Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll

Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"?? Besides, if anyone other than the rich votes Republican they'd be seriously shooting themselves in the foot and would live to regret it. Let's hope they have the good sense to know and realize that before they vote.
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Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"??

Ironic considering the entire premise of this thread is counting chickens
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"??

Ironic considering the entire premise of this thread is counting chickens

Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about. Life for the American people where all they see is gloom, doom and despair from Republicans.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
I'm rather baffled by your claim, PT. I was watching CNN a few nights ago and they were doing a segment on Hilary Clinton's shrinking poll numbers against a number of different GOP candidates.
Watching the ol' Faux again I see. CNN has had many stories and polls with Hillary leading at this point, fyi.

Do you not comprehend the written word? The segment I referred to was on CNN.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"??

Ironic considering the entire premise of this thread is counting chickens

Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about. Life for the American people where all they see is gloom, doom and despair from Republicans.

Has anyone ever told you that you suffer from a rather bad case of "bumper sticker-itus"?

"Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about."

LOL...all I can say is I hope you're VERY stoned right now...
If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.

Mod edit xxxxxxxx Each one of those matchups is a one-on-one matchup. Just because a pollster is pitting one candidate on one side against a number of candidates from the other side doesn't mean that the matchups themselves are not individual. Now, rub your two remaining brain cells together and let's see if you can figure that one out, fake Rabbi.

And btw, I have indicated more than once that one individual poll is of not much worth, but the aggregate of many polls does indeed tell us something.

Hey, when Hillary Clinton sweeps on election night 2016 with 57% and well over 400 EV, let's talk again.

Ahhh, yet another Rightie who, when his logic (if he had any at all) fails him, goes for personal attacks instead.

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If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.

And actually, there have been a number of Perry vs. Clinton matchups and he pretty much sucks big donkey dicks in all of them, even in his home state of Texas.
Well Douche obviously thinks a poll in NY is the be all end all. Of course NY is highly Democratic.

No doubt its factual for the State of NY but I doubt that poll is worth a hill of beans in the rest of the country.

Hilbat may not even run so Douche will have to find another Dem to pin her hopes on.

After her handling of Benghazi as SOS, if I were her I'd go hide somewhere.

No way should that old bat be POTUS. She couldn't handle it as we've already seen. Nope. She and Bill need to toddle into the sunset.
Well Douche obviously thinks a poll in NY is the be all end all. Of course NY is highly Democratic.

No doubt its factual for the State of NY but I doubt that poll is worth a hill of beans in the rest of the country.

Hilbat may not even run so Douche will have to find another Dem to pin her hopes on.

After her handling of Benghazi as SOS, if I were her I'd go hide somewhere.

No way should that old bat be POTUS. She couldn't handle it as we've already seen. Nope. She and Bill need to toddle into the sunset.

Well, that was just fact filled. Of course, I cherish your right to express your opinion, even when you do make an ass out of yourself.

Need some butthurt creme, perhaps?
This Quinnipiac poll actually shows an uptick for Chris Christie, who has gone from a +27 deficit in the last Qpiac poll to a -20 deficit in this one.

Could be a sign that he is repairing some of the damage from "Bridgegate". Wait and seen.

Quinnipiac and Siena are the two definitive pollsters for New York. Some also say that Marist is in that category.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"??

Ironic considering the entire premise of this thread is counting chickens

Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about. Life for the American people where all they see is gloom, doom and despair from Republicans.

Yes the Democrat Party has given us life. With luck we can get the sentence commuted to 2 more years.
If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.

Mod edit xxxxxxx. Each one of those matchups is a one-on-one matchup. Just because a pollster is pitting one candidate on one side against a number of candidates from the other side doesn't mean that the matchups themselves are not individual. Now, rub your two remaining brain cells together and let's see if you can figure that one out, fake Rabbi.

And btw, I have indicated more than once that one individual poll is of not much worth, but the aggregate of many polls does indeed tell us something.

Hey, when Hillary Clinton sweeps on election night 2016 with 57% and well over 400 EV, let's talk again.

Ahhh, yet another Rightie who, when his logic (if he had any at all) fails him, goes for personal attacks instead.

So a matchup of one vs. a party is really one vs one. You make much sense. If you're stoned.
Polls at this stage in 2006 universally showed Hillary as candidate beating either Romney or Giuliani. How did those work out?
Stupid fake-ass fucker you are.
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Well Douche obviously thinks a poll in NY is the be all end all. Of course NY is highly Democratic.

No doubt its factual for the State of NY but I doubt that poll is worth a hill of beans in the rest of the country.

Hilbat may not even run so Douche will have to find another Dem to pin her hopes on.

After her handling of Benghazi as SOS, if I were her I'd go hide somewhere.

No way should that old bat be POTUS. She couldn't handle it as we've already seen. Nope. She and Bill need to toddle into the sunset.

Well, that was just fact filled. Of course, I cherish your right to express your opinion, even when you do make an ass out of yourself.

Need some butthurt creme, perhaps?

Well Douche obviously thinks a poll in NY is the be all end all. Of course NY is highly Democratic.

No doubt its factual for the State of NY but I doubt that poll is worth a hill of beans in the rest of the country.

Hilbat may not even run so Douche will have to find another Dem to pin her hopes on.

After her handling of Benghazi as SOS, if I were her I'd go hide somewhere.

No way should that old bat be POTUS. She couldn't handle it as we've already seen. Nope. She and Bill need to toddle into the sunset.

Well, that was just fact filled. Of course, I cherish your right to express your opinion, even when you do make an ass out of yourself.

Need some butthurt creme, perhaps?
Sure don't. But I'll bet Douche and you will be needing that cream when Hilbat bites the dust.

She's a has been. She should have won the nomination in 2008 but the Dems threw her under the bus for the half black guy.

She showed her true colors as SOS when her State got four good men killed. Fact Jack. They did nothing. They are about as usefull as that old bat is.

Better get that cream bud. You'll surely need it. LMAO
If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.

Well, aren't you a stupid fucker. Each one of those matchups is a one-on-one matchup. Just because a pollster is pitting one candidate on one side against a number of candidates from the other side doesn't mean that the matchups themselves are not individual. Now, rub your two remaining brain cells together and let's see if you can figure that one out, fake Rabbi.

And btw, I have indicated more than once that one individual poll is of not much worth, but the aggregate of many polls does indeed tell us something.

Hey, when Hillary Clinton sweeps on election night 2016 with 57% and well over 400 EV, let's talk again.

Ahhh, yet another Rightie who, when his logic (if he had any at all) fails him, goes for personal attacks instead.

So a matchup of one vs. a party is really one vs one. You make much sense. If you're stoned.
Polls at this stage in 2006 universally showed Hillary as candidate beating either Romney or Giuliani. How did those work out?
Stupid fake-ass fucker you are.

Well, let's take a look at that again, you stupid retarded fuck.

You keep saying it's a matchup between one vs. a party, but dumbfuck, each one of those matchups has two very specific names, one being Hillary Clinton, the other being one of the names of presumed GOP candidates. Put down what you are smoking and learn something for a change, you stupid retarded fuck. Of the 534 (yes, 534) matchups I have recorded, exactly ONE is a generic match up. The other 533 are specific name to name matchups.

And, you stupid fuck, you keep going back to 2006, but you don't have courage to go back to 2010-2011, where Obama was consistently leading Romney by +3 to +4 in Ohio in all that early polling and by +4 nationally, and on election night, you stupid retarded fake Rabbi fuck, Obama won Ohio by +3 and nationally by +4.

So, yeah, stupid retarded fuck, early polling is often quite predictive.

No wonder the GOP keeps losing, with retarded fucks like you speaking for it. You by far one of the most vile pieces of excrement to every creep around USMB and until, I have been halfway nice to you. Not any more, you shitstain.

So, I've addressed the OP and the extra details about polling, and you have attacked people instead, you stupid moronic waste-of-breathable-air fuck.
Oh look at that. A foul-mouthed low life arrogant piece of shit has his ass handed to him. Again.
Poll: GOP candidates top Obama in hypothetical 2012 race - CNN.com
Yeah President Mike Huckabee sure cleaned Obama's clock in 2012.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"??

Ironic considering the entire premise of this thread is counting chickens

Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about. Life for the American people where all they see is gloom, doom and despair from Republicans.

Has anyone ever told you that you suffer from a rather bad case of "bumper sticker-itus"?

"Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about."

LOL...all I can say is I hope you're VERY stoned right now...

only if that egg is fertilized, most are NOT ! just as the demorats are. :up:

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