Hillary Clinton Testified for 11 hours Without Whining Like a Stable Genius Using the Best Words in Perfect Phone Calls

May 4, 2022
Hillary Clinton Testified for 11 hours Without Whining Like a Stable Genius Using the Best Words in Perfect Phone Calls

Benghazi! $7,000,000, 2 years and what?

The Shiny Objects and Red Meat thrown to the rabid rabble on Magadonia -- Hunter Laptop stories and screams of Impeachment for Joe Biden. They will go nowhere like the Benghazi hearings and investigations did.

Hillary testified without screaming unfair, fixed, rigged, unjust...

It's time to hold the GOP rats to account. It's not enough to chase them back into the Trump sewers they've crawled out of.
Hillary Clinton Testified for 11 hours Without Whining Like a Stable Genius Using the Best Words in Perfect Phone Calls

Benghazi! $7,000,000, 2 years and what?

The Shiny Objects and Red Meat thrown to the rabid rabble on Magadonia -- Hunter Laptop stories and screams of Impeachment for Joe Biden. They will go nowhere like the Benghazi hearings and investigations did.

Hillary testified without screaming unfair, fixed, rigged, unjust...

It's time to hold the GOP rats to account. It's not enough to chase them back into the Trump sewers they've crawled out of.
and set a new record or saying, "I don't remember/I don't recall"
Hillary Clinton Testified for 11 hours Without Whining Like a Stable Genius Using the Best Words in Perfect Phone Calls

Benghazi! $7,000,000, 2 years and what?

The Shiny Objects and Red Meat thrown to the rabid rabble on Magadonia -- Hunter Laptop stories and screams of Impeachment for Joe Biden. They will go nowhere like the Benghazi hearings and investigations did.

Hillary testified without screaming unfair, fixed, rigged, unjust...

It's time to hold the GOP rats to account. It's not enough to chase them back into the Trump sewers they've crawled out of.
Ignoring the House Trolls:

After the hearing concluded, at 9 p.m., Gowdy was asked the most important new things he had learned.

"Ahhh. Well, when you say new today — I mean, we knew some of that already," Gowdy said. "In terms of her testimony? I don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous times she's testified."

$7,000,000 over 2 years
Hillary did not do what you claim during 11 hours.

Hillary did not lie, or the GOP would've had her up on charges.

Unlike Trump and people in his admin, Hillary knew not to lie to the FBI

the end
Have you always been this stupid?

what does that have to do with her chronic memory lapses?

Don’t take my word for it. Conservative commentators were disgusted with the failure of the committee’s GOP lawmakers to land a single punch on Clinton. The worst thing she acknowledged was that Ambassador Chris Stevens didn’t go outside the chain of command to email her directly about what was happening in Libya. Strategically, the big error for the GOP is having entangled the email investigation with the Benghazi probe. Because the latter is tainted with partisanship, so, too, is the former.

All in all, it was an embarrassment for Republicans

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015
Well when ya don't recall or remember your lying and it's hard to prove dumbass
Trump is going to be found guilty for playing that game, you allege Hillary played.

Listen to or find the testimony. Hillary testified. Trey Gowdy (with the small gene pool look), even admitted what a farse it all was:

Gowdy said. "In terms of her testimony? I don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous times she's testified."

So she actually testified.
Trump is going to be found guilty for playing that game, you allege Hillary played.

Listen to or find the testimony. Hillary testified. Trey Gowdy (with the small gene pool look), even admitted what a farse it all was:

Gowdy said. "In terms of her testimony? I don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous times she's testified."

So she actually testified.
0nly on the things she could 'remember'.

Hunter hearings seem familiar?


After the hearing, even Gowdy told a gaggle of reporters that not much new was discovered.

"I don't know that she testified that much differently today than previous testimonies," he said.

One thing to note, however, is that Clinton was more explicit than she had been before in denying any responsibility for security requests in Benghazi as the security situation deteriorated there. She said Stevens asked "security professional experts" for security requests, not the State Department.

Clinton said she was responsible for a lot relating to Benghazi, "but I was not responsible for specific security requests," she said.

In The GOP Attempt To Look Apolitical, Clinton Won

Gowdy said in his opening statement that the hearing is not about Clinton but about the four Americans who lost their lives in Benghazi.

People say “this investigation is about you. Let me assure you it is not,” Gowdy said to Clinton.

But the line of questioning revolved around issues that only pertain to Clinton, attempting to feed the caricature Republicans have of Clinton: untrustworthy and self-serving. But Clinton refused to snatch the bait.

So the questions that ranged from why Ambassador Stevens didn’t have Clinton’s personal email address, fax number and home address to questions about the quality of her lawyers overseeing the release of her emails, Clinton answered the questions and gave the committee no red meat and many reasons for Democrats to rally behind her.

The Biggest Fireworks Did Not Involve Clinton

Clinton never raised her voice or entered into a shouting match with Republican committee members. But that wasn't the case for the Democrats on the committee. Ranking Member Elijah Cummings sparred with Gowdy multiple times, most notably just before the lunch break.

“I move we put into the record the entire transcript of Sidney Blumenthal,” Cumming said.

“We’re not going to take that up at a hearing,” Gowdy retorted.

"You asked for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!" Cummings exclaimed.

Clinton sat in silence, looking like she is capable of rising above the fray.

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