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Hillary....in Invisible Ink


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If a media organ of the Leftist/Democrat Party wanted to subtly endorse Hillary Clinton without seeming to do so...how to do so?

Well, if Benghazi is the thorn that much prick her candidacy...how about a 7500-word "mini-book-length, six-“chapter” revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times."
A bogus white-wash of this administration's culpability in the murders of four Americans...with a special 'treatment' of Hillary.

1. "The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up.

Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama’s Libya policy. She was also chiefly responsible for the protection of American personnel in that country, including our murdered ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and the three other Americans killed by Muslim .... Still, theTimes is banking on your not noticing that in its laborious 7,500 words, Kirkpatrick’s account utters the word “Clinton” exactly . . . wait for it . . . zero times.

a. ... “Obama” comes in for a mere six mentions, four of which are impersonal references to the current administration. The other two are telling, though fleeting..... the president’s vow to exact “justice” against anyone found responsible for this “terrible act” of killing four Americans,...

2. In a despicable violation of constitutional free-speech principles, and a bow to sharia blasphemy rules that forbid criticism of Islam, Obama and Clinton publicly portrayed [Nakoula Basseley Nakoula] and his “film” as the Benghazi culprits — implicitly accepting the Islamic-supremacist premise that verbal insults, no matter how obscure and trifling, justify mass-murder attacks.

3. .... Obama and Clinton (a) conspired to defraud the nation into believing the trailer was the singular, proximate cause — then dispatched their minion, Ambassador Susan Rice, to do their dirty work on the Sunday shows;

(b) jointly appeared in a preening commercial aired on Islamic (but not American) television to stress that the U.S. government had no part in the video (translation: We elevate sharia blasphemy standards over the Bill of Rights guarantees the U.S. government exists to ensure);

(c) told family members of our Benghazi dead that they would get, not the terrorists, but the man responsible for the video; and

(d) then trumped up a prosecution against Nakoula: The Justice Department arrested him in the dead of night, imprisoning him on a bogus “violation of supervised release” that no experienced prosecutor would regard as meriting such severe treatment . . . but that could conveniently be portrayed to Muslim countries as the administration’s enforcement of sharia against Americans.

4. Obama’s reckless Libya policy, part of his broader appeasement of Islamic supremacists, is the heart of the matter.

5. Kirkpatrick’s account is absurd. Its two themes — namely, that the trailer really did have some causal connection to the massacre and that al-Qaeda really did not partake in the Benghazi attack — do not pass the laugh test. They have been ably refuted by Tom Joscelyn, Eli Lake, Steve Hayes, and theeditors of NATIONAL REVIEW, to cite four of the best rebuttals.

6. .... the objective of Kirkpatrick’s novella is not to persuade; it is to shrink the parameters of newsworthy inquiry to a punctilious debate over nonsense."
Down the Times? Benghazi Rabbit Hole | National Review Online

I understand former Federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy's anger, largely directed against the administration, which is responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.....

....but he is far too kind to the NYSlimes and to the so-called journalist, Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick is a paid mouthpiece/stenographer for the forces intending to tear down this country.
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Haven't you heard? There's bigger fish to fry.

One of Chris Christie's staff decided to close a bridge or something.

What's four dead Americans and another entire Country lost to Islamic Radicals compared to that actual real tragedy?
Unfortunately the average liberal supporter never heard of Bengahzi, and doesn't give a shit. They only cared about Obama's skin color - not his affiliations, or the fact that he was not qualified. I pray the new world order bitch is defeated, but ...
If this country is stupid enough to elect hillybilly, then the USA is over as a free democratic republic. We might as well rename it the Socialist states of America---because thats what it will be.
If this country is stupid enough to elect hillybilly, then the USA is over as a free democratic republic. We might as well rename it the Socialist states of America---because thats what it will be.

"If this country is stupid enough to elect hillybilly, ...."

Do you doubt it?

Have you noticed who is in the White House currently?
this stupid made up scandal will get you as far as your fast and furious lies.

there is no there there you fucking idiots
'Completely false': Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report

Fox News has learned that the attack on the consulate started with fighters assembling to conduct an assault.

"Guys were coming into the compound, moving left, moving right…and using IMT (individual movement techniques). … That’s not a spontaneous attack,” one special operator said.

"One guy was shooting, one guy was running. There are guys watching the gates. … The bosses on the ground were pointing, commanding and coordinating -- that is a direct action planned attack."

The community of operators in Libya that night and since includes the CIA, FBI, U.S. military, U.S. State Department and contractors working for the United States in a number of capacities. According to multiple sources on the ground that night, all the intelligence personnel in Benghazi before the attack and there now understand Al Qaeda is a significant threat in Libya.

Recent reports also suggest that Libyan militia leader Ahmad Abu Khattallah is the mastermind of the attack and had no real connections to Al Qaeda or terrorist organizations.

Multiple sources, though, challenged that claim. They insist that while Khattallah was found responsible for the actions at the actual consulate and was essentially the ground force commander that night, he is also clearly tied to Ansar al-Sharia and to the broader terrorist network.

“There is direct evidence linking him before the attack and after the attack to terrorist groups. An opportunity came, and Khattallah conducted an assault on the consulate. To say that it wasn’t tied to Al Qaeda is completely false. There is literal evidence in many forms and shapes, directly linking him,” one source said.

Khattallah is also a member of the militia group the Libyan Shield, which was formed to protect Benghazi and is operating separate from Tripoli.

'Completely false': Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report | Fox News

The operators on the ground that night from the CIA, FBI, and the US military agreed that Khattallah is a terrorist tied to Ansar al-Sharia. NYT should just work on publishing news not making it up.
If this country is stupid enough to elect hillybilly, then the USA is over as a free democratic republic. We might as well rename it the Socialist states of America---because thats what it will be.

"If this country is stupid enough to elect hillybilly, ...."

Do you doubt it?

Have you noticed who is in the White House currently?

yeah, and that is really scary for our kids and grandkids.
this stupid made up scandal will get you as far as your fast and furious lies.

there is no there there you fucking idiots

Yesterday you wrote that the scandal was phony....actually you wrote "phoney"....I got a kick out of that!
But it gave me the idea to post McCarthy's essay....

thank you.

And some more:

7. ... the Times, Obama, and Clinton win more by the fact that we are having the argument.Coherence and historical accuracy are not what the Times is after. The aim is to drag our consideration of a jihadist act of war down a rabbit hole of nitpicking over which jihadists did what. Meanwhile, the Obama administration’s derelictions before, during, and after the massacre — the matter of greatest consequence — remain studiously outside this wearying crossfire.

8. ... the Times-Clinton tag team has run this play before.

Start with a president using a young intern to turn the Oval Office into a brothel and then perjuring himself over it. Ought to be a removable offense, right? But the next thing you know, after some epic media investigation dictated by Democratic talking points, we find ourselves kvetching over whether it was really sex; whether she was of consenting age; whether he really lied; whether the lies were really “material”; whether a president’s Oval Office trysts are really part of his “private life”; and “what the definition of ‘is’ is.”

The idea is to exhaust the American attention span until enough people are persuaded that it’s time to — all together now — move on.

Will we likewise be exhausted into “moving on” from Benghazi, an act of war invited and unavenged by Obama-Clinton Islamist-appeasement policies? Down the Times? Benghazi Rabbit Hole | National Review Online

I hope you'll drop by with more suggestions!
If a media organ of the Leftist/Democrat Party wanted to subtly endorse Hillary Clinton without seeming to do so...how to do so?

Well, if Benghazi is the thorn that much prick her candidacy...how about a 7500-word "mini-book-length, six-“chapter” revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times."
A bogus white-wash of this administration's culpability in the murders of four Americans...with a special 'treatment' of Hillary.

1. "The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up.

Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama’s Libya policy. She was also chiefly responsible for the protection of American personnel in that country, including our murdered ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and the three other Americans killed by Muslim .... Still, theTimes is banking on your not noticing that in its laborious 7,500 words, Kirkpatrick’s account utters the word “Clinton” exactly . . . wait for it . . . zero times.

a. ... “Obama” comes in for a mere six mentions, four of which are impersonal references to the current administration. The other two are telling, though fleeting..... the president’s vow to exact “justice” against anyone found responsible for this “terrible act” of killing four Americans,...

2. In a despicable violation of constitutional free-speech principles, and a bow to sharia blasphemy rules that forbid criticism of Islam, Obama and Clinton publicly portrayed [Nakoula Basseley Nakoula] and his “film” as the Benghazi culprits — implicitly accepting the Islamic-supremacist premise that verbal insults, no matter how obscure and trifling, justify mass-murder attacks.

3. .... Obama and Clinton (a) conspired to defraud the nation into believing the trailer was the singular, proximate cause — then dispatched their minion, Ambassador Susan Rice, to do their dirty work on the Sunday shows;

(b) jointly appeared in a preening commercial aired on Islamic (but not American) television to stress that the U.S. government had no part in the video (translation: We elevate sharia blasphemy standards over the Bill of Rights guarantees the U.S. government exists to ensure);

(c) told family members of our Benghazi dead that they would get, not the terrorists, but the man responsible for the video; and

(d) then trumped up a prosecution against Nakoula: The Justice Department arrested him in the dead of night, imprisoning him on a bogus “violation of supervised release” that no experienced prosecutor would regard as meriting such severe treatment . . . but that could conveniently be portrayed to Muslim countries as the administration’s enforcement of sharia against Americans.

4. Obama’s reckless Libya policy, part of his broader appeasement of Islamic supremacists, is the heart of the matter.

5. Kirkpatrick’s account is absurd. Its two themes — namely, that the trailer really did have some causal connection to the massacre and that al-Qaeda really did not partake in the Benghazi attack — do not pass the laugh test. They have been ably refuted by Tom Joscelyn, Eli Lake, Steve Hayes, and theeditors of NATIONAL REVIEW, to cite four of the best rebuttals.

6. .... the objective of Kirkpatrick’s novella is not to persuade; it is to shrink the parameters of newsworthy inquiry to a punctilious debate over nonsense."
Down the Times? Benghazi Rabbit Hole | National Review Online

I understand former Federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy's anger, largely directed against the administration, which is responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.....

....but he is far too kind to the NYSlimes and to the so-called journalist, Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick is a paid mouthpiece/stenographer for the forces intending to tear down this country.

I admit, I read not a line of the above. Willful ignorance? Nope, the author's familiar routine of character assassination and partisan extremism is well known and hackneyed.

Her entire body of work has been "Aint (Obama, the Clintons, Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, the left) awful (dishonest, wrongheaded, commies, Marxists, liars).

BTW, she will now call me stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.
Last edited:
If a media organ of the Leftist/Democrat Party wanted to subtly endorse Hillary Clinton without seeming to do so...how to do so?

Well, if Benghazi is the thorn that much prick her candidacy...how about a 7500-word "mini-book-length, six-“chapter” revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times."
A bogus white-wash of this administration's culpability in the murders of four Americans...with a special 'treatment' of Hillary.

1. "The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up.

Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama’s Libya policy. She was also chiefly responsible for the protection of American personnel in that country, including our murdered ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and the three other Americans killed by Muslim .... Still, theTimes is banking on your not noticing that in its laborious 7,500 words, Kirkpatrick’s account utters the word “Clinton” exactly . . . wait for it . . . zero times.

a. ... “Obama” comes in for a mere six mentions, four of which are impersonal references to the current administration. The other two are telling, though fleeting..... the president’s vow to exact “justice” against anyone found responsible for this “terrible act” of killing four Americans,...

2. In a despicable violation of constitutional free-speech principles, and a bow to sharia blasphemy rules that forbid criticism of Islam, Obama and Clinton publicly portrayed [Nakoula Basseley Nakoula] and his “film” as the Benghazi culprits — implicitly accepting the Islamic-supremacist premise that verbal insults, no matter how obscure and trifling, justify mass-murder attacks.

3. .... Obama and Clinton (a) conspired to defraud the nation into believing the trailer was the singular, proximate cause — then dispatched their minion, Ambassador Susan Rice, to do their dirty work on the Sunday shows;

(b) jointly appeared in a preening commercial aired on Islamic (but not American) television to stress that the U.S. government had no part in the video (translation: We elevate sharia blasphemy standards over the Bill of Rights guarantees the U.S. government exists to ensure);

(c) told family members of our Benghazi dead that they would get, not the terrorists, but the man responsible for the video; and

(d) then trumped up a prosecution against Nakoula: The Justice Department arrested him in the dead of night, imprisoning him on a bogus “violation of supervised release” that no experienced prosecutor would regard as meriting such severe treatment . . . but that could conveniently be portrayed to Muslim countries as the administration’s enforcement of sharia against Americans.

4. Obama’s reckless Libya policy, part of his broader appeasement of Islamic supremacists, is the heart of the matter.

5. Kirkpatrick’s account is absurd. Its two themes — namely, that the trailer really did have some causal connection to the massacre and that al-Qaeda really did not partake in the Benghazi attack — do not pass the laugh test. They have been ably refuted by Tom Joscelyn, Eli Lake, Steve Hayes, and theeditors of NATIONAL REVIEW, to cite four of the best rebuttals.

6. .... the objective of Kirkpatrick’s novella is not to persuade; it is to shrink the parameters of newsworthy inquiry to a punctilious debate over nonsense."
Down the Times? Benghazi Rabbit Hole | National Review Online

I understand former Federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy's anger, largely directed against the administration, which is responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.....

....but he is far too kind to the NYSlimes and to the so-called journalist, Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick is a paid mouthpiece/stenographer for the forces intending to tear down this country.

I admit, I read not a line of the above. Willful ignorance? Nope, the author's familiar routine of character assassination and partisan extremism is well known and hackneyed.

Her entire body of work has been "Aint (Obama, the Clintons, Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, the left) awful (dishonest, wrongheaded, commies, Marxists, liars).

BTW, she will now call me stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

Uhhh, if the shoe fits---------------:eusa_whistle:
If a media organ of the Leftist/Democrat Party wanted to subtly endorse Hillary Clinton without seeming to do so...how to do so?

Well, if Benghazi is the thorn that much prick her candidacy...how about a 7500-word "mini-book-length, six-“chapter” revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times."
A bogus white-wash of this administration's culpability in the murders of four Americans...with a special 'treatment' of Hillary.

1. "The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up.

Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama’s Libya policy. She was also chiefly responsible for the protection of American personnel in that country, including our murdered ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and the three other Americans killed by Muslim .... Still, theTimes is banking on your not noticing that in its laborious 7,500 words, Kirkpatrick’s account utters the word “Clinton” exactly . . . wait for it . . . zero times.

a. ... “Obama” comes in for a mere six mentions, four of which are impersonal references to the current administration. The other two are telling, though fleeting..... the president’s vow to exact “justice” against anyone found responsible for this “terrible act” of killing four Americans,...

2. In a despicable violation of constitutional free-speech principles, and a bow to sharia blasphemy rules that forbid criticism of Islam, Obama and Clinton publicly portrayed [Nakoula Basseley Nakoula] and his “film” as the Benghazi culprits — implicitly accepting the Islamic-supremacist premise that verbal insults, no matter how obscure and trifling, justify mass-murder attacks.

3. .... Obama and Clinton (a) conspired to defraud the nation into believing the trailer was the singular, proximate cause — then dispatched their minion, Ambassador Susan Rice, to do their dirty work on the Sunday shows;

(b) jointly appeared in a preening commercial aired on Islamic (but not American) television to stress that the U.S. government had no part in the video (translation: We elevate sharia blasphemy standards over the Bill of Rights guarantees the U.S. government exists to ensure);

(c) told family members of our Benghazi dead that they would get, not the terrorists, but the man responsible for the video; and

(d) then trumped up a prosecution against Nakoula: The Justice Department arrested him in the dead of night, imprisoning him on a bogus “violation of supervised release” that no experienced prosecutor would regard as meriting such severe treatment . . . but that could conveniently be portrayed to Muslim countries as the administration’s enforcement of sharia against Americans.

4. Obama’s reckless Libya policy, part of his broader appeasement of Islamic supremacists, is the heart of the matter.

5. Kirkpatrick’s account is absurd. Its two themes — namely, that the trailer really did have some causal connection to the massacre and that al-Qaeda really did not partake in the Benghazi attack — do not pass the laugh test. They have been ably refuted by Tom Joscelyn, Eli Lake, Steve Hayes, and theeditors of NATIONAL REVIEW, to cite four of the best rebuttals.

6. .... the objective of Kirkpatrick’s novella is not to persuade; it is to shrink the parameters of newsworthy inquiry to a punctilious debate over nonsense."
Down the Times? Benghazi Rabbit Hole | National Review Online

I understand former Federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy's anger, largely directed against the administration, which is responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.....

....but he is far too kind to the NYSlimes and to the so-called journalist, Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick is a paid mouthpiece/stenographer for the forces intending to tear down this country.

I admit, I read not a line of the above. Willful ignorance? Nope, the author's familiar routine of character assassination and partisan extremism is well known and hackneyed.

Her entire body of work has been "Aint (Obama, the Clintons, Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, the left) awful (dishonest, wrongheaded, commies, Marxists, liars).

BTW, she will now call me stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

We both win our bets:

1. Yours....you are stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

2. Mine....we both know you read it.

Now act your age, not your IQ.
If a media organ of the Leftist/Democrat Party wanted to subtly endorse Hillary Clinton without seeming to do so...how to do so?

Well, if Benghazi is the thorn that much prick her candidacy...how about a 7500-word "mini-book-length, six-“chapter” revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times."
A bogus white-wash of this administration's culpability in the murders of four Americans...with a special 'treatment' of Hillary.

1. "The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up.

Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama’s Libya policy. She was also chiefly responsible for the protection of American personnel in that country, including our murdered ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, and the three other Americans killed by Muslim .... Still, theTimes is banking on your not noticing that in its laborious 7,500 words, Kirkpatrick’s account utters the word “Clinton” exactly . . . wait for it . . . zero times.

a. ... “Obama” comes in for a mere six mentions, four of which are impersonal references to the current administration. The other two are telling, though fleeting..... the president’s vow to exact “justice” against anyone found responsible for this “terrible act” of killing four Americans,...

2. In a despicable violation of constitutional free-speech principles, and a bow to sharia blasphemy rules that forbid criticism of Islam, Obama and Clinton publicly portrayed [Nakoula Basseley Nakoula] and his “film” as the Benghazi culprits — implicitly accepting the Islamic-supremacist premise that verbal insults, no matter how obscure and trifling, justify mass-murder attacks.

3. .... Obama and Clinton (a) conspired to defraud the nation into believing the trailer was the singular, proximate cause — then dispatched their minion, Ambassador Susan Rice, to do their dirty work on the Sunday shows;

(b) jointly appeared in a preening commercial aired on Islamic (but not American) television to stress that the U.S. government had no part in the video (translation: We elevate sharia blasphemy standards over the Bill of Rights guarantees the U.S. government exists to ensure);

(c) told family members of our Benghazi dead that they would get, not the terrorists, but the man responsible for the video; and

(d) then trumped up a prosecution against Nakoula: The Justice Department arrested him in the dead of night, imprisoning him on a bogus “violation of supervised release” that no experienced prosecutor would regard as meriting such severe treatment . . . but that could conveniently be portrayed to Muslim countries as the administration’s enforcement of sharia against Americans.

4. Obama’s reckless Libya policy, part of his broader appeasement of Islamic supremacists, is the heart of the matter.

5. Kirkpatrick’s account is absurd. Its two themes — namely, that the trailer really did have some causal connection to the massacre and that al-Qaeda really did not partake in the Benghazi attack — do not pass the laugh test. They have been ably refuted by Tom Joscelyn, Eli Lake, Steve Hayes, and theeditors of NATIONAL REVIEW, to cite four of the best rebuttals.

6. .... the objective of Kirkpatrick’s novella is not to persuade; it is to shrink the parameters of newsworthy inquiry to a punctilious debate over nonsense."
Down the Times? Benghazi Rabbit Hole | National Review Online

I understand former Federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy's anger, largely directed against the administration, which is responsible for the Benghazi cover-up.....

....but he is far too kind to the NYSlimes and to the so-called journalist, Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick is a paid mouthpiece/stenographer for the forces intending to tear down this country.

I admit, I read not a line of the above. Willful ignorance? Nope, the author's familiar routine of character assassination and partisan extremism is well known and hackneyed.

Her entire body of work has been "Aint (Obama, the Clintons, Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, the left) awful (dishonest, wrongheaded, commies, Marxists, liars).

BTW, she will now call me stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

We both win our bets:

1. Yours....you are stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

2. Mine....we both know you read it.

Now act your age, not your IQ.

You must be so proud to have Redfish, an esteemed and educated and brilliant member of the USMB idiot fringe, support you. And for emulating you by posting only a personal attack without offering a defense/refutation on your character which I described with unerring accuracy.

One measure of a persons IQ is their use of language. I wonder, do you write down to those like Redfish, or is an outline the only way for you organize your thinking? IMO, which you value otherwise you wouldn't protest so much, the outline isn't the best form to bring to public notice a convincing expository argument (of course I speak from my experience at CAL; maybe it was acceptable at the Ivy League High School which you attended).
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I admit, I read not a line of the above. Willful ignorance? Nope, the author's familiar routine of character assassination and partisan extremism is well known and hackneyed.

Her entire body of work has been "Aint (Obama, the Clintons, Carter, FDR, Wilson, liberals, progressives, the left) awful (dishonest, wrongheaded, commies, Marxists, liars).

BTW, she will now call me stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

We both win our bets:

1. Yours....you are stupid (a liar, a fool, a moron, a jerk, a commie or a Marxist.

2. Mine....we both know you read it.

Now act your age, not your IQ.

You must be so proud to have Redfish, an esteemed and educated and brilliant member of the USMB idiot fringe, support you. And for emulating you by posting only a personal attack without offering a defense/refutation on your character which I described with unerring accuracy.

One measure of a persons IQ is their use of language. I wonder, do you write down to those like Redfish, or is an outline the only way for you organize your thinking? IMO, which you value otherwise you wouldn't protest so much, the outline isn't the best form to bring to public notice a convincing expository argument (of course I speak from my experience at CAL; maybe it was acceptable at the Ivy League High School which you attended).

"a defense/refutation on your character which I described with unerring accuracy..."

At your age, it's dangerous to reach around like that to pat yourself on the back.

As far as accuracy.....let's hope your toilet habits are more accurate than what you posited.

Here....let me help you toward actual accuracy: ...I have a proprietary pride in veracity.
You have the pride of a Narcissist, what that's worth I do not know. That you always speak the truth isn't clear, as was pointed out with probative evidence, for posting the ideas of others as your own wasn't your finest hour.

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