Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll

So, PoliticalTorch, I asked three days ago some important policy questions regarding Hillary Clinton, since it would be retarded to drool and cream your jeans over Hillary if you didn't have a fucking clue what she would do if elected, right?

You have had three whole days to ruminate, and you have totally dodged responding.

This does not bode well for your intellectual weight.
You're just figuring out he has no intellectual weight? Are you slow on the uptake?
Oh, don't worry. I'll be asking the same questions of those who support whoever Hillary's opponent is. And I will get identical results, I'm sure.

It's pretty obvious people around here think out of their asses. The only difference is whether their asses are red or blue.

"What does the Daily Caller say I should believe today?" "What does MSNBC say I should believe today?"

Seriously...you should look at who has to lean on the Daily Caller/Breibart or MSNBC/Think Progress for their material.

It usually isn't the liberals who have to reach into the caverns of the fourth estate to prop up their posts. I usually quote Time, the AP or other more reputable sources.
She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
And Obama will serve a third term! Count on it! Hope N Change, boys and girls.

If he could run, his chances of winning a 3rd term are better than Mitt's chances of winning a first...or Rand Paul's or Ted Cruz's or Adam West or most any other GOP flavor of the week...
I know, amazing isnt it? The worst president in history. Household income, down, household wealth, down, debt up, credit rating down, regulation up, foreign policy way down, obamacare a failure. Dodd-frank a failure. No domestic policy victories. No foreign policy victories. And Dems would line up to vote for him again.

That's precisely why the Nazi left would vote for this clown again. He is incompetent, impotent and worthless. Classic conditions required to be a liberal.

Classic ass kicking of Governor Romney

Hillary's popularity is one thing, but the fact is that the closest things the GOP has to a viable national candidate are Jeb & Mitt.

The party may want to concentrate more on that problem than Hillary right now.



However asking the rank and file here to get out of attack mode is like asking fat slobs not to eat ice cream.
She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
And Obama will serve a third term! Count on it! Hope N Change, boys and girls.

If he could run, his chances of winning a 3rd term are better than Mitt's chances of winning a first...or Rand Paul's or Ted Cruz's or Adam West or most any other GOP flavor of the week...
I know, amazing isnt it? The worst president in history. Household income, down, household wealth, down, debt up, credit rating down, regulation up, foreign policy way down, obamacare a failure. Dodd-frank a failure. No domestic policy victories. No foreign policy victories. And Dems would line up to vote for him again.

That's precisely why the Nazi left would vote for this clown again. He is incompetent, impotent and worthless. Classic conditions required to be a liberal.

Classic ass kicking of Governor Romney

And as Dick Morris (Conservaturd) has said: that's a landslide!

Now, back to the OP, which is a poll in NY about Hillary being +20 or more over her prospective GOP opponents...
She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
And Obama will serve a third term! Count on it! Hope N Change, boys and girls.

If he could run, his chances of winning a 3rd term are better than Mitt's chances of winning a first...or Rand Paul's or Ted Cruz's or Adam West or most any other GOP flavor of the week...
I know, amazing isnt it? The worst president in history. Household income, down, household wealth, down, debt up, credit rating down, regulation up, foreign policy way down, obamacare a failure. Dodd-frank a failure. No domestic policy victories. No foreign policy victories. And Dems would line up to vote for him again.

And so will the American people when given a glimpse into the GOP fiscal "plans" which involve targeting

The elderly
The sick
The impoverished

To the GOP's credit they rotate their hit list.

Socially, women are treated as second class citizens by your party and the GLBT community isn't even seen as "real" Americans by folks like yourself Shirley.

Oh, details, details...

It is way too early to call the election one way or the other of course. There are some "known knowns" however....

One is that the election will be decided by 10 or 11 states.
Two is that the current electoral college wildly favors the Democrats
Three is that there is a real electoral math problem the GOP has with the Electoral College
Four is that the GOP needs to make up 64 electoral votes and, to date, the math is not favoring the GOP.
She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
And Obama will serve a third term! Count on it! Hope N Change, boys and girls.

If he could run, his chances of winning a 3rd term are better than Mitt's chances of winning a first...or Rand Paul's or Ted Cruz's or Adam West or most any other GOP flavor of the week...
I know, amazing isnt it? The worst president in history. Household income, down, household wealth, down, debt up, credit rating down, regulation up, foreign policy way down, obamacare a failure. Dodd-frank a failure. No domestic policy victories. No foreign policy victories. And Dems would line up to vote for him again.

And so will the American people when given a glimpse into the GOP fiscal "plans" which involve targeting

The elderly
The sick
The impoverished

To the GOP's credit they rotate their hit list.

Socially, women are treated as second class citizens by your party and the GLBT community isn't even seen as "real" Americans by folks like yourself Shirley.

Oh, details, details...

It is way too early to call the election one way or the other of course. There are some "known knowns" however....

One is that the election will be decided by 10 or 11 states.
Two is that the current electoral college wildly favors the Democrats
Three is that there is a real electoral math problem the GOP has with the Electoral College
Four is that the GOP needs to make up 64 electoral votes and, to date, the math is not favoring the GOP.

She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
And Obama will serve a third term! Count on it! Hope N Change, boys and girls.

If he could run, his chances of winning a 3rd term are better than Mitt's chances of winning a first...or Rand Paul's or Ted Cruz's or Adam West or most any other GOP flavor of the week...
I know, amazing isnt it? The worst president in history. Household income, down, household wealth, down, debt up, credit rating down, regulation up, foreign policy way down, obamacare a failure. Dodd-frank a failure. No domestic policy victories. No foreign policy victories. And Dems would line up to vote for him again.

And so will the American people when given a glimpse into the GOP fiscal "plans" which involve targeting

The elderly
The sick
The impoverished

To the GOP's credit they rotate their hit list.

Socially, women are treated as second class citizens by your party and the GLBT community isn't even seen as "real" Americans by folks like yourself Shirley.
Those are certainly the Dem talking points. They are entirely lies, of course. How do we know/ Because the elederly, the sick, and the impoverished are worse off now than they were 5 years ago. As are the middle class. So I guess if people are downright stupid and masochists, like you, they'll pull the Dem lever again.

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