Hillary Private Emails Regarding Iraq War Allegedly Published


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
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What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.

You understand that those EMails were released by the State Department, and Wikileaks only published a link to those released emails, right? Wikileaks didn't release any information they gathered on their own.
Hillary Clinton Email Archive
On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

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What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.

You understand that those EMails were released by the State Department, and Wikileaks only published a link to those released emails, right? Wikileaks didn't release any information they gathered on their own.

I actually TRIED to read more about the article, but that was all there was to it. I get to learn about it by posting it here... much more fun to learn that way then read articles on the internet :)
Maybe THESE emails about the Iraq war are different?
Okay got it, here is the scoop:

Guys, these aren't new. Says right at the top - the emails are from the February release. The WikiLeaks tweet was in reference to the upcoming "Chilcot report", in which they are reminding people of these Clinton-Iraq emails, not releasing anything new.
The leftists are in panic mode.

Blog: Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspective
July 4, 2016
Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspective
By Michael Bargo, Jr.
There are many interesting, if unsettling, similarities and differences between Hillary Clinton’s intentional use of a private, unauthorized email server to store her email communications while secretary of state and Julian Assange’s aggressive solicitation, storage, and distribution of classified information through his WikiLeaks website.

Hillary Clinton established a private email server that could easily be hacked by internet hackers worldwide, and one has admitted to hacking her server. Assange obtained his information from computer specialists in the armed forces and other government sources over the internet. Hillary put her own emails, and responses to her emails, on her private server. She didn't need to rely on sources.

Assange agreed to the redaction of names. Hillary didn't need to be asked to redact names, since she redacted them herself.

Assange has publicly admitted to setting up an international server network to distribute classified information. Hillary Clinton went for years refusing to acknowledge the existence of a private server. Eventually, she gave the excuse that it was a mistake.

Assange never hid the fact that he distributed classified information, Hillary Clinton continues to deny that anything was classified, giving the excuse that nothing was marked classified. Assange never made the excuse that emails were not marked.

Assange is criticized for the fact that his release of classified information may lead to the death of intelligence operatives around the world. Hillary’s information may have led to the outing of American CIA and State operatives around the world, but no one has seen this as a serious issue.

Assange has not considered running for any political office. Hillary Clinton is actively running to be president.

Assange openly boasts of his distribution of illegally obtained classified information. Hillary Clinton denied it for over two years and still refuses to cooperate and delays the release of information.

Hillary Clinton violated State Department protocols and procedures for handling classified communications. Assange’s actions were never under the purview of government protocols.

Hillary Clinton made classified information available to anyone with a relatively low-level knowledge of hacking. Assange also made classified information available and enabled open access on his website WikiLeaks.

Assange, through his WikiLeaks website, did a great disservice to the American people as well as persons in other nations. Hillary Clinton also did a great disservice to the American people as well as persons throughout the world.

Julian Assange never took an oath to protect the confidentiality of the classified information he published on WikiLeaks. Hillary Clinton took an oath to protect the confidentiality of information she placed on her private, easily hacked server.

Julian Assange has been threatened with prosecution for violating the U.S. Espionage Act. Hillary Clinton has not been officially threatened with prosecution.

Assange has been called a hero for revealing documents the government wants to keep secret. Hillary Clinton has not been called a hero for failing to secure classified documents under her care.

Assange admits to distributing classified information. Hillary Clinton does not readily admit to allowing classified information to be distributed by hackers.

Assange obtains information from hundreds of government employees around the world. Hillary's emails were created by herself, other State employees, and her staff.

Hillary Clinton violated U.S. federal laws by establishing a private server. Assange did not violate any laws by establishing his network of servers; only the information he placed on them was a violation of law. For Hillary, both the use of a private server and the placement of State Department emails on it were violations of federal law.

Assange was not a government employee when he established WikiLeaks and his server network. Hillary was a high-level government employee when she established her illegal email server.

Assange’s servers were not illegal. Hillary's server violates federal law through its very existence.

Assange merely passed along information emailed to him by others. Hillary created classified communications and hid them, in an insecure manner, on her private server.

Assange never knowingly destroyed the information placed on his servers; he wanted all the information made available to the world. Hillary Clinton deleted over 30,000 emails, which is itself another federal crime.

Assange and Hillary both made it possible for persons to use the internet to obtain classified information.

President Obama has stated that Hillary did nothing wrong. No president has ever said Assange did nothing wrong.

Assange exposed government impropriety, Hillary covered up her own impropriety.

Assange never profited personally from his activities. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton both were paid millions through deals that may have been made through her server emails.

A military intelligence specialist, Bradley Manning, was kept in prison for three years without a trial for sending classified information to Assange over the internet. No one has admitted any wrongdoing in the setting up and use of Hillary’s private server. Hillary's I.T. specialist cited Fifth Amendment immunity 125 times at one deposition and hasn't spent one minute in prison.
Okay got it, here is the scoop:

Guys, these aren't new. Says right at the top - the emails are from the February release. The WikiLeaks tweet was in reference to the upcoming "Chilcot report", in which they are reminding people of these Clinton-Iraq emails, not releasing anything new.
They won't care, it all about damage control at this point.
View attachment 80484

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
View attachment 80484

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.
View attachment 80484

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
View attachment 80484

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
View attachment 80484

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
Nothing has been put to bed YET !!!!!!!
It's all still being investigated. The latest round happened this past Saturday, July 2nd.
We're still waiting for all the results to come in. Nothing is final YET !!!
The fat lady is just warming up backstage.

It ain't over 'til it's over.
View attachment 80484

What are your thoughts on this?
Apparently WikiLeaks posted them on Twitter. I have not seen them.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
Nothing has been put to bed YET !!!!!!!
It's all still being investigated. The latest round happened this past Saturday, July 2nd.
We're still waiting for all the results to come in. Nothing is final YET !!!
The fat lady is just warming up backstage.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

For at least 9 minutes more. Benghazi is over with.
Put her in prison.
She violated State Department rules.
She used the same server for both State Department business and for personal business.
Her daughter erased some e-mails.
She under FBI investigation.

Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
Nothing has been put to bed YET !!!!!!!
It's all still being investigated. The latest round happened this past Saturday, July 2nd.
We're still waiting for all the results to come in. Nothing is final YET !!!
The fat lady is just warming up backstage.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

For at least 9 minutes more. Benghazi is over with.
Yea, right, OK.

FYI - It'll be a long time before anyone forgets the tragedy. It'll be a long time before all of the facts come out.
FYI - Wishful thinking just doesn't work, my friend.
Well, it looks like she is under investigation for at least 32 more minutes. I guess you'll have to find something else to whine about after that.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
Nothing has been put to bed YET !!!!!!!
It's all still being investigated. The latest round happened this past Saturday, July 2nd.
We're still waiting for all the results to come in. Nothing is final YET !!!
The fat lady is just warming up backstage.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

For at least 9 minutes more. Benghazi is over with.
Yea, right, OK.

FYI - It'll be a long time before anyone forgets the tragedy. It'll be a long time before all of the facts come out.
FYI - Wishful thinking just doesn't work, my friend.

I know. The RWNJs don't ever let a conspiracy theory fade. They are still trying to resurrect stories about Vince Foster and Hillary's work on the Nixon investigation. Fortunately, the sane world just laughs at them, but you're right. They just can't let it go no matter what the facts are.
FYI - I haven't seen nor heard anyone whining. And, I'm not whining either. Who have you seen whining?
I don't whine, there's no need to.

The Benghazi investigation blew up in your face, and now the email investigation looks like it's blowing up. What made up accusation are you going to come up with next?
Nothing has been put to bed YET !!!!!!!
It's all still being investigated. The latest round happened this past Saturday, July 2nd.
We're still waiting for all the results to come in. Nothing is final YET !!!
The fat lady is just warming up backstage.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

For at least 9 minutes more. Benghazi is over with.
Yea, right, OK.

FYI - It'll be a long time before anyone forgets the tragedy. It'll be a long time before all of the facts come out.
FYI - Wishful thinking just doesn't work, my friend.

I know. The RWNJs don't ever let a conspiracy theory fade. They are still trying to resurrect stories about Vince Foster and Hillary's work on the Nixon investigation. Fortunately, the sane world just laughs at them, but you're right. They just can't let it go no matter what the facts are.
The leftists are in panic mode.

Blog: Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspective
July 4, 2016
Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspective
By Michael Bargo, Jr.
There are many interesting, if unsettling, similarities and differences between Hillary Clinton’s intentional use of a private, unauthorized email server to store her email communications while secretary of state and Julian Assange’s aggressive solicitation, storage, and distribution of classified information through his WikiLeaks website.

Hillary Clinton established a private email server that could easily be hacked by internet hackers worldwide, and one has admitted to hacking her server. Assange obtained his information from computer specialists in the armed forces and other government sources over the internet. Hillary put her own emails, and responses to her emails, on her private server. She didn't need to rely on sources.

Assange agreed to the redaction of names. Hillary didn't need to be asked to redact names, since she redacted them herself.

Assange has publicly admitted to setting up an international server network to distribute classified information. Hillary Clinton went for years refusing to acknowledge the existence of a private server. Eventually, she gave the excuse that it was a mistake.

Assange never hid the fact that he distributed classified information, Hillary Clinton continues to deny that anything was classified, giving the excuse that nothing was marked classified. Assange never made the excuse that emails were not marked.

Assange is criticized for the fact that his release of classified information may lead to the death of intelligence operatives around the world. Hillary’s information may have led to the outing of American CIA and State operatives around the world, but no one has seen this as a serious issue.

Assange has not considered running for any political office. Hillary Clinton is actively running to be president.

Assange openly boasts of his distribution of illegally obtained classified information. Hillary Clinton denied it for over two years and still refuses to cooperate and delays the release of information.

Hillary Clinton violated State Department protocols and procedures for handling classified communications. Assange’s actions were never under the purview of government protocols.

Hillary Clinton made classified information available to anyone with a relatively low-level knowledge of hacking. Assange also made classified information available and enabled open access on his website WikiLeaks.

Assange, through his WikiLeaks website, did a great disservice to the American people as well as persons in other nations. Hillary Clinton also did a great disservice to the American people as well as persons throughout the world.

Julian Assange never took an oath to protect the confidentiality of the classified information he published on WikiLeaks. Hillary Clinton took an oath to protect the confidentiality of information she placed on her private, easily hacked server.

Julian Assange has been threatened with prosecution for violating the U.S. Espionage Act. Hillary Clinton has not been officially threatened with prosecution.

Assange has been called a hero for revealing documents the government wants to keep secret. Hillary Clinton has not been called a hero for failing to secure classified documents under her care.

Assange admits to distributing classified information. Hillary Clinton does not readily admit to allowing classified information to be distributed by hackers.

Assange obtains information from hundreds of government employees around the world. Hillary's emails were created by herself, other State employees, and her staff.

Hillary Clinton violated U.S. federal laws by establishing a private server. Assange did not violate any laws by establishing his network of servers; only the information he placed on them was a violation of law. For Hillary, both the use of a private server and the placement of State Department emails on it were violations of federal law.

Assange was not a government employee when he established WikiLeaks and his server network. Hillary was a high-level government employee when she established her illegal email server.

Assange’s servers were not illegal. Hillary's server violates federal law through its very existence.

Assange merely passed along information emailed to him by others. Hillary created classified communications and hid them, in an insecure manner, on her private server.

Assange never knowingly destroyed the information placed on his servers; he wanted all the information made available to the world. Hillary Clinton deleted over 30,000 emails, which is itself another federal crime.

Assange and Hillary both made it possible for persons to use the internet to obtain classified information.

President Obama has stated that Hillary did nothing wrong. No president has ever said Assange did nothing wrong.

Assange exposed government impropriety, Hillary covered up her own impropriety.

Assange never profited personally from his activities. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton both were paid millions through deals that may have been made through her server emails.

A military intelligence specialist, Bradley Manning, was kept in prison for three years without a trial for sending classified information to Assange over the internet. No one has admitted any wrongdoing in the setting up and use of Hillary’s private server. Hillary's I.T. specialist cited Fifth Amendment immunity 125 times at one deposition and hasn't spent one minute in prison.

LOL! panic mode????? did ya get the memo btw? Hillary was stupid, as was powell & condi. but she ain't guilty of any crime & there never was any 'panic'. now what the (R)s gonna do?

first benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii showed no intentional wrongdoing took place & now this ruling? :itsok:

neener neener.
Last edited:
The leftists are in panic mode.

Blog: Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspective
July 4, 2016
Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspective
By Michael Bargo, Jr.
There are many interesting, if unsettling, similarities and differences between Hillary Clinton’s intentional use of a private, unauthorized email server to store her email communications while secretary of state and Julian Assange’s aggressive solicitation, storage, and distribution of classified information through his WikiLeaks website.

Hillary Clinton established a private email server that could easily be hacked by internet hackers worldwide, and one has admitted to hacking her server. Assange obtained his information from computer specialists in the armed forces and other government sources over the internet. Hillary put her own emails, and responses to her emails, on her private server. She didn't need to rely on sources.

Assange agreed to the redaction of names. Hillary didn't need to be asked to redact names, since she redacted them herself.

Assange has publicly admitted to setting up an international server network to distribute classified information. Hillary Clinton went for years refusing to acknowledge the existence of a private server. Eventually, she gave the excuse that it was a mistake.

Assange never hid the fact that he distributed classified information, Hillary Clinton continues to deny that anything was classified, giving the excuse that nothing was marked classified. Assange never made the excuse that emails were not marked.

Assange is criticized for the fact that his release of classified information may lead to the death of intelligence operatives around the world. Hillary’s information may have led to the outing of American CIA and State operatives around the world, but no one has seen this as a serious issue.

Assange has not considered running for any political office. Hillary Clinton is actively running to be president.

Assange openly boasts of his distribution of illegally obtained classified information. Hillary Clinton denied it for over two years and still refuses to cooperate and delays the release of information.

Hillary Clinton violated State Department protocols and procedures for handling classified communications. Assange’s actions were never under the purview of government protocols.

Hillary Clinton made classified information available to anyone with a relatively low-level knowledge of hacking. Assange also made classified information available and enabled open access on his website WikiLeaks.

Assange, through his WikiLeaks website, did a great disservice to the American people as well as persons in other nations. Hillary Clinton also did a great disservice to the American people as well as persons throughout the world.

Julian Assange never took an oath to protect the confidentiality of the classified information he published on WikiLeaks. Hillary Clinton took an oath to protect the confidentiality of information she placed on her private, easily hacked server.

Julian Assange has been threatened with prosecution for violating the U.S. Espionage Act. Hillary Clinton has not been officially threatened with prosecution.

Assange has been called a hero for revealing documents the government wants to keep secret. Hillary Clinton has not been called a hero for failing to secure classified documents under her care.

Assange admits to distributing classified information. Hillary Clinton does not readily admit to allowing classified information to be distributed by hackers.

Assange obtains information from hundreds of government employees around the world. Hillary's emails were created by herself, other State employees, and her staff.

Hillary Clinton violated U.S. federal laws by establishing a private server. Assange did not violate any laws by establishing his network of servers; only the information he placed on them was a violation of law. For Hillary, both the use of a private server and the placement of State Department emails on it were violations of federal law.

Assange was not a government employee when he established WikiLeaks and his server network. Hillary was a high-level government employee when she established her illegal email server.

Assange’s servers were not illegal. Hillary's server violates federal law through its very existence.

Assange merely passed along information emailed to him by others. Hillary created classified communications and hid them, in an insecure manner, on her private server.

Assange never knowingly destroyed the information placed on his servers; he wanted all the information made available to the world. Hillary Clinton deleted over 30,000 emails, which is itself another federal crime.

Assange and Hillary both made it possible for persons to use the internet to obtain classified information.

President Obama has stated that Hillary did nothing wrong. No president has ever said Assange did nothing wrong.

Assange exposed government impropriety, Hillary covered up her own impropriety.

Assange never profited personally from his activities. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton both were paid millions through deals that may have been made through her server emails.

A military intelligence specialist, Bradley Manning, was kept in prison for three years without a trial for sending classified information to Assange over the internet. No one has admitted any wrongdoing in the setting up and use of Hillary’s private server. Hillary's I.T. specialist cited Fifth Amendment immunity 125 times at one deposition and hasn't spent one minute in prison.

LOL! panic mode????? did ya get the memo btw? Hillary was stupid, as was powell & condi. but she ain't guilty of any crime & there never was any 'panic'. now what the (R)s gonna do?

first benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii showed no intentional wrongdoing took place & now this ruling? :itsok:

neener neener.
Yeah right, no intentional wrong doing, LOL, just dangerous off the charts stupidity and carelessness. She was also notified it was wrong but did it anyway and she did it to keep all the info to herself. Not to mention her lies about not getting classified emails. Then she deleted the evidence and claimed all she got rid of was family shit, which turns out to be a lie as well. I suspect the "R"s will run with it so you can stuff your neener where it doesn't shine.

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