Hillary on abortion


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
In a speech last week, Hillary Clinton lamented that too many women are supposedly denied abortions. The Democratic presidential candidate came under fire for that pro-abortion comment, but she also is drawing widespread condemnation for another remark in the speech.

The comment has Hillary Clinton essentially saying that Christians must be forced to change their religious views to accommodate abortions.

“Far too many women are still denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” Clinton said, using the euphemism for abortion.

“Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton argued. “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed,: That is not going over well with pro-life advocates.

Bill Donohue of the Catholic League let Hillary have it in his remarks to LifeNews.

“It was not surprising that Hillary Clinton, who strongly opposes a ban on partial-birth abortion, would tell her feminist audience that she supports Planned Parenthood. What was surprising was her comment on the need to change religious beliefs on abortion,” he said. “In others words, Hillary has a problem with the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion—they must be changed.”

“Never before have we seen a presidential candidate be this bold about directly confronting the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion. It’s time for Hillary to take the next step and tell us exactly what she plans to do about delivering on her pledge. Not only would practicing Catholics like to know, so would Evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and all those who value life from conception to natural death,” Donohue added.
So how will Hillary reprogram those who dare to oppose her in any way?

Just off the top of my head, I can think of two approaches. She will either have to trash Christianity or create an abortion loving Jesus.
Minorities account for majority of abortions...

CDC Report: 55.4% of Aborted Babies Black or Hispanic
November 30, 2015 – The latest abortion surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which was published Friday but covers the year 2012, says that in the 26 states that reported abortions by the race and ethnicity of the women having the abortions, 55.4 percent were performed on black or Hispanic mothers.
There were 699,202 abortions in 47 states and the District of Columbia reported to the CDC for 2012. (California, Maryland and New Hampshire did not report their abortion numbers to the CDC.) Twenty-six states also reported abortions by known race and ethnicity. These included a total of 405,795 abortions. Among these abortions categorized by race and ethnicity – see Table 12 in the surveillance report – the CDC says there were 148,971 black babies killed by abortion in 2012 (36.7% of the 405,795) and 75,868 Hispanic babies (18.7%).


Combined, blacks and Hispanics accounted for 55.4% of the 405,795 abortions reported by race and ethnicity. For whites, there were 152,673 abortions, or 37.6% of the total. In another category labeled “other” there were 28,283 abortions, or 7% of the total. The “other” category includes Asians and Native Americans, as well as ethnicity reported as “unknown.” The Census Bureau says that blacks make up 13.2% of the U.S. population and Hispanics comprise 17.4% of the population. Combined, blacks and Hispanics make up 30.6% of the population, yet 55.4% of the abortion reported by race were of black and Hispanic babies.

Every year, the CDC requests abortion data from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City. But not all states or areas report. For Table 12, the cross-classified race/ethnicity data, only 26 states reported--and also New York City (as a subset of New York state). The 25 jurisdications that did not report included Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

CDC Report: 55.4% of Aborted Babies Black or Hispanic

See also:

CDC Report: 76.4% of Aborted Babies in NYC Are Black or Hispanic
November 30, 2015 -- The latest abortion surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which was published on Friday but covers the year 2012, shows that in New York City 76.4% of the abortions reported by race were of black and Hispanic babies.
The data from the CDC show there were 699,202 abortions reported to the CDC in 2012 from 47 states and the District of Columbia. (California, Maryland, and New Hampshire did not report their abortion numbers to the CDC.) The CDC also got numbers from New York City broken down by race: white, black, Hispanic, and other.


In total, there were 70,997 abortions in New York City in 2012. Among those abortions, 31,328 were black babies (44.1%); 22,917 were Hispanic babies (32.3%). That equals 54,245 abortions, or 76.4% of the total abortions in New York City.

Also, there were 9,704 white babies aborted (13.7%), and 7,048 “Other” babies aborted (9.9%) in New York City in 2012 – the "Other" children were Asian, Native American, or of “unknown” ethnicity. Blacks make up 25.5% of the population in New York City, according to the Census Bureau, and Hispanics comprise 28.6% of the population. Yet Hispanics and blacks equal 76.4% of the abortions in New York City.

CDC Report: 76.4% of Aborted Babies in NYC Are Black or Hispanic
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