Hillary: Guns Don't Keep You Safe

Of course, the biggest advantage of letting all law-abiding adults carry is:

Even though most people still won't bother carrying, a few will. And the criminals can figure on that being true. So they know that, next time they try to mug somebody or steal someone's purse (or worse crimes), there will probably be a few people in the crown who have guns and know how to use them. So the criminal can be pretty sure of getting a bullet from an unknown direction, that he won't be able to defend against until after it hits him.

It's enough to make a self-respecting criminal think twice about committing his crime(s). Or maybe even change jobs completely.

And so the crime rate goes down, without a shot being fired. Just because the criminal knows he's got a pretty good chance of getting badly hurt if he tries it.

That's the greatest advantage of letting all law-abiding adults carry: DETERRENCE.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Hillary. But guns DO make us safer.
I don't see what the problem with her message is. Just call the cops. After all, when seconds count the police are only minutes away.
I don't see what the problem with her message is. Just call the cops. After all, when seconds count the police are only minutes away.


That makes sense after a daughter or wife has been raped at home by a burglar, then they call the cops instead of having a weapon to defend themselves. Let the police handle it, that's what most perverted criminals and rapist would say, so they can make victims defenseless.


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Hillary: Guns don't keep you safe

Hell, Hillary doesn't keep us safe.

Just ask the four Americans in the compound at Benghazi on Sept. 12, 2012.

Oops, I guess you can't, since they all died there while she was in charge of such diplomatic compounds.

The REAL question for Hillary on the Benghazi matter is: "Would it have made a difference if CHELSEA had been in that compound?" Answer: YES! Hell, every military post on the planet would have been on "active - GO!!" status to get Chelsea out of there ... and collateral damage, civilian or otherwise, be damned!
as a liberal gun owner....i have only needed a gun one time for human interaction...i was lucky.

I have fire insurance for my house.

I have never needed it. My house has never caught fire, nor come even close.

But I always carry fire insurance for my house.

A gun is insurance against being mugged, robbed, etc.

Liberals keep telling me I don't need it.

But I always want to be able to carry one, even if I've never needed it until now.
I've never seen a sneeze guard on a salad bar used for its intended purpose, but I'm really glad they're there.

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