Hillary, Dems Brace for More Russian Email Fallout.

Okay; if you are saying you broke the law; you have to explain why she is still walking around. Hit me with your best shot as to why she is still walking around without sounding like a crybaby.
1. I am not saying I broke the law, CC.
- Having a hard time reading?

2. I am not saying Hillary broke the law, CC.
- FBI Director Comey stated it.
- The State department stated it.

3. WHY is she walking around still?
Why don't you ask Attorney General Loretta lynch how the FBI director can state under oath that the Secretary of State broke the law by not turning over all State Department-related documents AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW, in direct violation of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act and the DOJ not indict or charge her.

Comey, a realist, obviously a realist, did not recommend indictment because it would be a waste of time since Obama and Lynch would never let her be prosecuted. Hearing the Director of the FBI declare under oath that Hillary broke the law there was nothing stopping lunch from stepping in and declaring since the FBI Director stated the FBI found Hillary had broken the law she - Lynch - was still going to indict her. Instead, hearing Comey declare Hillary violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act Lynch declared the investigation to be over.

I don't need to act childish ('crybaby') because the FACTS (such as Comey's testimony, which I have posted for you repeatedly with the link to it) prove you are wrong, that Hillary broke the law, despite Lynch and Obama's criminal protection of her, just as Obama has protected Holder, Castro, and Reid who ALL were found to have broken the law. The Obama WH even ADMITTED Castro broke the law but then amazingly said they chose not to prosecute him BECAUSE HE WAS SORRY.

SORRY?! :wtf:Yeah, how many times do you think THAT 'defense' would work for the average American...of for a Conservative?

* 'Bitch'? Oh, Candy, it is just sad that one such as yourself can not seem to engage in respectful conversation without exposing who you really are...you couldn't wait 2 minutes to get your arse handed to you. So sad.

Now come on - let's see that famous 'lie, deny, justify, and vilify' you are so famous for. Spin, 'baby', spin. Or to use your colloquialism: 'tick tock, bitch... :p

As you said, Candy,

"Well, tick tock, bitch..."
You do realize that just as many Americans think Trump is a lying, deceitful, untrustworthy asshole, right?
Of course I do, but libs believe they have some invisible moral high-ground to stand on, when the truth is the Clintons have been engaged in scandal, corruption, and crime for 2 1/2 decades....and America knows it.

Americans don't trust Trump because of his attitude, how he runs his mouth, how he's rude, etc....Americans don't trust Hillary because through experience and over time they KNOW she's corrupt as hell.
Clinton is up 10 points from that last hacking 'fallout'.
Yet 68% of Americans still don't think she is trustworthy. Let's see how that equates to voter turn-out. If it's anything like 2014, the year Libs suffered an historic, record-setting defeat, it could be a long day for Democrats.

She is up in every poll, Drumpf is down in every poll.

Hillary is cruising.
Hitlery is crushing alright....right off the cliff....:lol:
Okay; if you are saying you broke the law; you have to explain why she is still walking around. Hit me with your best shot as to why she is still walking around without sounding like a crybaby.
1. I am not saying I broke the law, CC.
- Having a hard time reading?

2. I am not saying Hillary broke the law, CC.
- FBI Director Comey stated it.
- The State department stated it.

3. WHY is she walking around still?
Why don't you ask Attorney General Loretta lynch how the FBI director can state under oath that the Secretary of State broke the law by not turning over all State Department-related documents AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW, in direct violation of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act and the DOJ not indict or charge her.

Comey, a realist, obviously a realist, did not recommend indictment because it would be a waste of time since Obama and Lynch would never let her be prosecuted. Hearing the Director of the FBI declare under oath that Hillary broke the law there was nothing stopping lunch from stepping in and declaring since the FBI Director stated the FBI found Hillary had broken the law she - Lynch - was still going to indict her. Instead, hearing Comey declare Hillary violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act Lynch declared the investigation to be over.

I don't need to act childish ('crybaby') because the FACTS (such as Comey's testimony, which I have posted for you repeatedly with the link to it) prove you are wrong, that Hillary broke the law, despite Lynch and Obama's criminal protection of her, just as Obama has protected Holder, Castro, and Reid who ALL were found to have broken the law. The Obama WH even ADMITTED Castro broke the law but then amazingly said they chose not to prosecute him BECAUSE HE WAS SORRY.

SORRY?! :wtf:Yeah, how many times do you think THAT 'defense' would work for the average American...of for a Conservative?

* 'Bitch'? Oh, Candy, it is just sad that one such as yourself can not seem to engage in respectful conversation without exposing who you really are...you couldn't wait 2 minutes to get your arse handed to you. So sad.

Now come on - let's see that famous 'lie, deny, justify, and vilify' you are so famous for. Spin, 'baby', spin. Or to use your colloquialism: 'tick tock, bitch... :p

Ahh, so now everything is slanted in her favor….Somehow, the same FBI that is in her pocket went through with an investigation; somehow the same justice department that is in her pocket allowed the investigation to even happen, somehow the White House allowed it all to take place even though it supposedly swayed the outcome….

You have any idea how much you sound like an 8 year old.

Amazing that these powerful forces that she controls were assembled to investigate her….

Now, YOU have to try to convince the public of this. Good luck; you’ll need it.
Americans don't trust Trump because of his attitude, how he runs his mouth, how he's rude, etc....
You forgot that Trump is incapable of telling the truth.

Hey, look who just showed up ....and again armed only with OPINION. .

I thought you wouldn't be back the way you ditched that last question /point....
Americans don't trust Trump because of his attitude, how he runs his mouth, how he's rude, etc....
You forgot that Trump is incapable of telling the truth.

Hey, look who just showed up ....and again armed only with OPINION. .

I thought you wouldn't be back the way you ditched that last question /point....

Had to go to the gym.

Has the score changed?

Oh yeah:


HRC is still kicking your ass.
Ahh, so now everything is slanted in her favor….Somehow, the same FBI that is in her pocket went through with an investigation..

No one said the FBI never went through with an investigation. The DOJ, upon hearing Comey's testimony that Hillary had broken the law shut the investigation down, refused to indict, and refused to prosecute.

somehow the same justice department that is in her pocket allowed the investigation to even happen.

The DOJ had no choice but to let the investigation happen. People would have been screaming and marching on Washington. The investigation was Obama's appeasement - it's not like he would EVER have allowed anything to be done to Hillary.

somehow the White House allowed it all to take place even though it supposedly swayed the outcome….
There is no way anyone can be this naïve, or at least to God I am just HOPING you are pretending to be this stupid.

Now, YOU have to try to convince the public of this. Good luck; you’ll need it.
I don't have to convince the public of anything - 68% of the American people - 7 out of every 10 - do not trust her, think she is a lying corrupt person! They SAW Comey's testimony where he SHREDDED her lies. The saw how the 3 FactCheck Sites SHREDDED her lies about lying...and then her lies about lying about lying!


3 separate FactCheck sites and Director of the FBI Comey have already declared that Hillary - and YOU - are a liar!

...and the only score that is '3 - 0' is the Fact Check sites that have already proven that you and Hillary are liars!

...as far as HRC, Hillary is so dain bramaged she doesn't even know where she is right now, or if SHE even has an ass....
Ahh, so now everything is slanted in her favor….Somehow, the same FBI that is in her pocket went through with an investigation..

No one said the FBI never went through with an investigation. The DOJ, upon hearing Comey's testimony that Hillary had broken the law shut the investigation down, refused to indict, and refused to prosecute.

somehow the same justice department that is in her pocket allowed the investigation to even happen.

The DOJ had no choice but to let the investigation happen. People would have been screaming and marching on Washington. The investigation was Obama's appeasement - it's not like he would EVER have allowed anything to be done to Hillary.

somehow the White House allowed it all to take place even though it supposedly swayed the outcome….
There is no way anyone can be this naïve, or at least to God I am just HOPING you are pretending to be this stupid.

Now, YOU have to try to convince the public of this. Good luck; you’ll need it.
I don't have to convince the public of anything - 68% of the American people - 7 out of every 10 - do not trust her, think she is a lying corrupt person! They SAW Comey's testimony where he SHREDDED her lies. The saw how the 3 FactCheck Sites SHREDDED her lies about lying...and then her lies about lying about lying!


3 separate FactCheck sites and Director of the FBI Comey have already declared that Hillary - and YOU - are a liar!

...and the only score that is '3 - 0' is the Fact Check sites that have already proven that you and Hillary are liars!

Meanwhile, She is up 10 points in the polls and is as free as a bird.

If what you allege is true, she would be in jail.

Oh wait, you claim the entire world is in her pocket and the upcoming election is rigged…..

That explains it. Poor TEA party babies…nothing ever goes their way.

Last edited:
Meanwhile, She is up 10 points in the polls and is as free as a bird.

So what? What a pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that 3 separate FactCheck sites and Director of the FBI Comey have already declared that Hillary - and YOU - are a liar!

Even your last statement, like all your other posts, is OPINION, SUBJECTIVE...CHERRY-PICKING:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

According to THIS site, she is only up by 3.
Meanwhile, She is up 10 points in the polls and is as free as a bird.

So what? What a pathetic attempt to distract from the fact that 3 separate FactCheck sites and Director of the FBI Comey have already declared that Hillary - and YOU - are a liar!

Even your last statement, like all your other posts, is OPINION, SUBJECTIVE...CHERRY-PICKING:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports[emoji769]

According to THIS site, she is only up by 3.

Nobody cares about the details of 9 investigations that turned up diddly squat. Just that she is winning 3-0
The DNC has already been exposed as being a bunch of Anti-Semitic, sexist, racist, LGBT-mocking homophobes who manned protests and incited violent protests at GOP / Trump rallies....now Hillary and the DNC are fearfully 'bracing' for more hacked -emails and material to come out.

Bottom Line: The only reason they would be worried is because THEY know what was in those e-mails and files that were hacked, and it isn't good.


Dems worried another hacked email trove could surface before November
- Dems worried another hacked email trove could surface before November | Fox News

"Democratic Party officials reportedly are bracing for the possibility that another batch of damaging or embarrassing internal emails — the kind that cost the party chairman her job on the eve of the Democratic National Convention — could become public before the November presidential election."


Hillary and the Democrats have 2 options:

1. They come clean and spill their guts, getting it out there 1st and trying to get it to blow over before November

2. Keep quiet, hope to God it isn't anything bad, then 'lie, deny, justify, and vilify' after it does come out.

I am betting on the 2nd approach, because they know their supporters are idiots who will never believe what comes out and will believe and parrot anything they say.

Mod Edit -- Do NOT start threads with ALL CAPS titles. easyt65

Easy would prefer Putin's candidate to Hillary

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