Hillary outpolling Obama

Well I, for one, wasn't of the opinion that she was the right person either -- from the Dems standpoint that is.

Irrelevant. More people voted for Hillary in the primaries. She should be President right now, and we wouldn't be trillions of dollars more in debt.

They both received around 18,000,000 votes in the primaries. Hillary knew that Obama won the Superdelegates so she finally conceded but she didn't want to even then.

Democratic Party (United States) presidential primaries, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was the most interesting primary ever. I voted for her in the primary but I always knew that if she didn't win, he would be my choice. Imo, he is doing a much better job than she would have. He makes bold decisions with our nation's economic health in mind. She would have been more tentative now that I think better of it.

I love her in this position. I'm happy it turned out this way, he's right for the decisions that have to be made now.
Well I, for one, wasn't of the opinion that she was the right person either -- from the Dems standpoint that is.

Irrelevant. More people voted for Hillary in the primaries. She should be President right now, and we wouldn't be trillions of dollars more in debt.

Well... Look at that... The comment that was responded to has disappeared, and the response becomes "irrelevant". LOL!

Maybe instead of replacing Biden on the 2012 ticket, they should replace Obama and put the right person in charge.

Well I, for one, wasn't of the opinion that she was the right person either -- from the Dems standpoint that is.

Now maybe, instead of telling me something I already know, you'd like to tell me exactly why she's the "right" person -- starting with how it is you know "we wouldn't be trillions of dollars more in debt".

Washington - At the 100-day mark last week, Hillary Clinton could finally say she beat Barack Obama.

The most recent polls show Clinton with a whopping job approval rating of 71% as secretary of state, while the new President topped out at 65%.

Even among Hillary admirers, that lofty rating is a bit of a stunner, given her past reputation as one of the most polarizing figures on the American scene.

"She's acting like a statesman and diplomat and representing her President instead of herself," said a prominent Democrat. "She hasn't gone off on her own as many predicted. It's been very rehabilitating for her image."


It's a function of the spotlight, probably. If Clinton was pres and Obama SoS the MSM would be savaging Clinton and Obama would have higher polls.
Washington - At the 100-day mark last week, Hillary Clinton could finally say she beat Barack Obama.

The most recent polls show Clinton with a whopping job approval rating of 71% as secretary of state, while the new President topped out at 65%.

Even among Hillary admirers, that lofty rating is a bit of a stunner, given her past reputation as one of the most polarizing figures on the American scene.

"She's acting like a statesman and diplomat and representing her President instead of herself," said a prominent Democrat. "She hasn't gone off on her own as many predicted. It's been very rehabilitating for her image."


It's a function of the spotlight, probably. If Clinton was pres and Obama SoS the MSM would be savaging Clinton and Obama would have higher polls.

IF Clinton was Pres, SHE would have chosen Obama as her VP....
Well I, for one, wasn't of the opinion that she was the right person either -- from the Dems standpoint that is.

Irrelevant. More people voted for Hillary in the primaries. She should be President right now, and we wouldn't be trillions of dollars more in debt.

Oh, I don't know about that,, I remember Hillary saying "You cannot afford to do what I want to do." She would have gone slower though.
Well I, for one, wasn't of the opinion that she was the right person either -- from the Dems standpoint that is.

Irrelevant. More people voted for Hillary in the primaries. She should be President right now, and we wouldn't be trillions of dollars more in debt.

Hell ... she would have been much better, not perfect, but so much better than Obama.

Perhaps. My own preference would have been her for eight years with obama as her vp, but I doubt that she'd have gotten as much done as he has. And I doubt that if she won, she'd have won with the electoral votes that Obama did. I also doubt she'd have had any greater cooperation from the repubs than In fact, I suspect the Rushbots would already have been yelling about Vince Foster and Whitewater and looking for every possible opportunity to investigate her and Bill.

And the debt would be the same... because there wasn't a choice. In fact, it might have been greater b/c I'd have hoped that she'd have been savvy enough to tell the repubs they weren't getting any cuts in stimulus or tax cuts instead of infrastructure without getting anything in retun.

My opinion on the subject. And I say that as someone who would really have liked to see her win.

It's a function of the spotlight, probably. If Clinton was pres and Obama SoS the MSM would be savaging Clinton and Obama would have higher polls.

IF Clinton was Pres, SHE would have chosen Obama as her VP....

That simply isn't true, she had her own short list. VP wouldn't have been a great choice for either of them but a cabinet position is perfect.

The reason we don't have Republicans in office right now is because of their bad strategic moves and decisions. I don't think you can possibly know what was or in either Hillary or Obama's mindset in these decisions. Only Repub type guesses on your part here.
Irrelevant. More people voted for Hillary in the primaries. She should be President right now, and we wouldn't be trillions of dollars more in debt.

Hell ... she would have been much better, not perfect, but so much better than Obama.

Perhaps. My own preference would have been her for eight years with obama as her vp, but I doubt that she'd have gotten as much done as he has. And I doubt that if she won, she'd have won with the electoral votes that Obama did. I also doubt she'd have had any greater cooperation from the repubs than In fact, I suspect the Rushbots would already have been yelling about Vince Foster and Whitewater and looking for every possible opportunity to investigate her and Bill.

And the debt would be the same... because there wasn't a choice. In fact, it might have been greater b/c I'd have hoped that she'd have been savvy enough to tell the repubs they weren't getting any cuts in stimulus or tax cuts instead of infrastructure without getting anything in retun.

My opinion on the subject. And I say that as someone who would really have liked to see her win.

What has he done besides spend spend spend, and not interfere when the Navy had a job to do?

I would have (biting my own tongue) preferred Clinton as a Prez over Obama... thought she was the lesser of 2 extreme evils
Hell ... she would have been much better, not perfect, but so much better than Obama.

Perhaps. My own preference would have been her for eight years with obama as her vp, but I doubt that she'd have gotten as much done as he has. And I doubt that if she won, she'd have won with the electoral votes that Obama did. I also doubt she'd have had any greater cooperation from the repubs than In fact, I suspect the Rushbots would already have been yelling about Vince Foster and Whitewater and looking for every possible opportunity to investigate her and Bill.

And the debt would be the same... because there wasn't a choice. In fact, it might have been greater b/c I'd have hoped that she'd have been savvy enough to tell the repubs they weren't getting any cuts in stimulus or tax cuts instead of infrastructure without getting anything in retun.

My opinion on the subject. And I say that as someone who would really have liked to see her win.

What has he done besides spend spend spend, and not interfere when the Navy had a job to do?

I would have (biting my own tongue) preferred Clinton as a Prez over Obama... thought she was the lesser of 2 extreme evils

If she had won, you all might have been saying Obama should have won. Isn't it true that Republicans just can't stand Democrats in office especially considering the numbers in which they have been elected?

Her priority was so called socialist healthcare anyway and she would have giving Bill some great appointment. That would have sent you all into a tailspin as well.
Perhaps. My own preference would have been her for eight years with obama as her vp, but I doubt that she'd have gotten as much done as he has. And I doubt that if she won, she'd have won with the electoral votes that Obama did.

Right, she would have had more.

And the debt would be the same... because there wasn't a choice.

There was a choice. Do you seriously buy into the fearmongering this administration used during its first 100 days? I give you more credit than that.

The debt wouldn't be the same, because Hillary's not going to increase spending without the money there to pay for it. I would assume that she has her husband's mindset when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Obama clearly has his wife's - spend, spend, spend.
Perhaps. My own preference would have been her for eight years with obama as her vp, but I doubt that she'd have gotten as much done as he has. And I doubt that if she won, she'd have won with the electoral votes that Obama did.

Right, she would have had more.

And the debt would be the same... because there wasn't a choice.

There was a choice. Do you seriously buy into the fearmongering this administration used during its first 100 days? I give you more credit than that.

The debt wouldn't be the same, because Hillary's not going to increase spending without the money there to pay for it. I would assume that she has her husband's mindset when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Obama clearly has his wife's - spend, spend, spend.

I don't think there was a choice regarding the banks (well, the bandleader/luka brazzi comes to mind). but there certainly was a choice regarding the other bailouts.
Perhaps. My own preference would have been her for eight years with obama as her vp, but I doubt that she'd have gotten as much done as he has. And I doubt that if she won, she'd have won with the electoral votes that Obama did. I also doubt she'd have had any greater cooperation from the repubs than In fact, I suspect the Rushbots would already have been yelling about Vince Foster and Whitewater and looking for every possible opportunity to investigate her and Bill.

And the debt would be the same... because there wasn't a choice. In fact, it might have been greater b/c I'd have hoped that she'd have been savvy enough to tell the repubs they weren't getting any cuts in stimulus or tax cuts instead of infrastructure without getting anything in retun.

My opinion on the subject. And I say that as someone who would really have liked to see her win.

What has he done besides spend spend spend, and not interfere when the Navy had a job to do?

I would have (biting my own tongue) preferred Clinton as a Prez over Obama... thought she was the lesser of 2 extreme evils

If she had won, you all might have been saying Obama should have won. Isn't it true that Republicans just can't stand Democrats in office especially considering the numbers in which they have been elected?

Her priority was so called socialist healthcare anyway and she would have giving Bill some great appointment. That would have sent you all into a tailspin as well.

Not saying that I would have agreed with her on the majority of her stances... however.. I feel she was slightly less extreme than Obama (though not by much)...

Yes... I would be screaming against her healthcare attempts, but we are screaming against them with Obama as well... no difference there

I don't think I ever would be saying that Obama 'should have won'... I cannot see any instance where I would have preferred him over any other candidate in the race that could/would have won
Right, she would have had more.

I disagree. Of course, this is speculation, but her campaign wasn't run nearly as well as his and I think that it would have, again, come down to Florida and Ohio.

There was a choice. Do you seriously buy into the fearmongering this administration used during its first 100 days? I give you more credit than that.

I believe Paul Krugman's economic concepts are more correct than the "laissez faire" right wing stuff. As far as I'm concerned, what happened was the logical culmination of "voodoo economics" and de-regulation. Personally, I'd have wanted to see a LOT more infrastructure funding.

The debt wouldn't be the same, because Hillary's not going to increase spending without the money there to pay for it. I would assume that she has her husband's mindset when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Obama clearly has his wife's - spend, spend, spend.

I'll ignore the slap at Michelle because I think she's irrelevant to the discussion. I thought Bill Clinton's policies were largely good because I'd consider myself more of a "new democrat". On the other hand, it's become clear that things like NAFTA were very bad for us. Hillary didn't always agree with her husband then, and I assume she wouldn't now.

I don't think there was a choice regarding the banks (well, the bandleader/luka brazzi comes to mind). but there certainly was a choice regarding the other bailouts.

I don't think Hillary would have given a preference to people who shower at the beginning of their day over people who shower at the end of their day either.
I disagree. Of course, this is speculation, but her campaign wasn't run nearly as well as his and I think that it would have, again, come down to Florida and Ohio.

She would have picked up states that Obama did not win - like Arkansas and Missouri, and a few of the Northwestern States that were close. Hillary beat Obama in Florida, she would have had no problem beating McCain there as well.

As was said, she likely would have chosen Obama as her Vice President, as well. That being the case, she would have had no problem carrying most of the electorate that Obama carried.

I believe Paul Krugman's economic concepts are more correct than the "laissez faire" right wing stuff. As far as I'm concerned, what happened was the logical culmination of "voodoo economics" and de-regulation. Personally, I'd have wanted to see a LOT more infrastructure funding.

A simple, "Yes, I did buy into it," would suffice.

I thought Bill Clinton's policies were largely good because I'd consider myself more of a "new democrat". On the other hand, it's become clear that things like NAFTA were very bad for us. Hillary didn't always agree with her husband then, and I assume she wouldn't now.

No, Hillary and Bill are not completely in sync when it comes to their politics, but I'm assuming that economic responsibility is something that is practiced in the home that translates over into politics.
She would have picked up states that Obama did not win - like Arkansas and Missouri, and a few of the Northwestern States that were close. Hillary beat Obama in Florida, she would have had no problem beating McCain there as well.

As was said, she likely would have chosen Obama as her Vice President, as well. That being the case, she would have had no problem carrying most of the electorate that Obama carried.

again, you could be right. and you may recall that i thought nominating obama was goingto cost us the election. so i'm certainly no seer. on the other hand, i didn't anticipate mccain making such a bad VP choice or the economy tanking the way it did. That has to be taken into consideration, too. Had Obama not gotten the nomination, McCain would not have tried to get disaffected Hillary voters by nominating a woman. I suspect he'd have nominated Romney... and I'm not sure your numbers would have played out. I also hate to say this, I don't think she would have picked obama. there was an awful lot of bad blood by the end. Ready? I think she'd have picked Biden too.

A simple, "Yes, I did buy into it," would suffice.

over the protestations of the same people who were wrong for almost thirty years?

No, Hillary and Bill are not completely in sync when it comes to their politics, but I'm assuming that economic responsibility is something that is practiced in the home that translates over into politics.

depends on what you think economic responsibility is.
Right, she would have had more.

I disagree. Of course, this is speculation, but her campaign wasn't run nearly as well as his and I think that it would have, again, come down to Florida and Ohio.

I agree, but it was also the fact that the black vote, which made up roughly 30% of the primary electorate, and which should have favored Clinton against white candidates, went very heavily Obama; and lots of people just don't like the Clintons.
Had this news broken before super Tuesday, Clinton would be our President now. I wished that would have happened because Clinton is alot more middle of the road than the leftist we have in there now.
Had this news broken before super Tuesday, Clinton would be our President now. I wished that would have happened because Clinton is alot more middle of the road than the leftist we have in there now.

I would not go THAT far... she's still pretty far left (just review her voting record and her stances)... but she is not as extreme as the extreme lefty Obama

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