Hillary Has Two Mommies

you guys are still talking about e-mails?

The only people that care about the emails are rapid anti-Hillary voters. Those people can't be swayed no matter what. The undecided voters don't care about emails. It's pretty common knowledge that humans make mistakes and that politicians are corrupt. Calling Hillary a human or an accomplished politicians won't influence undecided voters.

They keep talking about emails. They think it is a slam dunk win for Trump. lol
The emails are the trail to the real story ... the Foundation. They didn't want the FBI to catch wind of the Foundation shit. Oooops.
you guys are still talking about e-mails?
The whole country is still talking about them. The FBI is still talking about them. The press is still talking about them. Get used to it, it's not going away. Hillary's lies and evasions about the emails, the private server, the attempted cover up will keep this going until a special prosecutor is assigned to look into this.

Some one needs to call Ken Starr.
you guys are still talking about e-mails?

The only people that care about the emails are rapid anti-Hillary voters. Those people can't be swayed no matter what. The undecided voters don't care about emails. It's pretty common knowledge that humans make mistakes and that politicians are corrupt. Calling Hillary a human or an accomplished politicians won't influence undecided voters.

They keep talking about emails. They think it is a slam dunk win for Trump. lol

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