Hillary Clinton Supporters Want Her To Repeal The Bill Of Rights [VIDEO]..

I really do think that if all things were being applied fairly, there is no way the MSM would have gotten away with characterizing him as saying he was calling for the assassination of Hillary, or that he was calling all Mexicans rapists, etc. etc. etc.

I don't think they did. They merely report what he says. How the meaning is "characterized" is up to the viewer/listener.

Well, here we'll just have to disagree. I saw the clips. I don't think he was implying that Hillary should be assassinated.

And when he made the statement about the illegals coming across the border, I did the research and was shocked to find out how many illegal immigrants got raped, mugged and murdered en route to the U.S. It would be naive to think those criminals stopped their activities once they arrived with the other illegals.

You have to consider that along with those desperate for more economic opportunity, the mindset that will break the law to get in, being those that will defy federal immigration law, the percentage of those that engage in other law breaking will necessarily be higher. The facts bear this out. In his speeches, he makes this pretty clear to those that can put two and two together.

I mean, c'mon, seriously? That does major damage to his campaign. Intelligent folks know, they KNOW it isn't the truth... He has lot of women and Mexicans working for him, intelligent folks know he isn't racist or misogynist. . They also know he isn't calling for a red neck revolution to slay Hillry.

What his actual meaning is only he knows but it's pretty clear what the insinuation is. Now what the purpose of that insinuation is, is a whole 'nother question and one for psychologists. But whatever the purpose, it clearly exists.

Now, YOU SAY the insinuation is pretty clear, and I guess since you say it, and the editorial board of the MSM deem to think the insinuation is pretty clear, I guess THEIR opinion is enough to allow libel then? Eh?

Donald Trump Cracks Hillary Clinton Assassination Joke | TMZ.com

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights

Donald Trump Hints at Hillary Clinton Assassination - Rolling Stone

Did Donald Trump Call for Hillary Clinton's Assassination?-The Daily

Trump hints at Clinton assassination | New York Post

Trump's Assassination Dog Whistle Was Scarier Than You Think ...

Did Trump Call for 'Second Amendment People' to Shoot Hillary ...

It's shameful what they did to the man. He in no way, shape, or form called for assassinating Clinton. It's an outlandish slanderous accusation. The MSM is pathetic. I hope Americans go around it and elect Trump. It would be a glorious F-U to the corrupt hacks in the press.

Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

We have had a tyrannical "gubermint" since 1933 when USA.INC filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy...it has only gotten more oppressive since then. We can either submit and be subservient to this corporate entity that is slowly decimating the middle class under admiralty law or we can finally wake the fuck up and reclaim our birthright because we are not defenseless....I am sure a gutless pussy like you would rollover like the good little sheeple you are. I would MUCH rather die fighting oppression than to to simply give into it.

You need some kind of brain scan. Not a word of that has jack friggety squat to do with what I just posted.
I really do think that if all things were being applied fairly, there is no way the MSM would have gotten away with characterizing him as saying he was calling for the assassination of Hillary, or that he was calling all Mexicans rapists, etc. etc. etc.

I don't think they did. They merely report what he says. How the meaning is "characterized" is up to the viewer/listener.

Well, here we'll just have to disagree. I saw the clips. I don't think he was implying that Hillary should be assassinated.

And when he made the statement about the illegals coming across the border, I did the research and was shocked to find out how many illegal immigrants got raped, mugged and murdered en route to the U.S. It would be naive to think those criminals stopped their activities once they arrived with the other illegals.

You have to consider that along with those desperate for more economic opportunity, the mindset that will break the law to get in, being those that will defy federal immigration law, the percentage of those that engage in other law breaking will necessarily be higher. The facts bear this out. In his speeches, he makes this pretty clear to those that can put two and two together.

I mean, c'mon, seriously? That does major damage to his campaign. Intelligent folks know, they KNOW it isn't the truth... He has lot of women and Mexicans working for him, intelligent folks know he isn't racist or misogynist. . They also know he isn't calling for a red neck revolution to slay Hillry.

What his actual meaning is only he knows but it's pretty clear what the insinuation is. Now what the purpose of that insinuation is, is a whole 'nother question and one for psychologists. But whatever the purpose, it clearly exists.

Now, YOU SAY the insinuation is pretty clear, and I guess since you say it, and the editorial board of the MSM deem to think the insinuation is pretty clear, I guess THEIR opinion is enough to allow libel then? Eh?

Donald Trump Cracks Hillary Clinton Assassination Joke | TMZ.com

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights

Donald Trump Hints at Hillary Clinton Assassination - Rolling Stone

Did Donald Trump Call for Hillary Clinton's Assassination?-The Daily

Trump hints at Clinton assassination | New York Post

Trump's Assassination Dog Whistle Was Scarier Than You Think ...

Did Trump Call for 'Second Amendment People' to Shoot Hillary ...

It's shameful what they did to the man. He in no way, shape, or form called for assassinating Clinton. It's an outlandish slanderous accusation. The MSM is pathetic. I hope Americans go around it and elect Trump. It would be a glorious F-U to the corrupt hacks in the press.

Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

Outlandish shameful lie. But the MSM is corrupt. So it's not surprising it would stoop so low. Like i said, i hope the People go around it and elect Trump. It would be the ultimate F-U to the Un-American Globalist bastards who run the American MSM.
I really do think that if all things were being applied fairly, there is no way the MSM would have gotten away with characterizing him as saying he was calling for the assassination of Hillary, or that he was calling all Mexicans rapists, etc. etc. etc.

I don't think they did. They merely report what he says. How the meaning is "characterized" is up to the viewer/listener.

Well, here we'll just have to disagree. I saw the clips. I don't think he was implying that Hillary should be assassinated.

And when he made the statement about the illegals coming across the border, I did the research and was shocked to find out how many illegal immigrants got raped, mugged and murdered en route to the U.S. It would be naive to think those criminals stopped their activities once they arrived with the other illegals.

You have to consider that along with those desperate for more economic opportunity, the mindset that will break the law to get in, being those that will defy federal immigration law, the percentage of those that engage in other law breaking will necessarily be higher. The facts bear this out. In his speeches, he makes this pretty clear to those that can put two and two together.

I mean, c'mon, seriously? That does major damage to his campaign. Intelligent folks know, they KNOW it isn't the truth... He has lot of women and Mexicans working for him, intelligent folks know he isn't racist or misogynist. . They also know he isn't calling for a red neck revolution to slay Hillry.

What his actual meaning is only he knows but it's pretty clear what the insinuation is. Now what the purpose of that insinuation is, is a whole 'nother question and one for psychologists. But whatever the purpose, it clearly exists.

Now, YOU SAY the insinuation is pretty clear, and I guess since you say it, and the editorial board of the MSM deem to think the insinuation is pretty clear, I guess THEIR opinion is enough to allow libel then? Eh?

Donald Trump Cracks Hillary Clinton Assassination Joke | TMZ.com

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights

Donald Trump Hints at Hillary Clinton Assassination - Rolling Stone

Did Donald Trump Call for Hillary Clinton's Assassination?-The Daily

Trump hints at Clinton assassination | New York Post

Trump's Assassination Dog Whistle Was Scarier Than You Think ...

Did Trump Call for 'Second Amendment People' to Shoot Hillary ...

It's shameful what they did to the man. He in no way, shape, or form called for assassinating Clinton. It's an outlandish slanderous accusation. The MSM is pathetic. I hope Americans go around it and elect Trump. It would be a glorious F-U to the corrupt hacks in the press.

Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

Outlandish shameful lie. But the MSM is corrupt. So it's not surprising it would stoop so low. Like i said, i hope the People go around it and elect Trump. It would be the ultimate F-U to the Un-American Globalist bastards who run the American MSM.

And as I said (it's as, not like), you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make it go away. It just makes it impossible for you to see.
I really do think that if all things were being applied fairly, there is no way the MSM would have gotten away with characterizing him as saying he was calling for the assassination of Hillary, or that he was calling all Mexicans rapists, etc. etc. etc.

I don't think they did. They merely report what he says. How the meaning is "characterized" is up to the viewer/listener.

Well, here we'll just have to disagree. I saw the clips. I don't think he was implying that Hillary should be assassinated.

And when he made the statement about the illegals coming across the border, I did the research and was shocked to find out how many illegal immigrants got raped, mugged and murdered en route to the U.S. It would be naive to think those criminals stopped their activities once they arrived with the other illegals.

You have to consider that along with those desperate for more economic opportunity, the mindset that will break the law to get in, being those that will defy federal immigration law, the percentage of those that engage in other law breaking will necessarily be higher. The facts bear this out. In his speeches, he makes this pretty clear to those that can put two and two together.

I mean, c'mon, seriously? That does major damage to his campaign. Intelligent folks know, they KNOW it isn't the truth... He has lot of women and Mexicans working for him, intelligent folks know he isn't racist or misogynist. . They also know he isn't calling for a red neck revolution to slay Hillry.

What his actual meaning is only he knows but it's pretty clear what the insinuation is. Now what the purpose of that insinuation is, is a whole 'nother question and one for psychologists. But whatever the purpose, it clearly exists.

Now, YOU SAY the insinuation is pretty clear, and I guess since you say it, and the editorial board of the MSM deem to think the insinuation is pretty clear, I guess THEIR opinion is enough to allow libel then? Eh?

Donald Trump Cracks Hillary Clinton Assassination Joke | TMZ.com

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights

Donald Trump Hints at Hillary Clinton Assassination - Rolling Stone

Did Donald Trump Call for Hillary Clinton's Assassination?-The Daily

Trump hints at Clinton assassination | New York Post

Trump's Assassination Dog Whistle Was Scarier Than You Think ...

Did Trump Call for 'Second Amendment People' to Shoot Hillary ...

It's shameful what they did to the man. He in no way, shape, or form called for assassinating Clinton. It's an outlandish slanderous accusation. The MSM is pathetic. I hope Americans go around it and elect Trump. It would be a glorious F-U to the corrupt hacks in the press.

Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

Outlandish shameful lie. But the MSM is corrupt. So it's not surprising it would stoop so low. Like i said, i hope the People go around it and elect Trump. It would be the ultimate F-U to the Un-American Globalist bastards who run the American MSM.

And as I said (it's as, not like), you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make it go away. It just makes it impossible for you to see.

Lies. Trump never advocated assassinating Clinton. The corrupt Communist/Progressive Press can go to hell.
Well, here we'll just have to disagree. I saw the clips. I don't think he was implying that Hillary should be assassinated.

And when he made the statement about the illegals coming across the border, I did the research and was shocked to find out how many illegal immigrants got raped, mugged and murdered en route to the U.S. It would be naive to think those criminals stopped their activities once they arrived with the other illegals.

You have to consider that along with those desperate for more economic opportunity, the mindset that will break the law to get in, being those that will defy federal immigration law, the percentage of those that engage in other law breaking will necessarily be higher. The facts bear this out. In his speeches, he makes this pretty clear to those that can put two and two together.

Now, YOU SAY the insinuation is pretty clear, and I guess since you say it, and the editorial board of the MSM deem to think the insinuation is pretty clear, I guess THEIR opinion is enough to allow libel then? Eh?

Donald Trump Cracks Hillary Clinton Assassination Joke | TMZ.com

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights

Donald Trump Hints at Hillary Clinton Assassination - Rolling Stone

Did Donald Trump Call for Hillary Clinton's Assassination?-The Daily

Trump hints at Clinton assassination | New York Post

Trump's Assassination Dog Whistle Was Scarier Than You Think ...

Did Trump Call for 'Second Amendment People' to Shoot Hillary ...

It's shameful what they did to the man. He in no way, shape, or form called for assassinating Clinton. It's an outlandish slanderous accusation. The MSM is pathetic. I hope Americans go around it and elect Trump. It would be a glorious F-U to the corrupt hacks in the press.

Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

Outlandish shameful lie. But the MSM is corrupt. So it's not surprising it would stoop so low. Like i said, i hope the People go around it and elect Trump. It would be the ultimate F-U to the Un-American Globalist bastards who run the American MSM.

And as I said (it's as, not like), you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make it go away. It just makes it impossible for you to see.

Lies. Trump never advocated assassinating Clinton. The corrupt Communist/Progressive Press can go to hell.

Again, as I said you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make the statement not-have-happened. It's there. It's recorded. It's on "tape". It's transcribed. It's history. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.
It's shameful what they did to the man. He in no way, shape, or form called for assassinating Clinton. It's an outlandish slanderous accusation. The MSM is pathetic. I hope Americans go around it and elect Trump. It would be a glorious F-U to the corrupt hacks in the press.

Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

Outlandish shameful lie. But the MSM is corrupt. So it's not surprising it would stoop so low. Like i said, i hope the People go around it and elect Trump. It would be the ultimate F-U to the Un-American Globalist bastards who run the American MSM.

And as I said (it's as, not like), you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make it go away. It just makes it impossible for you to see.

Lies. Trump never advocated assassinating Clinton. The corrupt Communist/Progressive Press can go to hell.

Again, as I said you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make the statement not-have-happened. It's there. It's recorded. It's on "tape". It's transcribed. It's history. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

You're liars. No surprise you're Clinton Bootlickers.
Bullshit. Your abject denialism doesn't just will it away. What in the fuck does "Second Amendment people" mean?
Go ahead --- just try to invent a rationalization. I like pretzels.
Actually it's not the pretzels themselves I like --- it's watching them being made.

Outlandish shameful lie. But the MSM is corrupt. So it's not surprising it would stoop so low. Like i said, i hope the People go around it and elect Trump. It would be the ultimate F-U to the Un-American Globalist bastards who run the American MSM.

And as I said (it's as, not like), you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make it go away. It just makes it impossible for you to see.

Lies. Trump never advocated assassinating Clinton. The corrupt Communist/Progressive Press can go to hell.

Again, as I said you can stick your head in the sand all you like but that doesn't make the statement not-have-happened. It's there. It's recorded. It's on "tape". It's transcribed. It's history. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

You're liars. No surprise you're Clinton Bootlickers.

Who the fuck is this "plural" bullshit? Are you that illiterate that you think an individual is a plural?

And you're actually willing to go on the internet and claim Rump didn't say this?

It's ON VIDEO, Sparkles. Nothing you can do. You can't sit there and deny the existence of what clearly exists.
Can't be done.

What the fuck ELSE can "Second Amendment People" mean? Hm? Do you have any idea what the Second Amendment refers to?

You need a shrink.

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