Biden plans to undermine the Supreme Court.

And I never said otherwise, he jumped into a conversation and had no clue who was supporting what side and threw Trump in there and he wasn’t part of the conversation, good grief people you need to learn to understand what you read.

You? I noted he addressed the wrong person.

President Biden is reportedly planning to endorse major changes to the U.S. Supreme Court, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, as growing outrage continues following a series of controversial decisions.

"This decision today has continued the court’s attack in recent years on a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation, from gutting voting rights (that is a lie) and civil rights (that is a lie) to taking away a woman’s right to choose (that is a lie), to today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation,(that is a lie)" Biden said in public remarks later that day.

Our constitution was designed to protect the citizens from a tyrannical government.
The Supreme Court is trying to protect us from the lawless Democrat Party.
They are not saving "democracy", they want a one-party dictatorship.
The corrupt Democrat Party can't operate within the bounds of our constitution; therefore, they are trying to destroy the balance of power between the Executive branch, Legislative branch and Judicial branch.
This is very dangerous; they will create a totalitarian police state.
From a person who has been in fking DC for 50 years wants term limits on others!!!!! Hilarious I tell you.
First off what Biden said IMO is little more than empty political rhetoric. He had over three years to address this and did nothing so at this point I don't take what a politician says as serious.

We still need to address the courts lacking ethics. And this doesn't apply to just one side of the equation.
the statement coming again from the hypocritical man who's been in DC for 50 years thinks term limits for others. Kind of hilarious. Truly a fking boob!!!!
Did the Court get to this point because Republicans played by the rules?

No? They changed the rules to suit their ambitions and then ignored THOSE rules..
Reid changed the protocol.

McConnell capitalized on it.

He was warned and still did it.
What can I say?

In any case kavanaugh has made a number of liberal decisions.... Jackson Brown has made a number of conservatives decisions.
This is what a judge, a real judge looks like. I don't think the court is particularly conservative. Roberts is a toss up half the time. Any judge that has a political pattern to their jurisprudence doesn't belong there. Have a little faith...
Notice how the complaints about Jackson Brown have died down? She seems to be actually using her Judgment instead of her politics.
Did the Court get to this point because Republicans played by the rules?

No? They changed the rules to suit their ambitions and then ignored THOSE rules..
what rules didn't they follow, explain for us? Not sure how to answer you. What is it you think they did off script?
what rules didn't they follow, explain for us? Not sure how to answer you. What is it you think they did off script?
First they nuked the filibuster rule for SCOTUS appointments

Then they claimed there was a rule preventing a SCOTUS appointment in the last year of a four year presidential term

Then they ignored that rule to appoint Barrett

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