Hillary Lies to American Workers...Again


May 23, 2014
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

That's all well and good, but who will pay for my abortions?

Hillary 2016!

With less people, we will need less jobs dingleberry.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

When she tried to appease the coal miners did she try and use a West Virginian southern accent? LOL The woman is pathetic
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.
You are full of uninformed bullshit you fraud! Clinton didn't negotiate NAFTA, FOOL! The Negotiations began in Feb 1991 and was signed by the three nations involved in Dec 1992. Clinton didn't take office until Jan 1993 you bloody idiot! Bush 41 & Co. were responsible for NAFTA. Damn but you low information history revisionists never stop your stupidity and lying!
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

Actually, it was your idol Bush41 who negotiated NAFTA.....Clinton signed the deal
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

Actually, it was your idol Bush41 who negotiated NAFTA.....Clinton signed the deal

What made it official? The SIGNATURE.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.
You are full of uninformed bullshit you fraud! Clinton didn't negotiate NAFTA, FOOL! The Negotiations began in Feb 1991 and was signed by the three nations involved in Dec 1992. Clinton didn't take office until Jan 1993 you bloody idiot! Bush 41 & Co. were responsible for NAFTA. Damn but you low information history revisionists never stop your stupidity and lying!

Actually NAFTA is a credited to creating 5 million job... Some economic analysts say that this trade agreement was a main cause of the 90's boom and the surplus...
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

That's all well and good, but who will pay for my abortions?

Hillary 2016!

With less people, we will need less jobs dingleberry.
with more people unemployed the need for abortions could go up.
got to do something with all that spare time.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.
You are full of uninformed bullshit you fraud! Clinton didn't negotiate NAFTA, FOOL! The Negotiations began in Feb 1991 and was signed by the three nations involved in Dec 1992. Clinton didn't take office until Jan 1993 you bloody idiot! Bush 41 & Co. were responsible for NAFTA. Damn but you low information history revisionists never stop your stupidity and lying!

Actually NAFTA is a credited to creating 5 million job... Some economic analysts say that this trade agreement was a main cause of the 90's boom and the surplus...
Even if that were true, I don't see the relevance to my post debunking the partisan lies presented in the OP, nor to my implication that NAFTA was a GOP Reagan/Bush 41 creation with the OP's author attempt to link Clinton to its creation and implementation.

However, I was alive and well back in the 1990's and still recall the "giant sucking sound" of jobs headed South to Mexico and the doors clanging shut at factories here in the US, to say nothing about the damages done to the Pacific Northwest's timber industry and fisheries by the Canucks. I was adjunct facility at a Community College back then in WA and classes were full of unemployed loggers and mill workers.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.
You are full of uninformed bullshit you fraud! Clinton didn't negotiate NAFTA, FOOL! The Negotiations began in Feb 1991 and was signed by the three nations involved in Dec 1992. Clinton didn't take office until Jan 1993 you bloody idiot! Bush 41 & Co. were responsible for NAFTA. Damn but you low information history revisionists never stop your stupidity and lying!

Clinton signed it into law. He could have vetoed it.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

That's all well and good, but who will pay for my abortions?

Hillary 2016!

With less people, we will need less jobs dingleberry.
Your argument clearly indicates your stupidity.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

When she tried to appease the coal miners did she try and use a West Virginian southern accent? LOL The woman is pathetic
She panders in the most amateurish way.
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

When she tried to appease the coal miners did she try and use a West Virginian southern accent? LOL The woman is pathetic
She panders in the most amateurish way.

Yeah, one had to cringe when she tried to talk "black"....that was pathetic
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.
You are full of uninformed bullshit you fraud! Clinton didn't negotiate NAFTA, FOOL! The Negotiations began in Feb 1991 and was signed by the three nations involved in Dec 1992. Clinton didn't take office until Jan 1993 you bloody idiot! Bush 41 & Co. were responsible for NAFTA. Damn but you low information history revisionists never stop your stupidity and lying!

Actually NAFTA is a credited to creating 5 million job... Some economic analysts say that this trade agreement was a main cause of the 90's boom and the surplus...
Even if that were true, I don't see the relevance to my post debunking the partisan lies presented in the OP, nor to my implication that NAFTA was a GOP Reagan/Bush 41 creation with the OP's author attempt to link Clinton to its creation and implementation.

However, I was alive and well back in the 1990's and still recall the "giant sucking sound" of jobs headed South to Mexico and the doors clanging shut at factories here in the US, to say nothing about the damages done to the Pacific Northwest's timber industry and fisheries by the Canucks. I was adjunct facility at a Community College back then in WA and classes were full of unemployed loggers and mill workers.
And Clinton finished negotiations and added two additional side agreements. He could of vetoed it out of respect for the millions of industrial Union workers that have voted Democrat since FDR. Instead he had Al Gore debate Ross Perot on national television. He signed it...it's his.
Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

hey moron, you may want to revisit your avatar.....

In three separate ceremonies in the three capitals on Dec. 17, 1992, President G.H. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney signed the historic North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
this woman is a pathological liar and deceiver. In her rambling screech to DNC last night she said she would have fair trade deals and provide jobs for coal miners. Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

Actually, it was your idol Bush41 who negotiated NAFTA.....Clinton signed the deal
Clinton finished negotiations after fast track failed. He signed it...his baby.
Lying bitch. Her husband negotiated NAFTA and she supported it and she already has said she will put coal miners out of a job...to their faces.

hey moron, you may want to revisit your avatar.....

In three separate ceremonies in the three capitals on Dec. 17, 1992, President G.H. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney signed the historic North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Clinton finished it and signed it...millions of people who voted for him and trusted him lost their jobs.

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