Hillary in a Nutshell


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Let’s review: The problem with Hillary Clinton is that she’s dishonest, incompetent and dumb!

Sorry about leaving out narcissistic, paranoid, power-hungry and shrill. It's hard to fit all this into one headline.

I have no idea who the author is (I could've checked his bio) but he seems to have the juevos to come right out and say what so many of us think. I watched part of her UN speech and then a bit of her news conference, and it was so bad I had to stop.

We've already elected one inept clown to the White House. Do we want to follow him with another?

Read the story @ Let s review The problem with Hillary Clinton is that she s dishonest incompetent and dumb\
Sad to say she will run and she will win because of three points, media adores her, uneducated gullible voters, and the GOP's reluctance to move away from the compassionate conservative establishment, and return to its roots.
She and Bill are nothing more than the liberal twin of Nixon.
Sad to say she will run and she will win because of three points, media adores her, uneducated gullible voters, and the GOP's reluctance to move away from the compassionate conservative establishment, and return to its roots.
She and Bill are nothing more than the liberal twin of Nixon.
Interesting. I've always thought Nixon was a really good potus who was undone by paranoia. Some of it justified, and some of it more or less pathological
Lets Review?

seriously ?

lets review every Hillary thread on the page and have a mod merge them into one.

Nixon was both brilliant and extremely insecure, paranoid, and unwilling to make a tough decision that would have destroyed his closest advisers and friends. If upon discovering the extent his advisers had gone he had fired and prosecuted all involved he would have preserved his legacy. Then again we are discussing a paranoid narcissist.
Nixon was both brilliant and extremely insecure, paranoid, and unwilling to make a tough decision that would have destroyed his closest advisers and friends. If upon discovering the extent his advisers had gone he had fired and prosecuted all involved he would have preserved his legacy. Then again we are discussing a paranoid narcissist.
I've never assumed he wasn't aware of the planning of the burglary and wiretapping. But then again, he probably did have the 1960 election stolen from him. And to make it worse, he probably knew that in his heart, Ike probably preferred JFK. But as you said, his problems predated all that.

Interesting imo that this came up in reference to Hillary, who lives in a very small bubble that very few are allowed access .
Nixon was both brilliant and extremely insecure, paranoid, and unwilling to make a tough decision that would have destroyed his closest advisers and friends. If upon discovering the extent his advisers had gone he had fired and prosecuted all involved he would have preserved his legacy. Then again we are discussing a paranoid narcissist.
I've never assumed he wasn't aware of the planning of the burglary and wiretapping. But then again, he probably did have the 1960 election stolen from him. And to make it worse, he probably knew that in his heart, Ike probably preferred JFK. But as you said, his problems predated all that.

Interesting imo that this came up in reference to Hillary, who lives in a very small bubble that very few are allowed access .

Hillary in four words. "A very good liar."
In another thread, the title is: Why does Hillary seem so dull

Two reasons:

1.) As another poster has pointed out, she has to keep her real emotions in check, since in reality she's a strident, narcissistic nag who has huge contempt for anyone who disagrees with her. She must conceal the truth and pretend to be someone she isn't, to avoid being rejected by the voters.

2.) She has too much in her past that she doesn't dare bring out and discuss. When you have so many forbidden subjects, it's hard to sound interesting with what little is left. Everything from getting kicked off the Watergate investigations committee in 1973 for unethical conduct, to her Bimbo Eruptions task force in 1992, to the Hillarycare debacle in 1993 that got Democrats kicked out of office wholesale and turned the entire Congress over to Republican control for the first time in generations, to the Rose Law Firm papers that mysteriously reappeared on her bedroom dresser after the investigators gave up looking for them, to her producing hundreds of thousands of dollars from a single $1,000 investment in dubious stocks sponsored by certain FOB's (Friends of Bill), to the unexplained shooting death of family lawyer and personal friend Vince Foster, to the attacks and destruction of White House Travel Office employee Billy Dale prior to her mving some personal friends into the job, to her brazen announcement of being a "co-President" while she was only an unelected, unemployed First Lady, to her stripping of security from the diplomatic compound in Benghazi despite increasing attacks there by terrorists month after month, resulting in the deaths of three American soldiers and a U.S. Ambassador followed by her haughty denials that there was anything amiss... just to name a few.

If you go by what she says today, the woman has practically no past at all - she merely appeared on the Dias on Inauguration Day in 1993, fully formed, and spent the next eight years baking cookies. And the worst thing she ever did, was to use the wrong kind of device for sending emails. And the media toe that line as obediently as they ever have.

Hillary does not dare tell the truth about what happened in the majority of her tenure in various public positions. And the media know better than to broach those subjects. Concealment, diversion, and disingenuousness are vital to her political survival.

With so many subjects she won't talk about, it's hard for her to sound interesting with what little is left.

longknife: All of your adjectives are unnecessarily redundant.

All one has to say is "Hillary", and one groks the full cornucopia of personal and ethical defects.
The one persistent fact about her entire public life, starting with being "First Lady of Arkansas," is that the more people see her the less they like her. And when I say "people" I don't included Democrat primary voters or New Yorkers, both of whom have long ago relinquished any right to the title.

When she was FLOTUS, Senator, and Secretary of State, her poll numbers would gradually rise up when she was out of the limelight, then crater when she came back into focus. She is simply NOT a likeable person. She reeks of dishonesty and villainy.

Polls taken today about whether she would win a presidential election are meaningless when it comes to her. If she is the Democrat nominee and remains in the public focus from the Summer of 2016 through the first Tuesday in November she will get killed. The more the public sees of her the more nauseated they will become.

And it doesn't really matter whom she runs against. Just like with Bush 41 and 43, and with her husband, the public is sick, sick, sick of this President (despite the MSM's campaign to make it otherwise), and wants a change in party at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and as long as we don't nominate Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum, we will win in 2016.
And all of this doesn't even begin to deal with the ultra-secret part of her personal life that everyone is doing their best to ignore.

I'm not saying Bill is anyway and angel. He clearly takes advantage of his personality and power to get anything he wants. But, like so many men, would he be to "adventurous" if he had someone sweet, warm, and loving to share his bed at home?
She and Bill are nothing more than the liberal twin of Nixon.

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