Hillary Clinton in India..outsourcing vs morality!

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Sir Evil said:
So far with your use of the emoticons I would bet that you haven't served nothing more then yourself in momma's bathroom! :rolleyes:

Sorry old useless one,and where did you serve...humm..well for a start U.S.Army 1964-1968 Vietnam era..rank sgt E-5..Los Angeles Police Dept 1971-1974,VA Police Ofcr 1974-1975,Department Of Treasury 1975-1986 Patrol Officer/Inv/Intell ofcr,Owned IMBHA horse sales and registration business,Storey County Sheriffs Department reserve Deputy 1995-1996...on and on any more rediculous and condecending comments?I like smily faces...so what! :banana2:
Actually Acrhangel you have yet to answer my question. Your only response was to bring back jobs that produce quaitly products. What if a manufactuer produces economical quality products at a lower price that has a high consumer demand. Yet does not qualify for your standard. Are you willing to tell the people that may work in that factory that they cannot have a job?
archangel said:
:eek2: Hillary Clinton once again jumping the bandwagon..In India she said"Outsourcing of American jobs is wrong,however she went on to say:being realistic you can't legislate morality" What is wrong with this picture...humm you tell me..once again she is walking the fence to appease both sides of the issue...

This also smacks of the proposed SSA privatization attack by the same politicians and CEO's who want to once again pad their pockets at the expense of the average worker... :bang3:
Apparently you're not a big fan of letting facts undermine your opinions, but at the risk of wasting space on the server, let me try one more time:


Employment Situation Summary
Technical information:
Household data: (202) 691-6378 USDL 05-178

Establishment data: 691-6555 Transmission of material in this release
http://www.bls.gov/ces/ is embargoed until 8:30 A.M. (EST),
Media contact: 691-5902 Friday, February 4, 2005.


Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 146,000 in January and the unem-
ployment rate decreased to 5.2 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the
U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Job growth continued in several ser-
vice-providing industries, while manufacturing employment declined over the

Unemployment (Household Survey Data)

Both the number of unemployed persons, 7.7 million, and the unemployment
rate, 5.2 percent, declined in January. The jobless rate was down from 5.7
percent a year earlier. Over the month, the unemployment rates for adult men
(4.7 percent), whites (4.4 percent), and Hispanics or Latinos (6.1 percent)
edged down, while the rates for adult women (4.6 percent), teenagers (16.3
percent), and blacks or African Americans (10.6 percent) showed little change.
The unemployment rate for Asians was 4.2 percent, not seasonally adjusted.
(See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

The number of long-term unemployed--those unemployed 27 weeks and over--was
about unchanged over the month. This group accounted for 20.9 percent of the
unemployed. (See table A-9.)

Total Employment and the Labor Force (Household Survey Data)

Total employment, as measured by the household survey, was little changed
at 140.2 million, seasonally adjusted, in January. The employment-population
ratio--the proportion of the population age 16 and older with jobs--remained
at 62.4 percent. The civilian labor force was 148.0 million, after seasonal
adjustment. The labor force participation rate edged down over the month to
65.8 percent. (See table A-1.)

The number of persons who work part time for economic reasons was 4.4 mil-
lion in January, seasonally adjusted. The January level was about unchanged
from December, but was down by 308,000 over the year. This category is com-
prised primarily of persons who indicated that they would like to work full
time but were working part time because their hours had been cut back or
because they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table A-5.)

At 7.2 million, not seasonally adjusted, the number of persons who held
more than one job was about unchanged in January from a year earlier. These
multiple jobholders represented 5.2 percent of total employment, the same
proportion as in January 2004. (See table A-13.)

Historically there has been a core rate of unemployment which is barely below current levels by just a few tenths of a percent. Unemployment levels of 4 percent or less tend to signal a round of inflation as the labor market tightens and wages go up with prices inevitably following.

You sound like Detroit back in the seventies when Japanese auto makers started to make huge inroads into the chrome-bloated junkers being produced here in the US. American auto execs objected to the "negative" impact of Japanese autos. But the upshot was they finally had to get off their complacent corporate asses and compete - they finally figured that out when AMC went out of business. Today, so many Japanese cars are made in the US by Americans that some are even being exported back to Japan.

But more to the point - you continue to blame those nefarious CEOs and those immoral corporations for outsourcing. That's total bat barf. My friend, you and I and every consumer in this country are the true catalysts for outsourcing. You outsource every time you buy a foreign made product. You outsource every time you walk through the door at Wally World - China's largest corporate trading partner. You are responsible for outsourcing, so am I and so is every American who doesn't look for a "Made in the USA" label on the products they purchase.

But it's a lot easier to blame it on "them".
MtnBiker said:
So you have no faith in consumers deciding on which products they buy? This to should be decided and mandated by the government? Wow were are creeping closer to communisim with this line of thinking.

I am as about as far as anyone could come from supporting a communist regime..geez and what did you do to stop the spread? :puke3:
Sir Evil said:

Ok, I take it back Captain! you may wanna choose better ones when replying to the ladies though.

You are a lady..sorry the name did not give that one away!...lol :thup:
archangel said:
I am as about as far as anyone could come from supporting a communist regime..geez and what did you do to stop the spread? :puke3:

Embraced man's ability to prosper in a free market!

You still have not qualified your standard of whose job congress would protect and whose it would not!
MtnBiker said:
Embraced man's ability to prosper in a free market!

You still have not qualified your standard of whose job congress would protect and whose it would not!

And you did not answer my question...where did you serve..except yourself...does not compute...fair is fair! :cry:
americans could end outsourcing if they wanted to.reform taxation,reduce the size of government,control spending,etc.

If people were responsible,accountable,motivated,informed and community-family oriented and NOT irresponsible,unaccountable,selfish,lazy,and complete idiots we wouldn't even have a problem?

people would rather trust government than trust themselves and their neighbors and that trust has been abused by politicans whose sole purpose is to aquire power..
Sir Evil said:
lol, nope I'm not a lady! I was referring to your reply to Kathianne. :D

Sorry it is hard to keep track when one is being attacked from all quarters...doing my best..been outta the military"Long time now GI"...lol ;)
archangel said:
And you did not answer my question...where did you serve..except yourself...does not compute...fair is fair! :cry:

Is this the economy forum?? I have not detracted from your service to the country. Your service to the country and my contribution to the economy is not in question here. It was you that started the thread on morality and jobs. I would like to know how in a moral fashion you would have congress decide whose job is to be saved and whose is not? Can you answer this?
MtnBiker said:
Is this the economy forum?? I have not detracted from your service to the country. Your service to the country and my contribution to the economy is not in question here. It was you that started the thread on morality and jobs. I would like to know how in a moral fashion you would have congress decide whose job is to be saved and whose is not? Can you answer this?

I fought for your freedom to prosper as well as all who live here..As for congressional reps to decide what jobs stay and what jobs go..well this can be decided on election day..as I have said and will repeat one more time all jobs that were outsourced for CEO profit...nothing more and nothing less..we were a great producer of quality products now we are not...humm..any problem with my support of American workers? :death:
archangel said:
I fought for your freedom to prosper as well as all who live here..
Fine, I was not questioning that!
archangel said:
As for congressional reps to decide what jobs stay and what jobs go..well this can be decided on election day..
Actually it should be decided by the consumer, something I have faith in.
archangel said:
as I have said and will repeat one more time all jobs that were outsourced for CEO profit...nothing more and nothing less..
Why cannot a Cheif Executive Officer persue profits and produce a good at the best possible price for the manufactuer and the best price for the consumer?
archangel said:
we were a great producer of quality products now we are not...humm..any problem with my support of American workers? :death:

Are you saying that we do not produce any quality products?
archangel said:
humm..any problem with my support of American workers? :death:

Well yes, actually. So long as you view unsubstantiated and baseless rhetoric as being supportive of American workers, I do have a problem with that. It's a global economy, like it or not. Jobs will migrate to those areas where corporations find the best value for their money. American workers have to wake up to the fact that they have to stay ahead of the rest of the world in terms of education, productivity and quality. If we can't do that, then no amount of governmental interference will cure the problem.

If American corporations are forced to hire higher priced domestic labor, then those corporations will go out of business as they lose customers to foreign businesses whose products are cheaper and of comparable quality. So if that scenario were to play itself out, what would you complain about when American companies go belly up and their jobs are outsourced permanently?
Merlin1047 said:
Well yes, actually. So long as you view unsubstantiated and baseless rhetoric as being supportive of American workers, I do have a problem with that. It's a global economy, like it or not. Jobs will migrate to those areas where corporations find the best value for their money. American workers have to wake up to the fact that they have to stay ahead of the rest of the world in terms of education, productivity and quality. If we can't do that, then no amount of governmental interference will cure the problem.

If American corporations are forced to hire higher priced domestic labor, then those corporations will go out of business as they lose customers to foreign businesses whose products are cheaper and of comparable quality. So if that scenario were to play itself out, what would you complain about when American companies go belly up and their jobs are outsourced permanently?

Give me a break...you are probably a government contractor..went to Burbank,ca. last week..Lockheed skunk works maybe..humm..does not compute! :scratch:
MtnBiker said:
BTW, I believe for someone to suggest that profit should not be persued is immoral and verging on communism.


:2guns:[/QUOTEYou are a lost cause..self centered..have a great life!
MtnBiker said:
Why am I a lost cause? Because I believe in profit?

It's getting late..I'm tired and hungry..go ahead and make your profits at others sacrafice...sleep well and tell the bank HALLO!...geez!...Merry Christmas to you! Next time try fighting on all fronts...you have the Battalion in here I only have a platoon...lol
archangel said:
No because you do not care about others!

I believe you are quite out of line. I have not passed any judgement on you, simply just asked you questions about a topic you brought up. Since you have made it personal I would like to know how it was you concluded that I do not care about others?

And profits can be generated without sacrafices to others!
MtnBiker said:
I believe you are quite out of line. I have not passed any judgement on you, simply just asked you questions about a topic you brought up. Since you have made it personal I would like to know how it was you concluded that I do not care about others?

And profits can be generated without sacrafices to others!

Sorry...I was really tired last night and I confused you with the personal attacks on me by Kathy and Merlin...It's a little difficult to keep track when being hit from all sides at the same time... :usa:
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