Hillary Is Too Old To Run For President

Reagan was too old because he had alzheimers. Hillary is only 66, her mom lived to a ripe old age of 92.

Don't you worry about Hillary, she has more energy than all of you in this thread combined.

More brain power too.

Yeah, ok Corky.

She is not too old., but she's in the wrong party.
Hillary seems to have developed The Big A at a somewhat younger age than The Gipper. Witness her performance at the Benghazi hearings. Witness her sudden resignation when things got just too overwhelming.

Of course there can be rehabilitation from a stroke but nobody's admitting anything like that.

Alzheimer's? Not so much. Though Aricept IS covered by Obamacare.

It's the republicans who get alzheimers for some reason. Isn't that what Charlton Heston had too? Either that or they're just naturally demented.
Hillary seems to have developed The Big A at a somewhat younger age than The Gipper. Witness her performance at the Benghazi hearings. Witness her sudden resignation when things got just too overwhelming.

Of course there can be rehabilitation from a stroke but nobody's admitting anything like that.

Alzheimer's? Not so much. Though Aricept IS covered by Obamacare.

It's the republicans who get alzheimers for some reason. Isn't that what Charlton Heston had too? Either that or they're just naturally demented.

OMB, you're forgotten the Benghazi Hearings blank stares too! Sad to see it strike so young. My best wishes for your friends and guardians.
Hillary seems to have developed The Big A at a somewhat younger age than The Gipper. Witness her performance at the Benghazi hearings. Witness her sudden resignation when things got just too overwhelming.

Of course there can be rehabilitation from a stroke but nobody's admitting anything like that.

Alzheimer's? Not so much. Though Aricept IS covered by Obamacare.

It's the republicans who get alzheimers for some reason. Isn't that what Charlton Heston had too? Either that or they're just naturally demented.

OMB, you're forgotten the Benghazi Hearings blank stares too! Sad to see it strike so young. My best wishes for your friends and guardians.

No facts and once again the moron wingnuts go for personal attacks. Tell you what, continue lying to yourselves. :lol:
2016 Looks Disturbingly Good For the Corporate State - Reason.com

Clinton recently spoke to a gathering in New York organized by Goldman Sachs, the giant, influential (and bailed-out) investment bank, a gathering that Politico says was attended by “a few hundred major investors.”

Ordinarily these masters of the universe might have groaned at the idea of a politician taking the microphone. In the contentious years since the crash of 2008, they’ve grown wearily accustomed to being called names — labeled “fat cats” by President Obama and worse by those on the left — and gotten used to being largely shunned by Tea Party Republicans for their association with the Washington establishment. And of course there are all those infuriating new rules and regulations, culminating this week with the imposition of the so-called Volcker Rule to make risky trades by big banks illegal.
“But,” Politico continues, “Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring, according to accounts offered by several attendees, declaring that the banker-bashing so popular within both political parties was unproductive and indeed foolish.”

Striking a soothing note on the global financial crisis, she told the audience, in effect: We all got into this mess together, and we’re all going to have to work together to get out of it. What the bankers heard her to say was just what they would hope for from a prospective presidential candidate: Beating up the finance industry isn’t going to improve the economy — it needs to stop. And indeed Goldman’s Tim O’Neill, who heads the bank’s asset management business, introduced Clinton by saying how courageous she was for speaking at the bank. (Brave, perhaps, but also well-compensated: Clinton’s minimum fee for paid remarks is $200,000).
She got one thing right: The politicians and big bankers “all got into this mess together.” The financial and housing collapse of 2008 was the fruit of that malign partnership of big government and big business. (See my article “Wall Street Couldn’t Have Done It Alone.”) But the big banks are doing fine now, thank you, and there’s no reason to think that too-big-to-fail is over. It’s regular people who are still hurting.

the left will once again end up looking liek a bunch of world class, all time hypocrites witha Hilary presidency. So it'll be like any other day.
OMB, you're forgotten the Benghazi Hearings blank stares too! Sad to see it strike so young. My best wishes for your friends and guardians.

No facts and once again the moron wingnuts go for personal attacks. Tell you what, continue lying to yourselves. :lol:

Oh dear, sometimes Alzheimer's victims mistake genuine concern for something quite different. Though perhaps it isn't The Big A at all - just really effective programming that has made all thought of Benghazi and Hillary's floundering attempt at testimony go away.
OMB, you're forgotten the Benghazi Hearings blank stares too! Sad to see it strike so young. My best wishes for your friends and guardians.

No facts and once again the moron wingnuts go for personal attacks. Tell you what, continue lying to yourselves. :lol:

Oh dear, sometimes Alzheimer's victims mistake genuine concern for something quite different. Though perhaps it isn't The Big A at all - just really effective programming that has made all thought of Benghazi and Hillary's floundering attempt at testimony go away.

Anglais? Whatever point you are attempting to make, Bra.
Why does anyone think she is qualified to be President? She proved to be nothing but incompetent and a liar during her stint as Secretary of State. I guess being caught lying and just pretending nothing happened makes one qualified to be a Democratic candidate.
I would advise against vilifying her; she may become President anyway, and we wouldn't want her to be any more beholden to left wing radicals. As with her husband, working with a GOP Congress could be productive. It would also help put to bed the bogus "glass ceiling" argument.

That's a myth.

Clinton didn't work with the GOP.

You miss the government shutdown and impeachment?

You miss welfare reform and balanced budgets? Are you really that Shallow?
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I can think of a number of reasons not to vote for Hillary for President her age though is not one of them as for Presidents needing to be young and vigorous well Obama was both can't say that has been a positive in his Presidency.
I can think of a number of reasons not to vote for Hillary for President her age though is not one of them as for Presidents needing to be young and vigorous well Obama was both can't say that has been a positive in his Presidency.

Age can be a problem but again, she is 66, very intelligent and energetic. Reagan was sick before he was diagnosed and he was 70 when he became president. Decades before symptoms begin arriving, changes are happening in the brain with Alzheimers.

McCain was 72 when he ran. He's pretty energetic and quite intelligent but a little old.

Obama is a great president, young enough and he can still be very active in politics even after his term.

Hillary is not too old.
I can think of a number of reasons not to vote for Hillary for President her age though is not one of them as for Presidents needing to be young and vigorous well Obama was both can't say that has been a positive in his Presidency.

Age can be a problem but again, she is 66, very intelligent and energetic. Reagan was sick before he was diagnosed and he was 70 when he became president. Decades before symptoms begin arriving, changes are happening in the brain with Alzheimers.

McCain was 72 when he ran. He's pretty energetic and quite intelligent but a little old.

Obama is a great president, young enough and he can still be very active in politics even after his term.

Hillary is not too old.
As I said her age would not be a reason for me not to vote for her I have plenty of other's as for Obama being a great President that all depends on one's point of view.
I can think of a number of reasons not to vote for Hillary for President her age though is not one of them as for Presidents needing to be young and vigorous well Obama was both can't say that has been a positive in his Presidency.

Age can be a problem but again, she is 66, very intelligent and energetic. Reagan was sick before he was diagnosed and he was 70 when he became president. Decades before symptoms begin arriving, changes are happening in the brain with Alzheimers.

McCain was 72 when he ran. He's pretty energetic and quite intelligent but a little old.

Obama is a great president, young enough and he can still be very active in politics even after his term.

Hillary is not too old.
As I said her age would not be a reason for me not to vote for her I have plenty of other's as for Obama being a great President that all depends on one's point of view.

Obama is a great president, young enough and he can still be very active in politics even after his term.

Kenya has five year presidential terms. Their last election was in March, 2013. So the next is due in March, 2018. That'll give ol' Sore Toe a little over a year to campaign.

Oughta be doable.

Certainly no Constitution objection on...........

(go, finish the thought.....we need a good shit-storm!)

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