Hillary lost her own demographic -- white women, even educated white women

I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.
But a majority of white women voted for Trump. How do you account for that?

I doubt that. The poorly educated voted for Trump.

Oh look who can parrot what the media has been saying. Thing is Trump won the "uneducated whites" as well as the college educated ones. Which means he won the majority of ALL whites regardless of education and gender. But you can't bring yourself to admit that, so you have to go around saying he won "uneducated".

Funny how you lefties aren't running around bragging about Hillary winning the "uneducated blacks" and the "uneducated Latinos", since those are just about the only demographics she won.
This discussion is so common between stereotypical party partisans. “My side, the educated, hard working, and super intelligent voted for X while your side, the ignorant, lazy rubes voted for Y.” This is why so many people don't affiliate with either party and the party snobs that can't think of things without a prejudicial slant. It's time to realize some people of every segment voted for each candidate and now it's time to shut up and attempt to get something done.
Yesterday Schumer claimed that "all the Democrat policies to help everyone were 'stolen' by the Republicans" and that's the reason the DEMS got their asses kicked so bad.
This is seriously how fucking stupid the DEMs are!
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.

HAHAHA. Your silly degree in ancient etruscan mythology doesn't make you educated. In fact it shows how dumb you are that you wasted 4 years and $100,000 learning something of no value in the market place.

Ha Ha, that was self study, my work is in the health field.
Yet you continually advocate men having their penises ripped off. Strange indeed :cuckoo:
This discussion is so common between stereotypical party partisans. “My side, the educated, hard working, and super intelligent voted for X while your side, the ignorant, lazy rubes voted for Y.” This is why so many people don't affiliate with either party and the party snobs that can't think of things without a prejudicial slant. It's time to realize some people of every segment voted for each candidate and now it's time to shut up and attempt to get something done.

Are you saying I am a ignorant lazy rube?
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.

HAHAHA. Your silly degree in ancient etruscan mythology doesn't make you educated. In fact it shows how dumb you are that you wasted 4 years and $100,000 learning something of no value in the market place.

Ha Ha, that was self study, my work is in the health field.
Yet you continually advocate men having their penises ripped off. Strange indeed :cuckoo:

Those who walk away when getting a woman pregnant. Yes I think its time they pay for screwing around. That also was in reference to the abortion thread, and no other. So I am not all the time advocating for men to have their penises ripped off. The men I know are real men and deserve having a penis.
Those who walk away when getting a woman pregnant. Yes I think its time they pay for screwing around. .

No - ever since abortion was legalized, that argument has been void. The birth is now entirely the woman's fault. THINK
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.

HAHAHA. Your silly degree in ancient etruscan mythology doesn't make you educated. In fact it shows how dumb you are that you wasted 4 years and $100,000 learning something of no value in the market place.

Ha Ha, that was self study, my work is in the health field.
Yet you continually advocate men having their penises ripped off. Strange indeed :cuckoo:

Those who walk away when getting a woman pregnant. Yes I think its time they pay for screwing around. That also was in reference to the abortion thread, and no other. So I am not all the time advocating for men to have their penises ripped off. The men I know are real men and deserve having a penis.
You also said Trump should have his penis ripped off. It's pretty worrying that you work in health care.
I voted for her. I suspect many educated white women voted for Hillary.

HAHAHA. Your silly degree in ancient etruscan mythology doesn't make you educated. In fact it shows how dumb you are that you wasted 4 years and $100,000 learning something of no value in the market place.

Ha Ha, that was self study, my work is in the health field.
Yet you continually advocate men having their penises ripped off. Strange indeed :cuckoo:

Those who walk away when getting a woman pregnant. Yes I think its time they pay for screwing around. That also was in reference to the abortion thread, and no other. So I am not all the time advocating for men to have their penises ripped off. The men I know are real men and deserve having a penis.
Like I said :cuckoo:
This discussion is so common between stereotypical party partisans. “My side, the educated, hard working, and super intelligent voted for X while your side, the ignorant, lazy rubes voted for Y.” This is why so many people don't affiliate with either party and the party snobs that can't think of things without a prejudicial slant. It's time to realize some people of every segment voted for each candidate and now it's time to shut up and attempt to get something done.

Are you saying I am a ignorant lazy rube?

Nope. Not being a partisan hack, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that both you and the hacks from the other party are saying that about each other. Both sides think they are the intelligent and the others are rubes. That's why I believe the parties should be abolished. However I'm sure the libs will call the conservs rubes just like the conservs call the libs rubes so I suppose not much will change. Both sides got votes from each demographic. In this election it was not more intelligent to vote for one crook over the other. Of course both sides claim their crook is being persecuted and the other crook is worse.

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