Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump 'Becoming ISIS's Best Recruiter'

NYT has rated this statement false...also ISIS is using a video of Billy boy to recruit.....oooops
No one is demonizing Muslims more than Adolf Trump - therefore, he is ISIS's best recruiter by default.
She said Trump's rhetoric is sending a message to the world "that there is a clash of civilizations."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went after Donald Trump during the Democratic presidential debate Saturday night, saying he is hurting the U.S. fight against terrorism with his anti-Muslim rhetoric.

"He is becoming ISIS' best recruiter," she said. "They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

Trump recently called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California. While his comments were extreme, some of his GOP presidential rivals have gone nearly as far.

"The first line of defense against radicalization is in the Muslim American community -- people who we should be welcoming and working with," Clinton said.

"I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here in the United States and literally around the world that there is a clash of civilizations, that there is some kind of Western plot or war against Islam, which then, I believe, fans the flames of radicalization," she added.

Clinton later invoked Trump again in her response on how to take on ISIS.

"If you're going to put together a coalition in the region to take on the threat of ISIS, you don't want to alienate the very countries and people you need to be part of the coalition," she said.

Trump has said his plan to fight ISIS is to essentially bomb the bejesus out of them.

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump 'Becoming ISIS's Best Recruiter'

I totally agree! Trump is alienating the entire Muslim world - including American citizens.

As is gay marriage.

So now you want it illegal?
Isn't there a "clash of civilizations"? Strange coming from the abused wife of the guy who freaking bombed Europe when he was caught with his pants down.
Our ruling

Clinton said that ISIS is "going to people showing Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

We were unable to find any evidence to support this. The Clinton campaign did not provide any evidence that this is already happening -- only that it could be happening, or that it may in the future. If ISIS was using Trump for recruitment videos, we would expect a frenzy of media coverage over it. We rate this claim False. CNN Shrugs Off Clinton Claim About Trump Being Debunked by Fact-Checkers: ‘We Will Leave That Aside’
"They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."
CNN fact checked that claim they can find no evidence of any such videos being shown to anyone.

Videos are needed. All they have to do is watch American news. Adolf Trump's fear and hate of Muslims is everywhere for the world to see.
"They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."
CNN fact checked that claim they can find no evidence of any such videos being shown to anyone.

Videos are needed. All they have to do is watch American news. Adolf Trump's fear and hate of Muslims is everywhere for the world to see.
Whats the matter shitting bull you don't care for that fact checking when it contridicts your goddess in paintsuits?
SITE Intelligence Group is likely the source of the comment. It is noted that secular kamikaze recruiting, using Trump's remarks, have appeared on social media. Any videos are probably being touted with sources like Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and on and on. The anti-buffoon characterizations of Trump are even in government remarks in the English parliament.

US Fact-Checkers apparently want to see Disney, or Fox, or Sony or something: Providing real ISIL videos(?)! Probably the social media posts have links, if not directly to ISIL World Productions, if there is any such thing(?).

The Republican Crazies can only point to tens of thousands of people in Syria and Iraq as the contamination, the secular kamikazes, fighting for some nature of secular government arrangement. Even Senator Sanders is probably off-base to declare that a battle is under way for the heart, mind, and soul of 1.5 bil. Moslems. The real Moslems are already the majority in 47 nations, being world engaging normal. The origin of the Sanders remark is attributed to some monarch, likely with far more money than Trump. In the way of such pretensions, the comment is likely an overstatement, blown way out of proportion to events on the earth. That sort of stunt-making has more or less been the GOP agenda since start of summer.

The Senator is likely a bit overly excitable, with a surprising campaign attracting potential voters, and all. Secretary Clinton has the advantage of a history making campaign. So does the Democratic Socialist. The third candidate is standard liberal, with nothing comparatively advantageous to offer. Those three ten to focus on actual policy, not on current events of the last 24 hours. Those events are already on videotape, even recorded in homes worldwide.. Then Secretary Clinton can allude to the videos.

The secular kamikazes are being contained, most recently in diplomatic event, quietly noted, at the United Nations.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Fact-Checkers maybe not understand concept of "Homeland," in the matter of Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
It seems she likes video stories. Blame it on video... again.

Is there a source for her claim? Or she just pulled it out of her ass. Like Benghazi.
Once again, Squaw Puss hasn't caught up with The Hildebeast getting caught in ANOTHER LIE and WALKING IT BACK!!!!!

Clinton Campaign Walks Back Her Claim That Trump Was Featured in ISIS Recruitment Videos

nymag.com ^ | Dec 20, 2015
In Saturday night's 3rd Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton sought to emphasize her line that Donald Trump has become "ISIS's best recruiter" by suggesting that the extremist group was using Trump in their recruiting videos, a claim which has now been widely discredited by fact-checkers and ISIS experts, and which prompted Trump to call Clinton a liar on the Sunday morning talk-show circuit. As a result, Sunday morning also saw Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri work to walk Clinton's statement back. Appearing on ABC's This Week, Palmieri said that Clinton "didn't have a particular video in mind"


Wow ShittingBull posts a Hillary lie, gets caught on, and charges on.
We see truth means nothing to liberals. Truth is just another way to gain power. If that doesnt work, try falsehood.
Just to reiterate what has already been noted but ignored by the low information folks, Lame Obama and Crooked Hillary's foreign policy created ISIS.

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