Hillary lost her own demographic -- white women, even educated white women


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
More white women voted for Donald Trump than for Hillary Clinton

What a worthless candidate who can't even win her own demographic, white women.

What are the Democrats to do now that their entire campaign to convince women that Republicans were waging "war" on them has come to a crashing, resounding, humiliating defeat?

I remember how this so-called "War on Women" started, when Republicans were defending religiously owned companies and church organizations who didn't want to be forced to pay for contraception as part of their health insurance.

This stand for religious freedom was twisted and distorted and lied about, but guess what?

The lie didn't work, proving that women are a lot smarter than Democrats give them credit for.

Maybe Democrats now need to apologize to women for underestimating their intelligence!!!
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.
Woops, made a mistake on the headline. 51% of EDUCATED white women voted for Hillary, 45% for Trump. That's a majority, but still pretty weak considering Hillary was the first major party candidate that was a woman. Why did so many white women reject Hillary? I think it's mostly because she is such a crook, and would have been impeached if elected, just like her husband was. I remember those horrible days, and I think most women who lived through the Clinton era remembered her horrible treatment of Clinton's victims.
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.

HAHAHA. Your silly degree in ancient etruscan mythology doesn't make you educated. In fact it shows how dumb you are that you wasted 4 years and $100,000 learning something of no value in the market place.
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.
But a majority of white women voted for Trump. How do you account for that?

I doubt that. The poorly educated voted for Trump.
Democrats used to celebrate the poorly educated voter, who they called the "backbone of America" and the "heroic working class." How did the alliance between working class voters and the Democratic Party turn from an alliance to contempt? It's because the Democrats turned leftward, seeking upper-class urban voters, and abandoned rural people and the Southern states. Now Democrats HATE the working class. What assholes.
I don't think anybody voted for her but the illegals and the welfare trash and they had no choice. Most people hate hillary. She SHOUTS at everyone and that is a big turnoff.
Union Steelworkers and Teamsters do not celebrate transgenders sharing bathrooms with their wives and daughters. Democrats harassed anybody who was against gay marriage and transgenderism.. The democrats walked away from God fearing, working class people.
The Democratic party has always been good a pooling small special interest groups into a large enough block to be successful. I think their problem came from ignoring their original base to pander to those same small special interest groups. Although they got that vote, they lost more of their base who were never really on board with some of the radical special interests celebrated by their party. It cost them the election and they need to get back to their base if they want to get back to winning elections.

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