Hillary Clinton claims that the USA needs a surge of Syrian refugees


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Ok you all know this, but can anyone explain what the USA needs these people for? Tell me how these people make America a better place, or help already poor people and families get jobs?
Yes, importing non skilled third worlders into this country of 320M people and part time jobs a must, is a GREAT idea!
Its not like we don't have a surplus of money or anything..
Yes, importing non skilled third worlders into this country of 320M people and part time jobs a must, is a GREAT idea!
Its not like we don't have a surplus of money or anything..
The sad fact is that all of these people will be cared for by Obamacare and that the increased numbers help push Obamacare into bankruptcy so that we can have fully socialized medicine.
Not only obamacare, but housing, food stamps, phones, transportation vouchers, etc.
Yes, importing non skilled third worlders into this country of 320M people and part time jobs a must, is a GREAT idea!
Its not like we don't have a surplus of money or anything..
The sad fact is that all of these people will be cared for by Obamacare and that the increased numbers help push Obamacare into bankruptcy so that we can have fully socialized medicine.
Here they call them refugees, and tell us the American thing to do is to give them asylum because to turn them away isn't who we are.
But when addressing the UN perpetrators, Obama calls it exactly what it is: GLOBAL INTEGRATION. These are not refugees, these are adult Muslim men taking over the countries the UN is giving them. Our UN enforced quota is 1 million unvetted Muslims a year for the next ten years. Hillary will speed that up by 550%.

Not voting her into office will prevent that from happening. The choice is ours. We will decide the future of our nation in a few weeks. Let's give the United States to our children instead of radical Islam.
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The European Union has been pressuring Obie to take more Syrian refugees. Hillary is an extension of Obama. The EU have been our lapdogs towards sanctioning Putin the last couple of years. More Syrian refugees is the price the EU wants us to pay for doing our bidding.
Soros is giving the Muslims 500 million to start businesses and build mosques in America. He is realizing his dream. To destroy us. And we are letting him.

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