really glad I’m here in California, whatever religious affiliation you want to take is fine, but in Texas they want to push the Christianity.

KOERBER: Because they think it’s the only one.

PV: They do, and I see that.

KOERBER: That’s why it’s so offensive to have these prayers in the school board.

PV: Christianity is totally out of the common core?

KOERBER: Yes it is. Totally. It’s not a core concept at all.

PV: But then there is a mention of other religions like Islam.

KOERBER: Yeah well you have to because …

PV: So how did Islam get worked in?

KOERBER: Islam…they said you have to talk about Islam, you have to talk about Judaism and you have to talk about Christianity and they wanted to make it big about Christianity; no it’s like, everybody needs to know about everything else.​


Common Core Exec: 'Damn the Second Amendment'
Parent's should have a say in their children's educations. It is not the feds that should dictate it. Do you not see the danger in removing parental input from the equation?
Hillary has always been an advocate of the communal raising of children. That's what the basis of her book It Takes A Village was about.

China back 2000 years, Greece, Roman empire, all of Europe during the middle ages into today...It should be the responsibility of society to educate our children. Why should it fall on parents?? Not saying they shouldn't have the choice to send their kids to a private school or to home school, but for you to say that we shouldn't attempt to educate our population is a idiotic thing to say.

No country on earth would be dumb enough.

What makes you think that the feds are dictating anything?
Common Core Exec: 'Damn the Second Amendment'

Says conservatives are "idiots."

Trey Sanchez

Project Veritas has released its third undercover video of another Common Core executive revealing the political ideology behind the national educational standards. And this time the anti-American agenda is made clear.

The featured Common Core salesperson in this video is Kim Koerber of National Geographic Education (funded by the Gates Foundation, by the way) and a former Pearson Education publishing executive. Her expressions of hatred for America's founding documents coupled with her undying love for Common Core brings the problem to an entirely new level. Plus, she brings a new meaning to the word disgust when talking about those pesky Texas conservatives:

Common Core is really important because it needs to have some cohesion between the states, and Texas keeps screwing it up over and over again.

Texas got upset about it and they wanted to have their founders, they wanted to pound the founders in it. And it's like come on!
The dead white guys did not create this country. It was a whole bunch of different kinds of people. And yes there were women, and yes there were people of color, and yes… you need to talk about them, too. But they want to talk about those dead white guys.

People who say that they want to teach the Constitution, only want to teach the part of the Constitution that they like.
When told that Texans are upset that the Constitution isn't being covered, Koerber pushed back hard saying, " It is being covered, but not the way they -- cause they’re idiots and they don’t know what’s in it."

"You should know a little bit about it, you shouldn’t have to memorize the thing," she added.

When a Project Veritas undercover journalist spoke about the Second Amendment, Koerber interjected:

That damn Second Amendment. I don’t think personal handguns need to be on anyone except the government, the police. What is the purpose of having a gun?
But Koerber wasn't done insulting conservatives, or Christians -- what she kept referring to as "those" people in Texas who keep resisting Common Core:

They don't agree with Islam, so they don't want their kids to know about it. They don't agree with birth control, so they don't want their kids to talk about it. They don't agree with math because they don't understand it. It's not the same math that they did in high school, so they don't want their kids to know about it.
Here is a little back and forth with a PV journalist and Kroeber, continuing this line of thought (via Breitbart):

PV: I am really glad I’m here in California, whatever religious affiliation you want to take is fine, but in Texas they want to push the Christianity.

KOERBER: Because they think it’s the only one.

PV: They do, and I see that.

KOERBER: That’s why it’s so offensive to have these prayers in the school board.

PV: Christianity is totally out of the common core?

KOERBER: Yes it is. Totally. It’s not a core concept at all.

PV: But then there is a mention of other religions like Islam.

KOERBER: Yeah well you have to because …

PV: So how did Islam get worked in?

KOERBER: Islam…they said you have to talk about Islam, you have to talk about Judaism and you have to talk about Christianity and they wanted to make it big about Christianity; no it’s like, everybody needs to know about everything else.​


Common Core Exec: 'Damn the Second Amendment'

Do you even know that the Constitution is not covered by the Common Core Standards at all?

There is no Christianity, no Islam, no social studies at all! Common Core is Language Arts and Math. That's it!

You have been had!
It's like a breath of fresh air.
Started with 'you can keep your doctor'TM, and now it is 'you can keep your teacher'TM. Some schools will surely have to shut their doors with Common Core.
It's no surprise she loves Commie Core. It will be a boon for private schools as parents yank their kids out of public schools.

You people need to get up to speed. Common Core has been around for 5 years. Recently, Congress passed and Obama signed a new law that has done away with the incentives for states to use Common Core. States are now free to spend millions of your tax dollars reinventing the same wheel.
Generalissimo Hillary to the rescue.

- Enjoy our sub standard teaching, as all the best teachers flee what is left of the public school system for the private school or other countries.

- Kids, please enjoy your school text books, unless you're blind, intellectually disabled or can't learn as fast. If you can't, then gulag for you.

- Don't worry, our testing measures will be so perfect that nothing will go wrong, even though every state has different obstacles and funding issues.

- If we shut down your school, for not meeting expectations, you will just have to find one overcrowded and 200 miles from home.

- If you have any questions, you may only answer in the way we decree, or we will fail you and close down your school.

Special education is a gulag?

Is today First-World-Problems Day?
You don't get quality 'special education' as Common Core/National Standards kills off the ability of a school to create their own curriculum and testing standards.

That's funny! I teach Common Core standards and I designed my own curriculum! Do you think the feds will lock me up?

You are dead wrong on this point. Please educate yourself.

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