hillary is to transparency, what obama is to.... transparency.

sooner or later Hillary will answer a question in this common fashion "I,,Personally Believe That,,,Summa People in our nation,,wipe thier own asses clean,,because they dont have maps,,,here in the US of America". etc,,etc. (and just keep babbling on as her brain freezes as usual).
she should have said that to explain away benghazi... sorry for the confusion, i take full responsibility. instead of that creepy scene at andrews, when they stuck to the video narrative. she told pat smith, we'll make sure the maker of that movie will go to jail...

that's become the norm under obamjevich. one creepy scandal after another. and the historians someday will look back and wonder why we had a second civil war.

democracy down the drain.

but that's why we had elections, that's how we ousted reid and pelosi, so there is always hope. although mcconnell and boehner are a royal disappointment. our government flows at the speed of molasses.
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i wonder what video Hillary has blamed on the other 9/11.
wasn't there a monica destruction video, released ?? while her creepy husband was being impeached...??

can't put that in the campaign brochure... stand up for women..... right ?? ..

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