Hillary: Guns Don't Keep You Safe


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Find the one person in this photo NOT carrying a gun.
I cannot think of ANYONE I would rather NOT see in the White House than Hillary Clinton. And having said that, I should stop my post right here.
I'm sure her SS agents carrying guns to protect her worthless ass is AOK with her.

Anyone else with a gun is a nut job.

Color me shocked.
as a liberal gun owner....i have only needed a gun one time for human interaction...i was lucky....i did not have to use my gun but i was damn glad to have it...my self protection and the protection of my family is more important than your paranoia...i grew up thinking everyone was always within reach of some kinda gun....rifle, shotgun and or pistol or all 3.....i did not know there were non gun owners till i was in my early 20's...i heard my son tell his g/f ....someone knocks on the door and you tell them to leave and they dont.....you call 911 and let them listen to you shout your address and open fire...told her to empty her pistol....then go to his nightstand get his pistol....and wait....in case their is a 2nd person....i was shocked...they have thought this all out....they live in the country too...
When someone aims at you with a gun , there isn't any chance for you aim back.

If everyone doesn't have a gun, a gun won't keep you safer but make you dangerous.
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When someone aims at you with a gun , there isn't any chance for you aim back.

If everyone doesn't have a gun, a gun won't keep you safer but make you dangerous.

Sorry, but I can't (abd won't) help themselves by being armed. If they choose to be victins, that's their problem.
When someone aims at you with a gun , there isn't any chance for you aim back.

If everyone doesn't have a gun, a gun won't keep you safer but make you dangerous.

Sorry, but I can't (abd won't) help themselves by being armed. If they choose to be victins, that's their problem.
Suddenly killing with a gun under intense motion can't be stopped by anyone with anything.
I consider myself very fortunate to live in a small town where major crime is very low. We've got the drug problems just like everybody else, but rampant crime such as murder, rape, etc. is very low. I don't own a gun, but I feel safe. My son has, however, provided me with a pepper spray thing.

Hell, I had a long talk with the Chief of Police over the damned road traffic and he assured me they were putting a plan into effect. We have a fairly new 35 mph speed limit going through the main highway through town - and I don't like it, but I try to hold myself to what the sign says. There has been heavy, heavy traffic rolling through going 30-40 over the speed limit - actually, one officer told me he tagged some idiot going 81 in a 35!! Long story short, a couple days later when I had to get out in that mess to go back to work ... about 75% of the traffic had disappeared into thin air. I thought it was a fluke, but traffic has remained the same for a couple of months now - it's been a pleasure to drive to work without worry about the insanity on the road. I don't know what kind of Light Sabre the Chief has but "the Force" is definitely with him!!!

Law abiding citizens having guns is not the problem. It's the people who have stolen guns or guns bought on the "underground" market and have nothing but mischief and mayhem on their minds that are the problem. The fact that some political/liberal types want EVERYBODY disarmed scares the hell out of me. A completely disarmed public is subject to whatever hell presents itself whether governmental or other.
When someone aims at you with a gun , there isn't any chance for you aim back.

If everyone doesn't have a gun, a gun won't keep you safer but make you dangerous.

You clearly have no clue what you're speaking about.
When someone aims at you with a gun , there isn't any chance for you aim back.

If everyone doesn't have a gun, a gun won't keep you safer but make you dangerous.

Sorry, but I can't (abd won't) help themselves by being armed. If they choose to be victins, that's their problem.
Suddenly killing with a gun under intense motion can't be stopped by anyone with anything.

Care to bet....

And the real deal...

as a liberal gun owner....i have only needed a gun one time for human interaction...i was lucky.

I have fire insurance for my house.

I have never needed it. My house has never caught fire, nor come even close.

But I always carry fire insurance for my house.

A gun is insurance against being mugged, robbed, etc.

Liberals keep telling me I don't need it.

But I always want to be able to carry one, even if I've never needed it until now.
Hillary: Guns don't keep you safe

Hell, Hillary doesn't keep us safe.

Just ask the four Americans in the compound at Benghazi on Sept. 12, 2012.

Oops, I guess you can't, since they all died there while she was in charge of such diplomatic compounds.

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