Hillary joins the recount

LOL, so in other words, the guy in Wyoming shouldn't have a say in the selection of the Federal Executive because he's been bought off?

Sheesh,... the depth of your vapidity never ceases to amaze.

Sure he should. He has ONE VOTE. The guy in California has ONE VOTE. I have ONE VOTE. You have ONE VOTE.

See how that works. It's called Democracy, and frankly, it works just fine.

If the guy in Wyoming feels that he has a need that should be represented, he needs to convince everyone else, "Yeah, that sounds reasonable!"

Which is how Democracy works.
LOL, so in other words, the guy in Wyoming shouldn't have a say in the selection of the Federal Executive because he's been bought off?

Sheesh,... the depth of your vapidity never ceases to amaze.

Sure he should. He has ONE VOTE. The guy in California has ONE VOTE. I have ONE VOTE. You have ONE VOTE.
No matter how many times you've been told you apparently chose to remain completely clueless to the fact that the United States is a Republic made of sovereign entities known as "The States" and is not a Democracy, if you want to live in a Democracy with an all powerful unitary central government, I suggest you try someplace like Venezuela, I'm sure you'd be happy there since they tend to reward stupidity and have no use for pesky details like individual liberty.
No matter how many times you've been told you apparently chose to remain completely clueless to the fact that the United States is a Republic made of sovereign entities known as "The States" and is not a Democracy, if you want to live in a Democracy with an all powerful unitary central government, I suggest you try someplace like Venezuela, I'm sure you'd be happy there since they tend to reward stupidity and have no use for pesky details like individual liberty.

Trump just said that he wants to lock up people who burn the flag in protest. He's threatened to prosecute his political opponents. He wants to deport millions of people. How is that different than Venezuela, exactly?

Here's the thing about State Governments. Most of them are run by clowns I wouldn't trust to even keep the potholes filled, much less run something like health care or national defense.

The people got this right. They saw Trump for what he is

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