Hillary Clinton: The Tarmac Meeting Between Bill And Loretta Was Nothing

It was 'Nothing'.

Why would anyone think this - that just because the husband of the woman under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit during a Presidential election found out that the US AG was in a plane on a secluded parking spot on an airport several states away, in almost entirely the opposite way his personal plane was heading, and ordered his pilot to divert to her location, land, taxi to where the US AG's plane was located, have his Secret Service Detail coordinate with the US AG's Security Detail to arrange a meeting, move from his plane to hers, and kick everyone off the plane except for himself and the US AG so they could swap stories about their grandchildren - is in any way 'fishy' is beyond me, even when just a few days later Comey told the country Hillary had broken the law, was too stupid to know she did it, and thus he was not going to recommend her for indictment.

It's just crazy to think this was just 2 'pals' who weren't 'friends' getting together to talk about grandkids.


(If anything, I want the cost of the fuels, Secret Service time, and other expenses to come out of the Clinton's pocket for wasting tax payer dollars in such an elitist selfish way. 2 words: 'Video Tele-Conference'! Would have saved a million $$$ or more rather than a face-to-face meeting.)
Only you ridiculous hater dupes start with Hillary being a criminal... Damn conspiracy nut jobs. All investigated and absolutely nothing but bulshit propaganda as always...
She claims her "BASKET OF DEPLORABLES" statement had no impact on the elections whatsoever. I saw her actually say this on television last week.

She is living in some fantasy world....probably induced by pill and alcohol abuse.
She claims her "BASKET OF DEPLORABLES" statement had no impact on the elections whatsoever. I saw her actually say this on television last week.

She is living in some fantasy world....probably induced by pill and alcohol abuse.
She is a kook.
Hillary cant figure out why she lost, doesn't she know that about 70% of all people and pets see her as one of the monsters that did battle with Godzilla?

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